libgit2 / libgit2sharp

Git + .NET = ❤
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Commands.Run(string repoUrl, params string[] commands) missing #1997

Open shabakett opened 1 year ago

shabakett commented 1 year ago

A great option to be added is: Commands.Run(string repoUrl, params string[] commands) method.


Commands.Run(@"D:\repo", $"ls-remote {fromRepo} refs/heads/master");
Commands.Run(@"D:\repo", $"fetch --force --progress {fromRepo} master");
Commands.Run(@"file:///D:/repo", $"checkout master");
Commands.Run(@"file://localhost/repo", $"reset --hard FETCH_HEAD");
Commands.Run(@"git://localhost/repo", $"reflog expire --expire-unreachable=now --all", $"gc --prune=now");
Commands.Run(@"http://localhost/repo", $"update-server-info");