libplctag / libplctag.NET

A .NET wrapper for libplctag.
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Read array tags for Omron PLC broken with v1.4.0 #381

Closed MountainKing91 closed 1 week ago

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

After upgrading from libplctag.NET 1.2.0 it is not possible to read arrays anymore.

PLC: Omron NX1P2

For example, I want to read a tag named "AlarmList", datatype BOOL[64]


var tag = new Tag<BoolPlcMapper, bool[]>()
    Name = "AlarmList",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ArrayDimensions = new int[] { 64 },
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(5000)


This code works fine with version 1.2.0 but throws an exception "ErrorBadParam" with 1.3.0 and 1.4.0. I looked at the changelog but I couldn't locate what has changed regarding arrays.

Logs level 4: logs.txt

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Bad Param sounds like a core library error. Can you capture the logs and attach them? Use debug level 4 (detail). If the version of the .Net wrapper you are using uses version 2.6.0 of the core library, then that has a lot of small changes for Omron contributed by a user.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Bad Param sounds like a core library error. Can you capture the logs and attach them? Use debug level 4 (detail). If the version of the .Net wrapper you are using uses version 2.6.0 of the core library, then that has a lot of small changes for Omron contributed by a user.

Attached in my opening comment

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

D'oh. I shouldn't comment on my phone...

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Huh... It is the PLC that is sending that back. The error is major code 0x20 and minor code 0x8017. In the "fine" manual from Omron, it says that this is due to:

More than one element was specified for a variable that does not have elements.

Hmmm. Let's look at the request.

4c 06 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 02 00

4c - read command 06 - number of words in the tag path. 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 - tag name with padding byte because the name is an odd length. 02 00 - get two elements

I think this worked before because the core library was overriding the element count setting it to 1 all the time. Now the element count is 2 but there isn't an array element specifier on the tag path. It is just a bare name. Omron's manual says that when an array is accessed with just the bare name, all the elements are returned. So asking for 2 is really asking for the array and a second array. At least that is how I read the docs. Omron's manual is... not great. It is actually worse than Rockwell's docs.

Try two things:

  1. Set the element count to 1. If it works, you should get the whole array. Possibly packed as bits and possibly as some larger unit per BOOL.
  2. Use a tag path of "AlarmList[0]" and leave the element count to 2.

I will be very interested to see if the response in 2 will be two words (D2 type IIRC).

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

So where is that count of two elements coming from? It is not clear in the code you showed above.

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Ahh. I think I see. The array dimensions are given as a single dimension of 64. If this was a Rockwell PLC it would use 32-bit double words to store the bits. IIRC, Omron uses 16-bit words. So 64/32 = 2 for Rockwell, but would be 4 words for Omron. But since this is a bare tag name, the entire array is handed back at once. I think that option 2 above will probably work and generate something. Whether it is what you wanted is a different story.

Try another option:

  1. Change the dimension to 32 from 64 and see if that loads something. Omron may still be OK with an element count as long as it is one.
MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

I was going to ask exactly that; I posted all my code, there is nothing else.

I tried what you suggested:

  1. It works for ArrayDimensions ranging from { 1 } to { 32 }, but I get only 32 bool values (need some decoding?)
  2. With name "AlarmList[0]" I get an ErrorOutOfBounds exception no matter what other changes I make
  3. See point 1
kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Can you post debugging output for the three cases. I want to see if 1 and 3 are bringing back the same data and whether the error in 2 is from the core DLL or the PLC.


MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Sure! Not sure if it's ok to paste everything here but here it is:

