libplctag / libplctag.NET

A .NET wrapper for libplctag.
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Issue's when controller is located in last slot of rack #358

Open oOICEMANOo opened 6 months ago

oOICEMANOo commented 6 months ago

The setup I'm working with is not ideal and has the ENBT in slot 15 and a 1756-L62 in slot 16, I've tried a few different path settings thinking 1,16 should work but gives a bad gateway error. is it possible to connect using the higher slots.

Capture2 Capture

kyle-github commented 6 months ago

This is an interesting one. Slots up to 15 (0-15) are handled with a single byte in the constructed path byte string. A value of 16 and up (not sure to what actual value) indicates a port. So for instance, when bridging through a network module the leading byte before the IP address would be either 18 or 19 (decimal) indicating that the address is a port, and then the value above 16 is the actual port number. Port 2 (byte value 18) would be the first external Ethernet port on an ENBT for instance.

Hmm, I see that I am checking for out of bounds values...

    /* was the numeric segment valid? */
    if(val < 0 || val > 0x0F) {
        pdebug(DEBUG_WARN, "Numeric segment in path at position %d is out of bounds!", (int)(ssize_t)(*path_index));
        return PLCTAG_ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS;

That check may not be correct, but it will require some tricks to make sure that parsing the path string works correctly if that is not done.

I don't have a chassis with that many slots. Let me see what I can code up.

I am calling this a bug since real hardware apparently can have 17 slots!

kyle-github commented 6 months ago

Oops, just realize that this in in the .NET project. I need to move it to the core library.

kyle-github commented 6 months ago

Moved the comments over to issue #443 in the core project.

kyle-github commented 6 months ago

Will update here when I have a version of the core project in which this is fixed.

oOICEMANOo commented 6 months ago

Thanks for you help! I appreciate your time getting this worked out. Let me know if there's anything I can assist with.

timyhac commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @oOICEMANOo - some changes have been made to the core library which will probably have resolved this issue. This is available in the versions of libplctag.NET that have been published today.

kyle-github commented 3 weeks ago

This isn't fixed yet. It depends on 462.