libp2p / specs

Technical specifications for the libp2p networking stack
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add HTTP spec #508

Closed marten-seemann closed 3 months ago

marten-seemann commented 1 year ago

This PR adds a specification for libp2p+HTTP. It builds on countless discussions with various people interested in this topic, and incorporates the thinking outlined in #477 and #481.

Peer ID authentication over HTTP is deferred to a separate proposal: That work is put on hold for now until we find a strong use case for it.

The work was started by Marten & Marco, and continued by @MarcoPolo. Recent edits are from @MarcoPolo .

marten-seemann commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your quick review :)

It does have a few aspects in it that I don't quite understand yet. I thought the idea was that we can access existing protocols over HTTP, is the following something that you expect to work? (Incorporating some ideas from my comments)

  • Browser makes GET request to
  • Response is the protobuf-encoded identify payload

We can use some existing protocols over HTTP, but not all. Your example is one that works well over HTTP, but not all of them do, for multiple reasons:

Regarding JSON vs. Protobuf: I was under the impression that JSON is more common in the use in REST API than Protobuf (but I’m no expert in designing REST APIs). Using JSON would certainly make it easier to access the API using curl. Given that HTTP is a pretty large step and breaking step for libp2p as a protocol suite, this would be the right time to make a switch, if we wanted to. Historical reasons aside, do you think we should prefer JSON or Protobuf (or something else)?

marten-seemann commented 1 year ago

UPDATE: The two authentication methods described in this PR are terribly broken, as they an attacker could just forward the requests to the actual server (or client). What we'd need is a way to bind the authentication to the underlying connection. Unfortunately, there's no browser API for that. would help for client auth (if it ever becomes and RFC and is implemented by browsers), but that still leaves the arguably more important server auth unsolved.

thomaseizinger commented 1 year ago

Following up on a 1-on-1 conversation with @marten-seemann, here is my updated take on this. I am calling it the "http2p"-initiative :grin:

HTTP on top of libp2p

What makes HTTP great is its richness in semantics. That is what allows us to define middlewares. It allows application developers to focus on their usecase without having to re-implement things over and over again. For example, with HTTP we get:

What makes libp2p great is the ability to open light-weight streams in both directions of a connection. Application developers can operate under the assumption that the communication is encrypted and authenticated and don't need to care about who opened the connection.

If we combine the two, we get a networking stack where we can design protocols using HTTP where both parties can simultaneously act as server and client.

For example, retrieving the supported protocols from the other peer (aka identify) could be:

  1. Open a stream to the other peer
  2. Send a GET /protocols request
  3. Response contains a data structure with all supported protocols

Kademlia's put value could be:

  1. Open a stream to the other peer
  2. Send a PUT /values/<key> request
  3. Body contains value, publisher and expiry

I don't think we should try to automatically map existing protocols to HTTP. Our protocol definitions are not expressive enough to leverage all the cool things HTTP gives us. Paraphrasing @marten-seemann here: The number of protocols defined in the future is likely much greater than what we have today. Based on that, I don't think it is worth investing into a transition period. I'd rather bite the bullet and re-design all existing protocols to fully leverage HTTP semantics. With the ability to open streams in both directions, even protocols like gossipsub are not that hard. Nodes can just send POST requests to each other or subscribe to a topic via SSE (Server-Sent-Events:

Accessing libp2p nodes via HTTP

If we define our protocols already with HTTP, wouldn't it be cool if any browser could also just access them? Yes it would be cool. Should we do that? I don't think so. Here is why:

What about protocols that are better expressed as streams

At the cost of an additional round-trip, we can leverage the Upgrade header to escape from HTTP. This isn't usable from the browser but one of the core assumptions of this proposal is that we are treating browsers separately to avoid complexity in protocol definitions.

Moving forward

Today, libp2p implementations assume that multistream-select is the first protocol that is spoken on top of a newly opened stream. If we want to run HTTP instead and without additional round-trips, nodes need to have prior knowledge on what the expected protocol is that should be used on top of new streams.

Likely, implementations will also have to undergo massive internal changes to support this new proposal. In particular, it is most likely the easiest to not support stream-based and HTTP-based protocols in the same libp2p implementation. Hence, my proposal is to mint a new multiaddr protocol /http2p (name subject to bike-shedding). A libp2p implementation that supports HTTP-based protocols will append this to their listening address. For example: /ip4/ would be a listening address for a QUIC connection that assumes HTTP is spoken on each stream, i.e. opening side of stream sends the HTTP request.

Users can then gradually migrate from one to the other by depending on two different versions / implementations of a libp2p implementation within their application.


marten-seemann commented 1 year ago

Thank you @thomaseizinger for this super detailed post! I think I agree with almost everything!

If we define our protocols already with HTTP, wouldn't it be cool if any browser could also just access them? Yes it would be cool. Should we do that? I don't think so. Here is why:

  • A browser can only send requests but not receive them. We could try and define all our protocols such that they work within this limitation but we would essentially be throwing the main benefit of libp2p out of the window: The ability to open streams in both directions.

