libgit2 / libgit2sharp

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Expose the repository directory ownership validation option #2036

Open CyberSinh opened 1 year ago

CyberSinh commented 1 year ago

You can now disable the repository directory ownership validation by using the GIT_OPT_SET_OWNER_VALIDATION with git_libgit2_opts():

This option is not yet exposed in the C# bindings, e.g. in the GlobalSettings static class.


kdlslyv commented 1 year ago

Just opened a pull request for that.

For now you can do it like this:

    public static void DisableOwnershipCheckOpts()
        CallNativeMethod("git_libgit2_opts", 36, 0);

    public static void CallNativeMethod(string methodName, params object[] args)
        Assembly libGit2SharpAssembly = typeof(LibGit2Sharp.Repository).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
        Type proxyType = libGit2SharpAssembly.GetType("LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods")!;
        MethodInfo methodInfo = proxyType.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static, new[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) })!;
        methodInfo.Invoke(null, args);
CyberSinh commented 1 year ago

Thanks @kdlslyv for the pull request and the workaround. Hope your PR will be merged soon. Another workaround avoiding reflection:

internal static partial class GlobalSettings2
   private static partial int git_libgit2_opts(int option, int enabled);

   public static void SetDirectoryOwnershipValidation(bool enable)
      const int GIT_OPT_SET_OWNER_VALIDATION = 36;

      int enabled = enable ? 1 : 0;
      if (git_libgit2_opts(GIT_OPT_SET_OWNER_VALIDATION, enabled) < 0)
         throw new Exception($"git_libgit2_opts(GIT_OPT_SET_OWNER_VALIDATION, {enabled}) failed.");