libplctag / libplctag.NET

A .NET wrapper for libplctag.
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Bool tag write not working #291

Closed avnet78 closed 1 year ago

avnet78 commented 1 year ago

Here's my sample code. The bool tag write doesn't seem to be working: I am getting false in both reads.

var tag1 = new Tag<BoolPlcMapper, bool>()
      Name = "Glob_RCE_EIP_Bool_2",
      Gateway = deviceIPAddress,
      PlcType = PlcType.ControlLogix,
      Path = tagPath,
      Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip

Console.WriteLine("Writing bool tag");
  tag1.Value = true;
  var tag1Read = tag1.Read();
  Console.WriteLine($"Reading bool tag value: {tag1Read}");

  Console.WriteLine("Writing bool tag");
  tag1.Value = false;
  tag1Read = tag1.Read();
  Console.WriteLine($"Reading bool tag value: {tag1Read}");
timyhac commented 1 year ago

We do have outstanding issues with bool mapping because of the myriad of ways boolean values can be represented in PLCs. Have you read through this ticket?

In the example you've posted, the issue could be either read or write.

avnet78 commented 1 year ago

I understand, do you have timeline in mind on when the bool read/write issue will be resolved? We have tested all other data types and they seems be be pretty accurate. Only issue is with the bool tags.

timyhac commented 1 year ago

There is no timeline for any development, but you may be able to use the existing bool mapper classes for some of your use cases. If you're writing software for specific hardware models (as opposed to library code which needs to abstract the details of data access) I would recommend using the non-generic Tag class, whose interface is very close to the core library's.

avnet78 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the update @timyhac