Case 1, array dimension { 1 }, tag name AlarmList

2024-06-17 21:11:34.650 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:838 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:177 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:186 Creating library mutex.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:207 Initializing library modules.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:136 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:140 Setting up global library data.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:142 Creating tag hashtable.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:75 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:99 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:148 Creating tag hashtable mutex.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:154 Creating tag condition variable.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:160 Creating tag tickler thread.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:166 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:210 Initializing AB module.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:125 Initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(2) tag(0) INFO tag_tickler_func:513 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:134 Finished initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:215 Initializing Modbus module.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2469 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mb_init:2471 Setting up mutex.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2480 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:226 Done initializing library modules.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:231 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.652 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:129 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "protocol=ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "gateway=".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "path=1,0".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "plc=omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_size=1".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_size":"1".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.654 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_size":"1".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_count=1".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_count":"1".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_count":"1".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "name=AlarmList".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "name":"AlarmList".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "name":"AlarmList".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:216 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) INFO find_tag_create_func:99 Matched protocol=ab_eip
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:175 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from ab_tag_create:182
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 014DDBE0
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:188 tag=014DDBE0
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:467 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.656 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:498 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:254 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:278 Creating new session.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:475 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.658 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:478 Session should use connected messaging.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_unsafe:483
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 014DDE00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:71 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 0 in string 1,0.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path ",0".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 1.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:85 Skipping separator character ','.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 2 in string 1,0.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path "".
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 0.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:130 PLC needs connection, adding path to the router object.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.660 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:162 IOI size before 6
2024-06-17 21:11:34.662 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:183 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.664 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:531 Setting connection_group_id to 0.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.664 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:571 Set maximum payload size to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.664 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:339 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.664 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:349 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.664 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:588 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.664 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:289 Passed attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:290 Existing attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:604 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:626 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:329 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:289 using session=014DDE00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1038 Starting thread for session 014DDE00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:527 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1058 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_START state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:644 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.666 thread(1) tag(0) INFO get_tag_data_type:640 Setting element size to 1.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:658 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1311 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:407 Setting up OMRON NJ/NX Series tag.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:417 Using default Omron byte order.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:423 Setting default Logix vtable.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:720 Starting with name index=0 and encoded name index=1.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:759 Parsed symbolic segment "AlarmList" in tag name.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:495 Kicking off initial read.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1334 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_open_socket:678 Using default port 44818.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1355 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.668 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 0145F550
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1404 Found numeric IP address:
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=014DDE00, req=0145F550
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1444 Setting up wake pipe.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2161 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.670 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2308 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:508 Using vtable 7AACDC90.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:510 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1475 Socket connection attempt 0 started successfully.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1501 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:3969 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:4287 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1074 Connect started, going to state SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4390 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1086 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1518 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.672 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4410 Found unused ID 11
2024-06-17 21:11:34.674 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4430 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.674 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:973 Returning mapped tag ID 11
2024-06-17 21:11:34.674 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_create_ex:999 Tag status after creation is PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.674 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.674 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.674 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1538 Socket is connected.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1598 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1092 Socket connection succeeded.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1113 in SESSION_REGISTER state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:706 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 28
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 65 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.676 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.678 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 28.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.678 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.678 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.678 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.678 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 4.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (28 bytes of 28).
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 65 00 04 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:773 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1129 in SESSION_SEND_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2070 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2091 Flag prohibiting use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2155 Set maximum payload size guess to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.682 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2259 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.684 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.684 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 92
2024-06-17 21:11:34.684 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 44 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 fd 41 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.684 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.684 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 34 00 5b 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 00 00 00 00 08 07 00 00 20 78 3d f3 45 43 50 21
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00 00 00 40 42 0f 00 cc 07 00 42 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00080 cc 07 00 42 a3 03 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 92.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2318 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2160 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1135 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1142 in SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2331 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.686 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 46.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (70 bytes of 70).
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 2e 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 fd 41 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 1e 00 db 00 00 00 c1 32 41 44
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 08 07 00 00 20 78 3d f3 45 43 50 21 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 40 42 0f 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2393 ForwardOpen succeeded with our connection ID 708 and the PLC connection ID 444132c1 with packet size 1996.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.690 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2398 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1161 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=444132c1
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 708 and sequence ID 1(1)
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 62
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 32 41 44 b1 00 12 00 01 00 4c 06
2024-06-17 21:11:34.692 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.694 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.694 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.694 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 62
2024-06-17 21:11:34.694 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.694 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.696 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 32 41 44 b1 00 12 00 01 00 4c 06
2024-06-17 21:11:34.696 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.696 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.696 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 62.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.696 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.696 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.696 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.696 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 36.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (60 bytes of 60).
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 24 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 08 07 00 00 b1 00 10 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 60 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 24 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.702 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.704 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 08 07 00 00 b1 00 10 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.704 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.704 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.704 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.704 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.704 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1438 type byte = 193 (0xc1)
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1454 Type data is 2 bytes long.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1455 00000 c1 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1477 Increasing tag buffer size to 8 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 8 bytes of data
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 0145F550.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.706 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:402 Tag creation complete with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:207 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED skipped due to duplication.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1069 tag set up elapsed time 34ms
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1075 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.708 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1607 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:235 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_STARTED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:239 Enabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:410 Tag read started with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 0145FB80
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=014DDE00, req=0145FB80
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.710 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.714 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.712 thread(3) tag(11) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.714 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.714 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=444132c1
2024-06-17 21:11:34.714 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 708 and sequence ID 2(2)
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 62
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 32 41 44 b1 00 12 00 02 00 4c 06
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 62
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 32 41 44 b1 00 12 00 02 00 4c 06
2024-06-17 21:11:34.716 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.718 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.718 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 62.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.718 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.718 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.718 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.718 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 36.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (60 bytes of 60).
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 24 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 08 07 00 00 b1 00 10 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 60 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-17 21:11:34.722 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 24 00 70 01 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.724 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.724 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 08 07 00 00 b1 00 10 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.724 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:11:34.724 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.724 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 8 bytes of data
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 0145FB80.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:230 Disabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.726 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:434 Tag read completed with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.728 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.728 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1724 elapsed time 16ms
2024-06-17 21:11:34.728 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_read:1737 Done
2024-06-17 21:11:34.728 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.728 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:11:34.728 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.

