libp2p / go-libp2p-core

Interfaces and abstractions that make up go-libp2p
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Provide interfaces related to the abstract cryptographic operation being done #92

Open keks opened 7 years ago

keks commented 7 years ago

The current PrivKey is a Key that can also sign stuff, so it actually is a SigKey. You could also let MACs implement this interface.

I'll keep on thinking about this and drop some notes over the day.

keks commented 7 years ago


type SigKey interface {
Sign(data []byte) (sig []byte)

type VerifyKey interface {
Verify(data, sig []byte) bool
keks commented 7 years ago
type KXPrivKey interface {
  Exchange(KXPubKey) Key

type KXPubKey interface {
  Exchange(KXPrivKey) Key

We can now use the resulting Key as input for e.g. SecretboxKey and use it to create secretboxes:

func AsSecretboxKey(k Key) SecretboxKey
type SecretboxKey Key
func (sbk SecretboxKey) Seal(data, nonce []byte) (ciphertext []byte) {...}
func (sbk SecretboxKey) Open(ciphertext, nonce []byte) (data []byte) {...}

Which brings us to the interface for Authenticated Encryption:

type AuthEncSymKey interface {
  Seal(data, nonce []byte) []byte
  Open(ciphertext, nonce []byte) []byte

And the asymmetric version would be

type AuthEncPrivKey interface {
  Seal(k AuthEncPubKey, data, nonce []byte) (ciphertext []byte)
  Open(k AuthEncPubKey, ciphertext, nonce []byte) (data []byte)

Doing AE with RSA is pretty common nowadays too, so I think this is the right interface. We can should provide EncryptionKey and DecryptionKey interfaces

type EncryptionKey interface {
  Encrypt([]byte) []byte
type DecryptionKey interface {
  Decrypt([]byte) []byte

Then we could provide some default types for NaCl boxes, RSA and Ed25519.

I'm pretty much free right now so I can do it if you like the idea.

Kubuxu commented 7 years ago

Warning: doing encryption and signing using same RSA key leaks information and is potentially unsafe.

keks commented 7 years ago

My primary concern is not the concrete implementations but the interfaces. I don't plan to make changes to the Rsa* types, except maybe changing some type such that it fits the new interfaces.

Looking at the code, currently we seem to allow using the same keys for encryption and signing. We might want to fix that too. Filed libp2p/go-libp2p-crypto#9.

keks commented 7 years ago

Looking at the interfaces I proposed again, this all feels weird. E.g. the key exchange is not performed by the keys, but it's two communicating entities using the Keys to negotiate a shared secret. The key doesn't sign the data, it's the algorithm using the key. I'll think about interfaces that reflect that.

keks commented 7 years ago

How about

type Key interface {
  Type() KeyType // e.g. ed25519-pub, rsa-priv, secret
  Purpose() Purpose // eg. Signing, Encryption, Decryption, KeyDerivation, ...
  Bytes() []byte
  String() string // for good measure

// example
func Sign(k Key, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
  var sig []byte

  if !k.Purpose() == Signing {
    return WrongPurposeError

  switch k.Type() {
  case ed25519-priv: 
    sig = ...
  case ...

  return sig

This way it behaves a bit more like a net.Addr. What do you think about this?