libopenstorage / operator

Storage operator for Kubernetes
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How to install Portworx on OCP4 on VMware? #120

Open angapov opened 4 years ago

angapov commented 4 years ago

I am interested to install Portworx on OCP 4.3 running on VMware vSphere 6.5 with dynamic VMDK provisioning using Operator. I tried but there is no option to specify VMware VMDK backend. It gives me errors like that: portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=info msg="Node HWType: VirtualMachine" portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=info msg="Initializing node and joining the cluster portworx..." portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=info msg="Node index overflow (53376)" portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=warning msg="Failed to initialize Init PX Storage Service: Storage failed initialization" portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=info msg="Cleanup Init services" portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=warning msg="Cleanup Init for service Scheduler." portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=info msg="Cleanup Initializing node and joining the cluster portworx..." portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=warning msg="Cleanup Init for service PX Storage Service." portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=info msg="Cleanup Init for Storage provider PXD" portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=error msg="Failed to initialize node in cluster. Storage failed initialization" portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=error msg="Cluster Manager Failure on Node[]: Storage failed initialization" portworx[1816291]: time="2020-03-11T14:51:22Z" level=warning msg="503   Node status not OK (STATUS_ERROR)" Driver="Cluster API" ID=nodeHealth Request="Cluster API"

PX version is 2.3.6, operator version is 1.2 which is default for OpenShift 4.3, installed from OperatorHub.

I tried but cluster failed to initialize due to port 9001 conflict with OpenShift oauth-proxy.

Is there any instruction how to do that?

A little bit of background: currently I have three bare metal hosts running ESXi 6.5 with SSD drives, no shared storage. Every SSD is an independent datastore for its ESXi. I've installed vanilla OpenShift 4.3 with dynamic VMware PV provisioning.

angapov commented 4 years ago

I've added one disk to each OpenShift worker (total 3 nodes) and recreated the StorageCluster with the following spec:

Pod status is like that:

# oc -n kube-system get pod
NAME                                                    READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
autopilot-94dc45dbf-g8r95                               1/1     Running                 0          31m
portworx-api-b46gc                                      1/1     Running                 0          31m
portworx-api-f8kk7                                      1/1     Running                 0          31m
portworx-api-mn8rq                                      1/1     Running                 0          31m
portworx-operator-8467647f7f-2w8r7                      1/1     Running                 1          9d
px-cluster-828b1a05-8020-4b73-9e39-6f6be66a8abc-gjtqf   1/2     Running                 0          4m55s
px-cluster-828b1a05-8020-4b73-9e39-6f6be66a8abc-jbkk4   1/2     Running                 0          4m55s
px-cluster-828b1a05-8020-4b73-9e39-6f6be66a8abc-lxrw9   1/2     Running                 0          4m55s
px-csi-ext-7444d9b4fc-g7rk5                             3/3     Running                 0          31m
px-csi-ext-7444d9b4fc-rfjfk                             3/3     Running                 0          31m
px-csi-ext-7444d9b4fc-vz9ps                             3/3     Running                 0          31m
px-lighthouse-68dcd48944-bjxkp                          0/3     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   7          31m
stork-6f8fc7b967-2ffwq                                  1/1     Running                 0          31m
stork-6f8fc7b967-5xw6b                                  1/1     Running                 0          31m
stork-6f8fc7b967-cwhlk                                  1/1     Running                 0          31m
stork-scheduler-6847c58d8d-9vjtz                        1/1     Running                 0          31m
stork-scheduler-6847c58d8d-kfj6z                        1/1     Running                 0          31m
stork-scheduler-6847c58d8d-nfhhw                        1/1     Running                 0          31m

Logs of px-cluster pod:

Something is definitely goes wrong. Can you help me?

sanjaynaikwadi commented 4 years ago

@angapov - can you share the output of lsblk and blkid from all the worker nodes ?

angapov commented 4 years ago

[core@worker-0 ~]$ lsblk
NAME                         MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
sda                            8:0    0   120G  0 disk
├─sda1                         8:1    0   384M  0 part /boot
├─sda2                         8:2    0   127M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda3                         8:3    0     1M  0 part
└─sda4                         8:4    0 119.5G  0 part
  └─coreos-luks-root-nocrypt 253:0    0 119.5G  0 dm   /sysroot
sdb                            8:16   0    50G  0 disk
[core@worker-0 ~]$ blkid
/dev/mapper/coreos-luks-root-nocrypt: LABEL="root" UUID="9599ed34-a678-4e04-9bda-675bc2e8ba7b" TYPE="xfs"