Case 2, ArrayDimension { 2 }, tag name AlarmList[0]

2024-06-17 21:15:07.207 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:838 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:177 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:186 Creating library mutex.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:207 Initializing library modules.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:136 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:140 Setting up global library data.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:142 Creating tag hashtable.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:75 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:99 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:148 Creating tag hashtable mutex.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:154 Creating tag condition variable.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:160 Creating tag tickler thread.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:166 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:210 Initializing AB module.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:125 Initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(2) tag(0) INFO tag_tickler_func:513 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:134 Finished initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:215 Initializing Modbus module.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2469 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mb_init:2471 Setting up mutex.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2480 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:226 Done initializing library modules.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.209 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:231 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:129 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "protocol=ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "gateway=".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "path=1,0".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "plc=omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_size=1".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.211 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_size":"1".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_size":"1".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_count=1".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_count":"1".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_count":"1".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "name=AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "name":"AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "name":"AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:216 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) INFO find_tag_create_func:99 Matched protocol=ab_eip
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:175 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from ab_tag_create:182
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 0130E618
2024-06-17 21:15:07.213 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:188 tag=0130E618
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:467 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:498 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:254 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:278 Creating new session.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:475 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:478 Session should use connected messaging.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_unsafe:483
2024-06-17 21:15:07.215 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 0130E838
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:71 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 0 in string 1,0.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path ",0".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 1.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:85 Skipping separator character ','.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 2 in string 1,0.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path "".
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 0.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:130 PLC needs connection, adding path to the router object.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:162 IOI size before 6
2024-06-17 21:15:07.217 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:183 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.219 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:531 Setting connection_group_id to 0.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.219 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:571 Set maximum payload size to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.219 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:339 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.219 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:349 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:588 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:289 Passed attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:290 Existing attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:604 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.221 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:626 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:329 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1038 Starting thread for session 0130E838
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:289 using session=0130E838
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:527 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1058 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_START state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) INFO get_tag_data_type:640 Setting element size to 1.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:658 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:644 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:407 Setting up OMRON NJ/NX Series tag.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:417 Using default Omron byte order.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1311 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:423 Setting default Logix vtable.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:720 Starting with name index=0 and encoded name index=1.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.223 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:759 Parsed symbolic segment "AlarmList" in tag name.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:770 Starting with name index=10 and encoded name index=13.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:830 Parsed 1-byte numeric segment of value 0.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:833 Done with name index=11 and encoded name index=15.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1334 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:495 Kicking off initial read.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_open_socket:678 Using default port 44818.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1355 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 012944A8
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.225 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=0130E838, req=012944A8
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1404 Found numeric IP address:
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1444 Setting up wake pipe.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2161 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:508 Using vtable 7AB1DC90.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:510 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2308 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:3969 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:4287 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1475 Socket connection attempt 0 started successfully.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.229 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1501 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.229 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.227 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4390 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.229 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1074 Connect started, going to state SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.229 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4410 Found unused ID 11
2024-06-17 21:15:07.229 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1086 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1518 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.229 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4430 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:973 Returning mapped tag ID 11
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_create_ex:999 Tag status after creation is PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.231 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1538 Socket is connected.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1598 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1092 Socket connection succeeded.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1113 in SESSION_REGISTER state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:706 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 28
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 65 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.235 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.237 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 28.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.237 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.237 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.237 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.237 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:15:07.239 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.239 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.239 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.241 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 4.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.241 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (28 bytes of 28).
2024-06-17 21:15:07.241 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 65 00 04 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.241 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.241 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.241 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:773 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.241 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1129 in SESSION_SEND_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2070 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2091 Flag prohibiting use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2155 Set maximum payload size guess to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2259 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 92
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 44 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 83 3d 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 34 00 5b 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 00 00 00 00 72 1e 00 00 59 72 3d f3 45 43 50 21
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00 00 00 40 42 0f 00 cc 07 00 42 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00080 cc 07 00 42 a3 03 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.242 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 92.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2318 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2160 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1135 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1142 in SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2331 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.244 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:15:07.250 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 46.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (70 bytes of 70).
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 2e 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 83 3d 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 1e 00 db 00 00 00 41 33 41 44
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 72 1e 00 00 59 72 3d f3 45 43 50 21 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 40 42 0f 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2393 ForwardOpen succeeded with our connection ID 1e72 and the PLC connection ID 44413341 with packet size 1996.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2398 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1161 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.251 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=44413341
2024-06-17 21:15:07.253 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 1e72 and sequence ID 1(1)
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 64
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 28 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 41 33 41 44 b1 00 14 00 01 00 4c 07
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 64
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 28 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 41 33 41 44 b1 00 14 00 01 00 4c 07
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.255 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.257 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 64.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.257 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.257 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.257 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.257 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:15:07.261 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.261 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.261 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.261 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 30.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.261 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (54 bytes of 54).
2024-06-17 21:15:07.261 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 1e 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 72 1e 00 00 b1 00 0a 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 54 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 1e 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 72 1e 00 00 b1 00 0a 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.263 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1438 type byte = 193 (0xc1)
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1454 Type data is 2 bytes long.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1455 00000 c1 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1477 Increasing tag buffer size to 2 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 2 bytes of data
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 012944A8.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.265 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.267 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.267 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.267 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.267 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:402 Tag creation complete with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.267 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.267 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:207 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED skipped due to duplication.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.267 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1069 tag set up elapsed time 36ms
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1075 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1607 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:235 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_STARTED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:239 Enabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:410 Tag read started with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.269 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.271 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-17 21:15:07.271 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.271 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 012944A8
2024-06-17 21:15:07.271 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.271 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=0130E838, req=012944A8
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.273 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(11) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=44413341
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 1e72 and sequence ID 2(2)
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 64
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 28 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 41 33 41 44 b1 00 14 00 02 00 4c 07
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.275 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 64
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 28 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 41 33 41 44 b1 00 14 00 02 00 4c 07
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 64.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.277 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:15:07.281 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.281 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.281 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.281 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 30.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.281 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (54 bytes of 54).
2024-06-17 21:15:07.281 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 1e 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.281 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 72 1e 00 00 b1 00 0a 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 54 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 1e 00 71 01 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 72 1e 00 00 b1 00 0a 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.283 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 2 bytes of data
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 012944A8.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:230 Disabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.285 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:434 Tag read completed with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.287 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.287 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1724 elapsed time 14ms
2024-06-17 21:15:07.287 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_read:1737 Done
2024-06-17 21:15:07.287 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.287 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.287 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:15:07.287 thread(1) tag(11) WARN plc_tag_get_bit:2280 Data offset out of bounds!

