libgit2 / libgit2sharp

Git + .NET = ❤
MIT License
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Support for MacCatalyst #2059

Open michaelstonis opened 9 months ago

michaelstonis commented 9 months ago

Reproduction steps

Created a new .NET MAUI app and launched it with MacCatalyst. When making a call to Repository.IsValid(projectPath); it will throw the following. Looking at the output folder, the runtimes are not copied there. I have tried manipulating the output folder, but it doesn't seem to be able to resolve the native library properly.

{System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods' threw an exception.
 ---> System.DllNotFoundException: git2-e632535
   at LibGit2Sharp.Core.NativeMethods.InitializeNativeLibrary() in **/_/LibGit2Sharp/Core/NativeMet…}**

Running the same command via a console application (.NET 7.0 CLI, not MacCatalyst) executes as expected.

Expected behavior

Native libraries should be copied to the output folder and made available, if possible, for the MacCatalyst platform.

Actual behavior

Native libraries are not copied over and cannot be referenced on MacCatalyst.

Version of LibGit2Sharp (release number or SHA1)


Operating system(s) tested; .NET runtime tested

.NET 7.0 via MacCatalyst-x64 (Mac M1).