libpd / pd-for-ios

Pure Data for iOS
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PdLinkSample Xcode does not compile #24

Open headkit opened 5 years ago

headkit commented 5 years ago

Compiling PdLinkSample in XCode 10.1 does not work anymore. Using LinkKit 3.0.4 I get the errors

"Implicit declaration of function 'ABLLinkCaptureAppTimeline' is invalid in C99"


".....pd-for-ios/pd-for-ios/PdLinkSample/PdLinkSample/ViewController.m:41:5: Use of undeclared identifier 'ABLLinkTimelineRef'; did you mean 'ABLLinkTimeAtBeat'?"

for the line

ABLLinkTimelineRef timeline = ABLLinkCaptureAppTimeline(linkRef);

in ViewController.m

aclaussen1 commented 5 years ago

Seems like an issue with how you included LInkKit and not PureData

o-g-sus commented 4 years ago

The example is made for LinkKit 2.0, you either have to use LinkKit 2.0 or do some slight changes to get it working with LinkKit 3. Also you have to include the LinkKIt headers of course and Link the souce a file