Case 3, same as 1 but with array dimension 32

2024-06-17 21:17:28.077 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:838 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.077 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:177 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.077 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:186 Creating library mutex.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.077 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.077 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.077 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:207 Initializing library modules.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.077 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:136 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:140 Setting up global library data.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:142 Creating tag hashtable.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:75 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:99 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:148 Creating tag hashtable mutex.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:154 Creating tag condition variable.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:160 Creating tag tickler thread.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:166 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:210 Initializing AB module.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:125 Initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(2) tag(0) INFO tag_tickler_func:513 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:134 Finished initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:215 Initializing Modbus module.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2469 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mb_init:2471 Setting up mutex.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2480 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:226 Done initializing library modules.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:231 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:129 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "protocol=ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.079 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "gateway=".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "path=1,0".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "plc=omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_size=1".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.081 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_size":"1".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.083 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_size":"1".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.083 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_count=1".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.083 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_count":"1".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.083 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_count":"1".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.083 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "name=AlarmList".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "name":"AlarmList".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "name":"AlarmList".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:216 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) INFO find_tag_create_func:99 Matched protocol=ab_eip
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:175 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from ab_tag_create:182
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 01252D50
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:188 tag=01252D50
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:467 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.084 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:498 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:254 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:278 Creating new session.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:475 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:478 Session should use connected messaging.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_unsafe:483
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.086 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 0124D310
2024-06-17 21:17:28.088 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:71 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.088 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 0 in string 1,0.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.088 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path ",0".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.088 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 1.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.088 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.088 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:85 Skipping separator character ','.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 2 in string 1,0.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path "".
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 0.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:130 PLC needs connection, adding path to the router object.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:162 IOI size before 6
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:183 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:531 Setting connection_group_id to 0.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:571 Set maximum payload size to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:339 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:349 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:588 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:289 Passed attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:290 Existing attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.090 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:604 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:626 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:329 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1038 Starting thread for session 0124D310
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:289 using session=0124D310
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:527 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1058 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_START state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:644 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(1) tag(0) INFO get_tag_data_type:640 Setting element size to 1.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.092 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1311 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:658 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:407 Setting up OMRON NJ/NX Series tag.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:417 Using default Omron byte order.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:423 Setting default Logix vtable.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:720 Starting with name index=0 and encoded name index=1.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:759 Parsed symbolic segment "AlarmList" in tag name.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:495 Kicking off initial read.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1334 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_open_socket:678 Using default port 44818.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1355 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.094 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.096 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1404 Found numeric IP address:
2024-06-17 21:17:28.096 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-17 21:17:28.096 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.096 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1444 Setting up wake pipe.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.096 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2161 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.096 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 011D28D8
2024-06-17 21:17:28.096 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.098 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=0124D310, req=011D28D8
2024-06-17 21:17:28.098 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.098 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2308 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.098 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-17 21:17:28.098 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.098 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1475 Socket connection attempt 0 started successfully.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.100 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1501 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.098 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.100 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.100 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1074 Connect started, going to state SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:508 Using vtable 7AB6DC90.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.100 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1086 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1518 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:510 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1538 Socket is connected.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1598 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:3969 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1092 Socket connection succeeded.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:4287 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1113 in SESSION_REGISTER state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.102 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4390 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:706 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4410 Found unused ID 11
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4430 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:973 Returning mapped tag ID 11
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 28
