liborm85 / composer-vendor-cleaner

Composer Vendor Cleaner removes unnecessary development files and directories from vendor directory.
MIT License
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Folders are removed, files are not #3

Closed jepster closed 2 years ago

jepster commented 3 years ago


first of all: thanks for sharing your composer package!

I see that folders are removed correctly. Also folders can be excluded. But file paths are not handled, yet.

See the dev-files section from my composer.json file:

        "dev-files": {
            "/": [
        "config": {
          "bin-dir": "bin/",
          "sort-packages": true,
          "dev-files": {
            "no-dev-only": true

None of the specified file paths like


do remove any files.

liborm85 commented 3 years ago

Your definition of dev-files is incorrect and therefore file will not be removed. Only in dev-files keys can there be a filter by package name. And you are using lowercase letters in definition then set match-case to false is required.

This is valid definition for remove index.php from symfony/http-client-contracts:

  "require": {
    "symfony/http-client-contracts": "^2.3"
  "extra": {
    "dev-files": {
      "symfony/http-client-contracts": [
  "config": {
    "dev-files": {
      "match-case": false

Complete valid definition for your example packages (some conditions overlap):

  "require": {
    "composer/semver": "^3.2",
    "consolidation/output-formatters": "^4.1",
    "symfony/filesystem": "^5.2",
    "symfony/http-client-contracts": "^2.3",
    "twig/twig": "^3.2"
  "extra": {
    "dev-files": {
      "/": [
      "symfony/filesystem": [
      "twig/twig": [
      "composer/semver": [
      "consolidation/output-formatters": [
      "symfony/http-client-contracts": [
  "config": {
    "dev-files": {
      "match-case": false

Key "/" means find in all packages.

Can be simplified as follows example:

  "require": {
    "composer/semver": "^3.2",
    "consolidation/output-formatters": "^4.1",
    "symfony/filesystem": "^5.2",
    "symfony/http-client-contracts": "^2.3",
    "twig/twig": "^3.2"
  "extra": {
    "dev-files": {
      "/": [
      "twig/twig": [
      "composer/semver": [
      "consolidation/output-formatters": [
      "symfony/http-client-contracts": [
  "config": {
    "dev-files": {
      "match-case": false
jepster commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your quick response and your detailed instructions.

Sadly this approach does not work for me. I have tried your config, tried to modify the match-case option, tried with paths with lower- and uppercase (e.g. src/Formatters/StringFormatter.php). Also I tried with all paths under the / key, like in my first approach.

I could not accomplish the file deletion. Please notice that the folder deletion worked with match-case: false. I really tried multiple times and now I do not have any further ideas. Always deleting the vendorfolder from Composer and running composer install --no-dev afterwards. It looks like your Composer plugin has a bug related to file deletion. For your background info: I am working on macOS.

I was also checking your code, but it is a bit too abstract for me and it's hard to follow the program flow. You might implement more unit tests for file deletion with and without the match-case option.

I hope I could provide you good feedback to your Composer plugin. Thanks again for sharing!

jepster commented 3 years ago

It worked now. But I needed to execute "composer update --no-dev" after changing my definitions within the composer.json file. I was thinking that the usage should be "composer install --no-dev" after the changes have been made. I think it's helpful, if you describe the workflow on your project page a bit more detailed.

liborm85 commented 3 years ago

Try to run composer with --verbose parameter and attach all output here (composer.json file also). Maybe plugin have some problem on macOS, but i don't have this OS for test.

liborm85 commented 3 years ago

@jepster I created repo with composer.json mentioned above and run GitHub Actions with various OS.

Jobs results:

On all platforms is same result: "Removed 21 files and 8 (of which 1 are empty) directories from 17 packages"

Cannot be reproduced.