libplctag / libplctag.NET

A .NET wrapper for libplctag.
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Get ITag object from TagInfo c# .NET framework #320

Closed scottdf93 closed 1 year ago

scottdf93 commented 1 year ago

I can't work out from the examples how to get a tag from the TagInfo.

I'm using the below to get all the tags

// Create the tags class Tag<TagInfoPlcMapper, TagInfo[]> controllerTags = new Tag<TagInfoPlcMapper, TagInfo[]>() { Gateway = this.IpAddress.ToString(), Path = this.ControllerPath, PlcType = this.Type, Protocol = this.Protocol, Name = "@tags" };

then reading in the .Value property to get the TagInfo objects. Now I want to convert each of them to a Tag object that I can read the value of (ITag, TagBool, TagDint etc)

Could anyone help me out here?

timyhac commented 1 year ago

Following this example, you will need to create a Tag object for every tag you want to read. The info returned in the TagInfos has what you need to create them.

What have you tried so far?

scottdf93 commented 1 year ago

At the moment I'm just trying to create a tag object then attempt to read within a try/catch, if it fails I then try a different object type but I'm finding now that lots of tags are now coming in as the wrong data types.


I want to get the ITag from controllerTags based on the tag name. The idea is to be able to display the tags, their data types as human readable and the value

jkoplo commented 1 year ago

I think you're probably getting two different things a little mixed together - are you coming from the Ingear AB library by chance?

With libplctag you'll want to read the @tags tag. It will give you information about the tags on the controller - not a 'prototype' for each tag. If I remember, you may need to recurse on some of the non-base tags to get a full tag map. I'm not on my development machine, but I might have an example that I can share (and add to our documentation).

EDIT: This might actual be the better example to take a look at: You should be able to run that snippet as is and get a tag list in a console app.

timyhac commented 1 year ago

Hi @scottdf93 - I trust this has answered your question, please raise a new one if you are still unable to create tags from the tag listing information and would like support from us.