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_create_ex:999 Tag status after creation is PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 65 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.104 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.106 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.106 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 28.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.106 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.106 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.106 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.106 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.106 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.106 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 4.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (28 bytes of 28).
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 65 00 04 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:773 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1129 in SESSION_SEND_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2070 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.110 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2091 Flag prohibiting use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2155 Set maximum payload size guess to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2259 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 92
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 44 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 fd 54 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 34 00 5b 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 00 00 00 00 62 23 00 00 e8 60 3d f3 45 43 50 21
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00 00 00 40 42 0f 00 cc 07 00 42 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00080 cc 07 00 42 a3 03 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-17 21:17:28.112 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 92.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2318 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2160 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1135 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1142 in SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2331 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.114 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:17:28.118 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.118 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.118 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.118 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 46.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.118 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (70 bytes of 70).
2024-06-17 21:17:28.118 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 2e 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 fd 54 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.118 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.118 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 1e 00 db 00 00 00 c1 33 41 44
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 62 23 00 00 e8 60 3d f3 45 43 50 21 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 40 42 0f 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2393 ForwardOpen succeeded with our connection ID 2362 and the PLC connection ID 444133c1 with packet size 1996.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2398 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1161 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.120 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=444133c1
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 2362 and sequence ID 1(1)
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 62
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 33 41 44 b1 00 12 00 01 00 4c 06
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 62
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 33 41 44 b1 00 12 00 01 00 4c 06
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.122 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.124 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 62.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.124 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.124 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.124 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.124 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 36.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (60 bytes of 60).
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 24 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 62 23 00 00 b1 00 10 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.130 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.132 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 60 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.132 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-17 21:17:28.132 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 24 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.132 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.132 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 62 23 00 00 b1 00 10 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.132 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1438 type byte = 193 (0xc1)
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1454 Type data is 2 bytes long.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.134 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1455 00000 c1 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1477 Increasing tag buffer size to 8 bytes.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 8 bytes of data
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 011D28D8.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:402 Tag creation complete with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:207 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED skipped due to duplication.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.136 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1069 tag set up elapsed time 32ms
2024-06-17 21:17:28.138 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1075 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.138 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.138 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.140 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.140 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1607 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.140 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:235 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_STARTED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.140 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:239 Enabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.140 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:410 Tag read started with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.140 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.140 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 011D2E58
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=0124D310, req=011D2E58
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.142 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(3) tag(11) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.144 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=444133c1
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 2362 and sequence ID 2(2)
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 62
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 33 41 44 b1 00 12 00 02 00 4c 06
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 62
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 33 41 44 b1 00 12 00 02 00 4c 06
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.146 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.148 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 62.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.148 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.148 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-17 21:17:28.154 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.154 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.154 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.154 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 36.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (60 bytes of 60).
2024-06-17 21:17:28.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 24 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 62 23 00 00 b1 00 10 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.156 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.156 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.156 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.156 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 60 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.156 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-17 21:17:28.156 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 24 00 70 01 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.158 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.158 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 62 23 00 00 b1 00 10 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.158 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-17 21:17:28.158 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.158 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.160 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.160 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.160 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.160 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.160 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 8 bytes of data
2024-06-17 21:17:28.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 011D2E58.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.160 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-17 21:17:28.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:230 Disabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:434 Tag read completed with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1724 elapsed time 20ms
2024-06-17 21:17:28.162 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.164 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_read:1737 Done
2024-06-17 21:17:28.164 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-17 21:17:28.164 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Phwew. Thanks for all that.