Agreed for protocols like Gossipsub, which are hard to map onto HTTP. The browser version will necessarily look different than the full-node version. This is not only due to the different capabilities, but also because Gossipsub expects peers to stay around for a long(ish) time to be able to build a reputation score. Making Gossipsub usable for browser will likely require changes to the protocol itself to accommodate for extremely shortlived clients.

For other protocols on the other hand, namely those that already use request-response semantics, we won’t need any changes though. The best example for this is probably Kademlia.

Maybe a middleground would be to require all protocols to define if it is appropriate to speak it from the browser?

thomaseizinger commented 1 year ago

For other protocols on the other hand, namely those that already use request-response semantics, we won’t need any changes though. The best example for this is probably Kademlia.

Maybe a middleground would be to require all protocols to define if it is appropriate to speak it from the browser?

I think this can work for some, it might not work for others. I also think this is a detail that we don't have to decide now. On an architectural level, the decision I think we should make is:

The same functionality (i.e. sending a message via gossipsub) can have a different interface depending on the transport it is accessed on.

We can put a recommendation out that protocol designers should design their protocols to be client-server[^1] friendly but if the protocol comes out cleaner for p2p with a different design, they should design two.

In the end, this guidance is just an intuition on what I think will be the easier implementation. Separate constraints warrant different designs. However, we can't stop implementations from plugging a handler for a p2p protocol into the client-server transport.

Thinking about it more, what we could do is e.g. define that a certain route must be called only authenticated. If a client can authenticate themselves somehow, why shouldn't we allow it to be called from a browser or curl? The beauty of HTTP is that it is stateless so we don't care where they got the credentials from.

The way this may play out is that a protocol defines certain bits of functionality twice, once for the client-server context and once for the p2p context. Implementations would be free to only implement a subset as well and thus e.g. omit client-server support.

[^1]: I am using client-server here instead of browser because it is the actual constraint we are dealing with. client-server vs p2p.

marten-seemann commented 1 year ago

I updated the server and client auth. We now rely on the domain (incl. subdomain) to bind the handshake to the specific endpoints. I hope this 1. actually works and 2. is feasible in the CDN setting.

peterwillcn commented 1 year ago

How to support HTTPS proxy using libp2p?

rkuhn commented 1 year ago

Sorry for being late to the party, and sorry for the possible pain the message may cause: I think this effort is fundamentally misguided, the goal is wrong.

While this does sound like a radical statement, please hear me out.

What I care about are peer-to-peer systems, possibly even an Internet of them. People who know me can already unfold the rest of this post from the previous sentence because I aspire to use precise and succinct language: when I say “peer” I mean exactly that, so P2P is a system of equals. This is why I built a whole cloud-free product — devoid of servers of any hind — on top of rust-libp2p (h/t @rklaehn).

The crux of the matter is that HTTPS is fundamentally a client–server protocol where the server cannot be an edge device (like a mobile phone — a data center in my home country is by no means “edge”, it is centralised backbone). The latter restriction comes from TLS and the situation that edge devices today never have public IP addresses, so they cannot have public names and thus no certificates. The rest of HTTPS is the result of fine-tuning a protocol where a client requests resources from or uploads data to a server. The server is always passive, the client is never addressable or diallable.

In other words: HTTPS does NOT model an interaction between peers, every fibre of its design rejects this notion.

It is for this reason that I think this PR would have a devastating effect on libp2p. @thomaseizinger gave more details above, focusing on some particular areas where the different design goals are visible as a technical impedance mismatch — it would be a mistake to “deal with this on a technical level” due to the fundamental incompatibility that will never be bridged. If libp2p embraces HTTPS then it gives up on the peer-to-peer part. This is a possibility, I am not a maintainer or core contributor, so you may choose to do so. My intention with this post is to ensure that you know what such a decision will entail.

Regarding the topic of using HTTP for all sorts of negotiation within libp2p streams: while this doesn’t clash as fiercely with the design principles of either system, it still is a mismatch. The hypertext transfer protocol has been designed to transfer TEXT, which is therefore in its name. None of the data my code ships over libp2p is text, there are much better ways nowadays. The promise of HTTP negotiation is that the client could send to the server in whatever format they want and then the server will hopefully understand it or — rarely — reject it. This promise never materialised, the range of formats accepted by a given HTTP endpoint is usually tiny. The reason is that both semantics and syntax are essential parts of protocol design, efficiency is usually an important goal, and there are no generic translations between even the common formats (JSON, XML, CBOR, protobuf) due to needing case-specific semantic knowledge. The only thing that works transparently is encryption and compression.

For this reason I think it is a bad idea to implement HTTP-over-libp2p on the libp2p level. If there is a use-case where a given libp2p protocol benefits from HTTP semantics, then that protocol can speak HTTP over an established stream to a peer. In all other cases a ProtocolName implies the structure, format, and permissible sequence of messages on the stream — we can (and should) have multiple ProtocolNames where there is more than one way to solve the problem at hand.

How to let AWS lambda functions participate in a libp2p world?

