libimobiledevice / libideviceactivation

A library to handle the activation process of iOS devices
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
286 stars 131 forks source link

idevice_activation_request_new_from_lockdownd error #5

Closed nasreddine27 closed 9 years ago

nasreddine27 commented 9 years ago

hi, i have iphone 4s ios 7.1.1 ,when i try to activate it i got this error "idevice_activation_request_new_from_lockdownd:Unable to get MEID from lockdownd" i use last version of libimobiledevice and usbmuxd and ubuntu 13 server 32 bits

PS: my iphone is also locked from icloud i know that will not activate it but why i got this error thnx

nasreddine27 commented 9 years ago

ok see you later thnx

FunkyM commented 9 years ago

Probably a duplicate of #4. What is the output of running ideviceinfo? What is your platform? Which libimobiledevice, libplist and usbmuxd software versions are you using?

nasreddine27 commented 9 years ago

hi thnx for the reply

here is output of ideviceinfo

root@nasro:~# sudo ideviceinfo ActivationState: Unactivated BasebandActivationTicketVersion: V2 BasebandCertId: 2 BasebandChipID: 5898465 BasebandKeyHashInformation: AKeyStatus: 2 SKeyHash: 7MQEUyvzG4gjjZc7KsNNAVTS8g4= SKeyStatus: 0 BasebandMasterKeyHash: AEA5CCE143668D0EFB4CE1F2C94C966A6496C6AA BasebandRegionSKU: AQAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== BasebandSerialNumber: JrD6gg== BasebandStatus: BBInfoAvailable BasebandVersion: 5.2.00 BluetoothAddress: e0::::: BoardId: 8 BuildVersion: 11D201 CPUArchitecture: armv7f CarrierBundleInfoArray[1]: 0: CFBundleIdentifier: CFBundleVersion: 16.1 IntegratedCircuitCardIdentity: 892130302***** MCC: 603 MNC: 03 SIMGID1: /////w== SIMGID2: /////w== CertID: 2 ChipID: 35136 ChipSerialNo: JrD6gg== CompassCalibration: BgAbIUUjYAkFd5cAFgBJ//AAsv+oAJcABQARAaoAxP8bAdYAv/8SAXoAqv8BASMACgAQ/9IA7P+0AHoAqv8BASs5AAAAAAAAAAAAAA== DeviceClass: iPhone DeviceColor: black DeviceName: iPhone DevicePublicKey: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1JR0pBb0dCQUxsWWhwdm9lKytFTjJ1MXJsZStIUnFIM3lubmxJTnNLOWZ3Y2VnS0dPcTgvOHBRcGJuNzNrNmsKTVZ4VGxCSGZDWXVyRVdSZEE2R1N5V1BBYy9EL0MxV2Mycis2a1BPT2EzVVNWQldBTVA3K0o4MXpDNzNEc3VhdwpaOExUZHBzRk1NSURoSkUvZVVQN1BZdjcxWnozVW9lTzU4M0Z0cXhDR2VFQ0QxeUJXM3c1QWdNQkFBRT0KLS0tLS1FTkQgUlNBIFBVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLQo= DieID: 1807708948560327968 EthernetAddress: e0:::::* FirmwareVersion: iBoot-1940.10.58 FusingStatus: 3 HardwareModel: N94AP HardwarePlatform: s5l8940x HostAttached: true IntegratedCircuitCardIdentity: 89213 InternationalMobileEquipmentIdentity: 013* InternationalMobileSubscriberIdentity: 6030**** MLBSerialNumber: DQ** MobileSubscriberCountryCode: 603 MobileSubscriberNetworkCode: 03 ModelNumber: MD235 NonVolatileRAM: auto-boot: dHJ1ZQ== backlight-level: MTU1Mw== boot-args: bootdelay: MA== PartitionType: PasswordProtected: false ProductType: iPhone4,1 ProductVersion: 7.1.1 ProductionSOC: true ProtocolVersion: 2 ProximitySensorCalibration: Q00BAAwABgQAAAAAAAAAAFhQAAEyAjICAQD6MfsE+wQBAMfYyQKTAFHt7gJaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= RegionInfo: F/A SBLockdownEverRegisteredKey: false SIMGID1: /w== SIMGID2: /w== SIMStatus: kCTSIMSupportSIMStatusReady SIMTrayStatus: kCTSIMSupportSIMTrayInsertedWithSIM SerialNumber: DN* SoftwareBehavior: BQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA== SoftwareBundleVersion: SupportedDeviceFamilies[1]: 0: 1 TelephonyCapability: true TimeIntervalSince1970: 1414501079.560413 TimeZone: Europe/Paris TimeZoneOffsetFromUTC: 3600.000000 TrustedHostAttached: true UniqueChipID: 380*0 UniqueDeviceID: 59220035b97***** UseRaptorCerts: true Uses24HourClock: false WiFiAddress: e0:::::** kCTPostponementInfoPRIVersion: 0.1.13 kCTPostponementInfoPRLName: 0 kCTPostponementInfoUniqueID: 01317***** kCTPostponementStatus: kCTPostponementStatusReady

i'm on ubuntu 13 server 32 bits

i use usbmuxd-1.1.0, libplist-1.12, libimobiledevice-1.1.7

FunkyM commented 9 years ago

There is no need to "sudo". I am also sure this is a duplicate of #4 and your configure setup is wrong as it should work just fine if ideviceinfo works. If FMiP is enabled for your device then ideviceactivation will deal with it.

nasreddine27 commented 9 years ago

ok thnx, i will try libimobiledevice 1.2.0 and post results

nasreddine27 commented 9 years ago

hi it still say "idevice_activation_request_new_from_lockdownd:Unable to get MEID from lockdownd" but the activation work as it should ,it ask me email and pass of icloud as you said sir ,thank you :) now i will search for iphone witch doesn't have FMiP enabled and try if it will be activated.

PS:my object here is to see how the activation work by "ideviceactivation activate -d" if you can help me i will appreciate that

FunkyM commented 9 years ago

@fodil123 Please create a new ticket for this issue as it has nothing to do with the one reported here. It looks like you have done something wrong during installation as the runtime linker is unable to locate libimobiledevice.

FunkyM commented 9 years ago

@nasreddine27 This is not an error but rather a warning. I'll close the ticket when the message is removed as it might confuse users.

nasreddine27 commented 9 years ago

ok , yes it's a warning because i successfully activate iphone 3gs ios 6.1.6 and this message was present thnx.

ndezith commented 9 years ago

@FunkyM : i used opensuse 13.1 and then got error yudi@linux-phsa:~/iphonekubackup> ideviceactivation activate -d idevice_activation_request_new_from_lockdownd: Unable to get MEID from lockdownd what should i do?thanks iphone 4s ios 7.1.2

nasreddine27 commented 9 years ago

@ndezith PLZ creat new open ticket i will do my best to help you

adamanti commented 9 years ago

is it possible to edit the code toggle activation to true? Even if the device won't have cell service or connect to apple servers. Just edit something or delete something and remove the activation prompt on the device

florindmtr commented 9 years ago

@nasreddine27 could you also help me with this? I am trying to use ideviceactivation and am getting the same error: Unable to get MEID from lockdownd. Thank you