Here's my analysis of this:

First test payload: Case 1, array dimension { 1 }, tag name AlarmList

Request: 4c 06 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00 One element requested

Response: cc 00 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Type 0x00c1 = BIT, but we get 8 bytes/64 bits of data. That's the whole array. It is clear that bits are packed here.

Case 2, ArrayDimension { 2 }, tag name AlarmList[0]

Request: 4c 07 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00 the 28 00 part is index 0 in the array [0]. Still requesting one element.

Response: cc 00 00 00 c1 00 01 00 Same type 0x00c1 but now we only got two bytes. Maybe each byte is one of the bits, since two were requested? We had an index so we did not get the whole tag.

This gets an out of bounds error in the plc_tag_get_bit() function which means we requested either something negative or a bit index greater than 15. Unfortunately, I don't print out the index so I cannot tell here.

Case 3, same as 1 but with array dimension 32

Request: 4c 06 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 00 Same request as case 1. So we get the whole tag.

Response: cc 00 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 And we get the same data. 64-bits worth.

Here is what I think is going on. I think that the wrapper is assuming that BOOL arrays are allocated in chunks of 32 bits (that's what Rockwell does). The wrapper assumed you will get a 32-bit bit string back even if you request a single bit/BOOL. So in case 2, it is trying to read all the bits out but there are only two bytes.

Here's a query for my ControlLogix where I have a BOOL array, TestBOOLArray. I asked for the tag name alone and 2 elements:

Request: 52 08 91 0d 54 65 73 74 42 4f 4f 4c 41 72 72 61 79 00 02 00 00 00 00 00

I used the fragmented read form, so the last four bytes are the byte offset, in this case zero.

Response: d2 00 00 00 d3 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Here we get type D3 back which is a 32-bit bitstring. And I get two of them. So the element count is the number of backing bit string integers.

The return of the type D3 is a really good flag to tell us that we are dealing with a bit string/BOOL array.

For Omron, in case 2 it is not clear that we got two bytes because we asked for two elements or if we got two bytes because that is the size of the backing integer for a BOOL array (it is 16-bits in Omron PLCs). The fact that we got a single 1 in the bytes indicates to me that each byte might be representing a single bit. Or maybe the other bits are masked off?

