libgit2 / libgit2sharp

Git + .NET = ❤
MIT License
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TreeDefinition item recursive remove not working #2057

Open SS1823 opened 10 months ago

SS1823 commented 10 months ago

Reproduction steps

Compile & run

using LibGit2Sharp;

var repo = new Repository(args[0]);

TreeDefinition current = new();
current.Add("sample/stays/to/a/file", repo.ObjectDatabase.CreateBlob("stays".ToStream()), Mode.NonExecutableFile);
current.Add("sample/removed/to/a/file", repo.ObjectDatabase.CreateBlob("removed".ToStream()), Mode.NonExecutableFile);

var tree = repo.ObjectDatabase.CreateTree(current);
var sig = new Signature("John Doe", "", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow);
var commit = repo.ObjectDatabase.CreateCommit(sig, sig, "Test", tree, new Commit[] { }, false);
var branch = repo.Branches.Add("main", commit, true);
repo.Refs.UpdateTarget(repo.Refs.Head, branch.Reference);
static class Ext
    public static Stream ToStream(this string data)
        MemoryStream stream = new();
        StreamWriter writer = new(stream);
        stream.Position = 0;
        return stream;

Expected behavior

sample/removed path is not in repo

Actual behavior

sample/removed is there with the file

Version of LibGit2Sharp (release number or SHA1)


Operating system(s) tested; .NET runtime tested

linux (.net7) & windows (.net7)

SS1823 commented 10 months ago

I noticed the code does not remove entries from unwrappedTrees dictionary, just from entries maybe that's the issue here

tyrielv commented 6 months ago

Duplicate of #1869