To my mind, the best and most honest solution is to provide APIs that such constrained environments are designed for, backed by a libp2p node. Instead of shoehorning everything into a multiaddr scheme, offer a purpose-built HTTP API that the “serverless” function calls, because that is all such a function can do. A function can never be a peer, it has a fundamentally different shape.

mikeal commented 1 year ago

There are many reasons to want an HTTP transport for libp2p, so I won't assume the problems and motivations that have lead us ( to invest in verifiable HTTP protocols for IPFS rather than libp2p are the same motivations for this proposal. That said, this isn't something we would adopt as replacement for those protocols as none of the problems that motivated us to build them would be resolved by it.

We need two things in order to operate these protocols at scale:

I can imagine an implementation of this that was less stateful than our current libp2p infra, but I suspect it would perform quite poorly compared to our current HTTP protocols because the totality of the data being addressed is built into those interfaces which ensures a single roundtrip, and I cringe a little at the prospect of debugging a protocol like this given the HTTP logs would relate to peer information rather than data.

The vast majority of caching infrastructure is built for HTTP. It's ubiquitous and relatively cheap to operate. It's pretty trivial to map IPFS/IPLD semantics into URL structures in such a way that you can leverage the hashes to provide caching systems that will outperform traditional (non-IPFS) systems, so that's what we do today.

In other words, we can't do much with a stateful HTTP protocol that doesn't address the underlying data layer in HTTP terms 🤷 But we aren't everyone, other folks might have a pressing need for something like this, but I feel it's important to point out the problems we have operating stuff like this and what has motivated us to take a different approach.

I wrote this up to provide some clearer understanding of how we've come to think about the transports in general, for our engineers and a few other groups. As we aren't investing in libp2p much as a transport it seemed appropriate for me to write up what our approach to the transport layer actually is.

We don't have any particular loyalty to HTTP beyond practicality. IPFS protocols are verifiable at the data layer, so on a public IP address there's not a clear job-to-be-done for libp2p if you're integrating IPFS addressing into an HTTP protocol, and nobody can make the claim that it's easier or more widely supported to run a non-HTTP protocol.

It may seem like we run a bunch of centralized HTTP services, but we actually encode more verifiability into our new UCAN based protocols than existing IPFS protocols implemented on libp2p, and the UCAN protocols are actually transport agnostic because they're just IPLD proof chains encoded into tiny CARs 😁 We tend to send them over HTTP because... everyone has it.

MarcoPolo commented 1 year ago


That said, this isn't something we would adopt as replacement for those protocols as none of the problems that motivated us to build them would be resolved by it.

Not suggesting it as a replacement. If anything, this would extend what you already have to reach more nodes via NAT traversal or communication with nodes that don't have a domain name or valid TLS cert. But you might not need that, in which case there isn't much that this unlocks for you. Longer term, I imagine a future where protocols like w3up/ucan is used from any libp2p implementation, because libp2p is about the protocols, not the transports.

We need two things in order to operate these protocols at scale:

  • Statelessness
  • Caching

Agreed. This spec does not attempt to translate existing stateful protocols into something that just works on top of HTTP. This spec defines HTTP as the building block for request/response protocols. A couple of reasons for picking HTTP is, as you say, that it is stateless and there's already a ton of infrastructure for caching built already.

I think you folks are already doing a great job by building request/response protocols on top of HTTP. This spec shouldn't affect you at all, and you probably won't care about it unless you need NAT traversal or communication with nodes without a domain name or valid TLS cert. If you do need that, you can run your existing protocols still on HTTP but just on top of a libp2p stream.

I wrote this up to provide some clearer understanding of how we've come to think about the transports in general, for our engineers and a few other groups. As we aren't investing in libp2p much as a transport it seemed appropriate for me to write up what our approach to the transport layer actually is.

Thanks for the link. I liked this point: "Moving bytes costs different amounts of money depending on how/where the bytes move."

MarcoPolo commented 1 year ago

Hey folks, I've update and trimmed down a lot of this spec. Please take a look. I'm going to start an experimental implementation of this in go-libp2p.

I still need a couple of folks to join the interest group here as well. Maybe:

Others are welcome to join of course.

ianopolous commented 1 year ago

The Java implementation is here:

rkuhn commented 1 year ago

It is slightly weird that nobody even acknowledged the existence of my post so I’ll just assume that libp2p will eventually be renamed to lib-client-server.

MarcoPolo commented 1 year ago

It is slightly weird that nobody even acknowledged the existence of my post so I’ll just assume that libp2p will eventually be renamed to lib-client-server.

There wasn't much to comment on, Roland. Thanks for the input, I disagree.

rkuhn commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response. I gave several arguments, which ones are untrue? And what exactly do you disagree with?

MarcoPolo commented 3 months ago

We have two implementations now in go-libp2p and js-libp2p. We have an approval on this spec. And we've had a lot of eyes and time for it to bake. I think this is ready to merge! Of course we are still able to adjust the spec in follow up PRs, but I don't expect any fundamental changes.

Thank you all for the input, and I hope you make use of this new spec and APIs :)