[core@worker-1 ~]$ lsblk
NAME                         MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
sda                            8:0    0   120G  0 disk
├─sda1                         8:1    0   384M  0 part /boot
├─sda2                         8:2    0   127M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda3                         8:3    0     1M  0 part
└─sda4                         8:4    0 119.5G  0 part
  └─coreos-luks-root-nocrypt 253:0    0 119.5G  0 dm   /sysroot
sdb                            8:16   0    50G  0 disk
[core@worker-1 ~]$ blkid
/dev/mapper/coreos-luks-root-nocrypt: LABEL="root" UUID="9599ed34-a678-4e04-9bda-675bc2e8ba7b" TYPE="xfs"

[core@worker-2 ~]$ lsblk
NAME                         MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT
sda                            8:0    0   120G  0 disk
├─sda1                         8:1    0   384M  0 part /boot
├─sda2                         8:2    0   127M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda3                         8:3    0     1M  0 part
└─sda4                         8:4    0 119.5G  0 part
  └─coreos-luks-root-nocrypt 253:0    0 119.5G  0 dm   /sysroot
sdb                            8:16   0    50G  0 disk
[core@worker-2 ~]$ blkid
/dev/mapper/coreos-luks-root-nocrypt: LABEL="root" UUID="9599ed34-a678-4e04-9bda-675bc2e8ba7b" TYPE="xfs"
piyush-nimbalkar commented 4 years ago

@angapov It looks like your nodes have restarted enough times that Portworx is running out of node index. Can you destroy your portworx cluster and re-create it? If it fails, can you paste the logs again?

There are instruction in the portworx operator description on OpenShift about how to cleanly uninstall. Basically add a deleteStrategy to your StorageCluster and then delete it:

    type: UninstallAndWipe
piyush-nimbalkar commented 4 years ago

Also, operator 1.2 automatically uses 17001-17020 port range for portworx if running on openshift (to avoid the port conflict introduced in OpenShift 4.3). My guess is that you had an older version of operator before which tried to run on 9001 port. In your latest logs, it seems to be using 17001 port.

angapov commented 4 years ago

@piyush-nimbalkar you are right, I've added deleteStrategy and recreated StorageCluster and it worked nicely. Thank you very much!

Now cluster is running using dynamic VMDK provisioned volumes. However, I noticed that I have 3 worker nodes but only 2 drives.

[root@jumphost ~]# oc -n kube-system exec px-cluster-5s82k -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl clouddrive list
Defaulting container name to portworx.
Use 'oc describe pod/px-cluster-5s82k -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
Cloud Drives Summary
    Number of nodes in the cluster:  3
    Number of drive sets in use:  2
    List of storage nodes:  [90cbbeaf-6157-4b52-bf44-7622f6e08c2f 9e17d9e7-c81f-43d7-ac4f-653c9d8b4a71]
    List of storage less nodes:  [7b83b83d-7cbb-486f-812b-07609044c096]

Drive Set List
    NodeIndex   NodeID                  InstanceID              Zone    State   Drive IDs
    2       7b83b83d-7cbb-486f-812b-07609044c096    422d8683-19a6-c332-55ef-daa2210fd7d2    default In Use  -
    0       90cbbeaf-6157-4b52-bf44-7622f6e08c2f    422dc8c7-946f-ab50-7d13-df7059440f84    default In Use  [datastore-10] osd-provisioned-disks/PX-DO-NOT-DELETE-e5051cb5-d323-4a80-ab97-1e880827ccb0.vmdk(data)
    1       9e17d9e7-c81f-43d7-ac4f-653c9d8b4a71    422d9bcb-22d2-d373-f25d-1495f26cbe50    default In Use  [datastore-34] osd-provisioned-disks/PX-DO-NOT-DELETE-8881c670-1639-4cad-90df-5c932536823b.vmdk(data)

Do you know how can I add disk on storageless node again using dynamic VMDK provisioning?

I tried expanding pool like this but it gave error:

[root@jumphost ~]# oc -n kube-system exec px-cluster-5s82k -- /opt/pwx/bin/pxctl service pool expand -s 100 -u 919993f4-1034-47dd-a60a-feafad8c39c6 -o add-disk
Defaulting container name to portworx.
Use 'oc describe pod/px-cluster-5s82k -n kube-system' to see all of the containers in this pod.
Request to expand pool: 919993f4-1034-47dd-a60a-feafad8c39c6 to size: 100 using operation: add-disk
service pool expand: resizing pool with an auto journal device is not supported
command terminated with exit code 1
sanjaynaikwadi commented 4 years ago

@angapov - Can you share the logs from this node, we need to see why it was not able to create/attach the disk to this node. 2 7b83b83d-7cbb-486f-812b-07609044c096 422d8683-19a6-c332-55ef-daa2210fd7d2 You can get the information from pxctl status

Looks like you have journal configured on the data disk, from previous logs I see -j auto is specified. While installation you can just request for 3GB for Journal partition which will be on different disk then you data.

angapov commented 4 years ago

@sanjaynaikwadi here are the logs: