libgit2 / libgit2sharp

Git + .NET = ❤
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Unable to load shared Lib "git2-106a5f2" or one of its dependencies & "Negotiate" authentication is not supported #2016

Open rmoparthi opened 1 year ago

rmoparthi commented 1 year ago

Reproduction steps

Our .net 6 app uses LibGit2Sharp 0.26.2 version . Our git is in Bitbucket which accepts Kerberos via SPNEGO. It all works fine in our windows environment. when we do dotnet publish ...... -r linux-x64 , I see that the 'git2-106a5f2' is also copied. A container is created with Linux/ubi7 to run the app, where we get the Unable to load shared Lib "git2-106a5f2" or one of its dependencies

Later I upgraded it to 0.27.0-preview-0182 which fixed Unable to load shared Lib "git2-106a5f2". However, it start throwing "Negotiate" authentication is not supported when Repo.Clone is called with CloneOptions.

CloneOptions is given a new DefaultCredentials() call back , to work with SPNEGO.

Version of LibGit2Sharp (release number or SHA1)

LibGit2Sharp 0.26.2 - Unable to load shared Lib "git2-106a5f2"

0.27.0-preview-0182 - "Negotiate" authentication is not supported

Operating system(s) tested; .NET runtime tested

.net 6

panAn90 commented 1 year ago

Any luck with this one? I'm having the same issue!