libimobiledevice / libideviceactivation

A library to handle the activation process of iOS devices
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
286 stars 131 forks source link

Libideviceactivation with ios 8.1 #4

Closed mhiker closed 9 years ago

mhiker commented 9 years ago


command line: ./ideviceactivation activate -d (error with ios 8.1)

FunkyM commented 9 years ago

What is the output of running ideviceinfo? What is your platform? Which libimobiledevice software versions are you using?

mhiker commented 9 years ago

Hi, I send the output.

IOS 8.1

Michael Richards Leger Morales

De: Martin Szulecki [] Enviado el: lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014 15:54 Para: libimobiledevice/libideviceactivation CC: Asunto: Re: [libideviceactivation] Libideviceactivation with ios 8.1 (#4)

What is the output of running ideviceinfo?

ActivationState: Unactivated BasebandActivationTicketVersion: V2 BasebandCertId: 3255536192 BasebandChipID: 7278817 BasebandKeyHashInformation: AKeyStatus: 2 SKeyHash: 7MQEUyvzG4gjjZc7KsNNAVTS8g4= SKeyStatus: 0 BasebandMasterKeyHash: AEA5CCE143668D0EFB4CE1F2C94C966A6496C6AA BasebandRegionSKU: AgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== BasebandSerialNumber: AuK3Lg== BasebandStatus: BBInfoAvailable BasebandVersion: 7.03.00 BluetoothAddress: f0:d1:a9:97:dc:e8 BoardId: 0 BrickState: true BuildVersion: 12B411 CPUArchitecture: armv7s CarrierBundleInfoArray[1]: 0: CFBundleIdentifier: CFBundleVersion: 18.0 IntegratedCircuitCardIdentity: 8956026100082016984 InternationalMobileSubscriberIdentity: 730026000237492 MCC: 730 MNC: 02 SIMGID1: EA== CertID: 3255536192 ChipID: 35152 ChipSerialNo: AuK3Lg== CompassCalibration: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== DeviceClass: iPhone DeviceColor: #3b3b3c DeviceName: iPhone DevicePublicKey: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1JR0pBb0dCQU0yWFhTRHA5ZldWTjBIQXRpUU4rOG5GU1MraHUrV3dkOFNsYUw1U1BGTEpxM1AxVk5tN054SXcKeHVocnZrejFLSkQzb0c3T0thaVBIcitDbFIwZldXZGxXTmk1aElvT05ZVlR5anRWY0VGemN5NHBzZUVDLzBwVApkYUIxWlNtRzBOSEFaTFRoWnB2ZUpCc0krZXlydU5sdS95REdYUWtIOUNrZm9qeFBaNG05QWdNQkFBRT0KLS0tLS1FTkQgUlNBIFBVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLQo= DieID: 1156372823485134496 EthernetAddress: f0:d1:a9:97:dc:e9 FirmwareVersion: iBoot-2261.3.32 FusingStatus: 3 HardwareModel: N41AP HardwarePlatform: s5l8950x HostAttached: true IntegratedCircuitCardIdentity: 8956026100082016984 InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity: 013328003361474 InternationalMobileSubscriberIdentity: 730026000237492 MLBSerialNumber: DQ524420N90DWJGA MobileSubscriberCountryCode: 730 MobileSubscriberNetworkCode: 02 ModelNumber: MD293 NonVolatileRAM: auto-boot: dHJ1ZQ== backlight-level: MTUxNA== boot-args: bootdelay: MA== oblit-begins: T2JsaXRUeXBlOiBPYmxpdGVyYXRlRGF0YVBhcnRpdGlvbi4gTm8gcmVhc29uIGdpdmVuLg== obliteration: aGFuZGxlX21lc3NhZ2U6IE9ibGl0ZXJhdGlvbiBDb21wbGV0ZQ== PartitionType: PasswordProtected: false PhoneNumber: *** PkHash: wguKQOoMFsrCLtMrgu2YMM0rtSJ7ik4ia9YLIdt1ny0= ProductType: iPhone5,1 ProductVersion: 8.1 ProductionSOC: true ProtocolVersion: 2 ProximitySensorCalibration: T00DAA4JTjgQAwAAAABeAQAAVQACAM8kPwMCABbr6QLuAlgAQOXxATYJcxYAAACxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= RegionInfo: CI/A SBLockdownEverRegisteredKey: false SIMGID1: EA== SIMStatus: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady SIMTrayStatus: kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedWithSIM SerialNumber: DNRJT31EDTTN SoftwareBehavior: AQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== SoftwareBundleVersion: SupportedDeviceFamilies[1]: 0: 1 TelephonyCapability: true TimeIntervalSince1970: 1414439562.813942 TimeZone: US/Pacific TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC: -25200.000000 TrustedHostAttached: true UniqueChipID: 4289936080328 UniqueDeviceID: d6752fd716c2ae8fb5da34bf47e611bc3ee50764 UntrustedHostBUID: 8E30B0FF-5F4E-6592-BCCC-6CF58D69E66C UseRaptorCerts: true Uses24HourClock: false WiFiAddress: f0:d1:a9:97:dc:e7 WirelessBoardSerialNumber: CA1684D0966B kCTPostponementInfoPRIVersion: 0.1.74 kCTPostponementInfoPRLName: 0 kCTPostponementStatus: kCTPostponementStatusReady `

mhiker commented 9 years ago

Gentoo Linux. libimobiledevice 1.1.6

albert ~ # uname -a Linux albert 3.14.14-gentoo #6 SMP Tue Oct 14 14:44:09 CLST 2014 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU L 640 @ 2.13GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

albert lib # ls -lrt mobi -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 130800 Oct 16 15:03 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Oct 16 15:04 -> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Oct 16 15:04 ->

mhiker commented 9 years ago

/System/Library/Lockdown/Services.plist doesn't existed anymore as of iOS 8.x... will that be the cause of the error?

FunkyM commented 9 years ago

No, it is a problem with your system setup/compilation as it works fine with iOS 8.x. libimobiledevice 1.1.6 can crash on a few issues with pair records, thus I recommend updating to 1.1.7. If you have an older libplist version it might also directly be the reason and you should upgrade. However, as ideviceinfo appears to work fine for you, it appears that you have not configured/compiled libideviceactivation correctly. Otherwise it must work since it uses the same request that ideviceinfo uses.

mhiker commented 9 years ago

thank u. with libimobiledevice 1.2.0 is working perfectly.