I updated Liblouis version both Dockerfile.win32, Dockerfile.win64, and Github CI to the 3.25.0 stable version.
I added 32 bit Dockerfile.win32 file the static compile flags with all gcc compile commands (only Liblouis compile part contains this flag the original version).
My experience when I maked my local machine the make distwin command this changed Docker file, my machine 32 bit build version launched proper into Wine emulator.
So, my experience this change fixes #86 issue.
Please review this change if you have a little time. If your openion the static flags change not full perfect or unneed, feel free remove, only keep the version number change.
Hi Chris,
I updated Liblouis version both Dockerfile.win32, Dockerfile.win64, and Github CI to the 3.25.0 stable version.
I added 32 bit Dockerfile.win32 file the static compile flags with all gcc compile commands (only Liblouis compile part contains this flag the original version).
My experience when I maked my local machine the make distwin command this changed Docker file, my machine 32 bit build version launched proper into Wine emulator.
So, my experience this change fixes #86 issue.
Please review this change if you have a little time. If your openion the static flags change not full perfect or unneed, feel free remove, only keep the version number change.