Can you run test 2 again, but ask for 8 elements? We have a couple likely possibilities:

A: We still get two bytes back because they are packed and Omron is masking off the bits we did not ask for. The first byte will have the value 0xC5 in it. The bit indexing operation will still fail.

B: We will get 8 bytes back and and they will look like this:

01 00 01 00 00 00 01 01

In this case the bit indexing operation will succeed.

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

It is very annoying that Omron does not give us some information about the tag type through the element type information. Rockwell uses the bit-string types when they return a BOOL array. Omron just uses the usual single-bit type.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

What omron resources do you have to look up? Aside from diving into streams of bytes🙂

timyhac commented 2 weeks ago

It may be useful in this case to use the Tag class (not Tag<M,T>) to avoid running into issues with the Mapper system. You're quite right that that the BoolMapper was designed for Rockwell. It is possible for the Mapper to have different behaviour depending on the target device, but since we're not sure what the correct behaviour is it might be more productive to avoid it altogether and use the underlying Tag directly.

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago


See attached. That's all I've been able to find. That and reading through the Aphytcomm source code.

So few of the details of all the CIP-based PLCs are documented well that it is very common to dive into the bytes and Wireshark captures to figure out what is going on. Rockwell seems to be a bit better at documenting things than Omron, but not much better.

I have been trying to avoid reading all the tag definitions right at the beginning of a session with a PLC. If you have a PLC program with hundreds (or thousands) of tags, that process can take a long, long time. Many seconds. That is unacceptable start up time for many applications. And it uses a lot of memory.

The base C DLL is designed to be fairly small and is in use in several places on relatively small hardware. I am working on changes to make the memory use even smaller but those are not ready yet. Having the entire tag data base in memory all the time is far too much memory for these limited systems.

Omron does have one interesting difference from Rockwell. It looks like you can send the Get_Attributes_All CIP service call to a tag name directly. Can't do that on Rockwell.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Can you run test 2 again, but ask for 8 elements? We have a couple likely possibilities:

A: We still get two bytes back because they are packed and Omron is masking off the bits we did not ask for. The first byte will have the value 0xC5 in it. The bit indexing operation will still fail.

B: We will get 8 bytes back and and they will look like this:

01 00 01 00 00 00 01 01

In this case the bit indexing operation will succeed.

With tag name AlarmList[0] and array dimension { 8 } I get ErrorOutOfBounds

2024-06-18 10:30:18.587 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:838 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.589 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:177 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:186 Creating library mutex.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:207 Initializing library modules.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:136 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:140 Setting up global library data.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:142 Creating tag hashtable.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:75 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:99 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:148 Creating tag hashtable mutex.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:154 Creating tag condition variable.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:160 Creating tag tickler thread.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:166 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:210 Initializing AB module.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:125 Initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:134 Finished initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(2) tag(0) INFO tag_tickler_func:513 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:215 Initializing Modbus module.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2469 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mb_init:2471 Setting up mutex.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2480 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:226 Done initializing library modules.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:231 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:129 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "protocol=ab_eip".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.590 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "gateway=".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "path=1,0".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "plc=omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_size=1".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_size":"1".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_size":"1".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_count=1".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_count":"1".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.592 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_count":"1".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.594 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "name=AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.594 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "name":"AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.594 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "name":"AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.594 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:216 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.594 thread(1) tag(0) INFO find_tag_create_func:99 Matched protocol=ab_eip
2024-06-18 10:30:18.594 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:175 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.594 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from ab_tag_create:182
2024-06-18 10:30:18.594 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00C5DA70
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:188 tag=00C5DA70
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:467 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:498 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.596 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.598 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:254 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.598 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:278 Creating new session.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.598 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:475 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.598 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:478 Session should use connected messaging.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.598 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_unsafe:483
2024-06-18 10:30:18.598 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.598 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00C5DC90
2024-06-18 10:30:18.598 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:71 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.600 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 0 in string 1,0.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path ",0".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 1.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:85 Skipping separator character ','.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 2 in string 1,0.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path "".
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 0.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:130 PLC needs connection, adding path to the router object.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.601 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:162 IOI size before 6
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:183 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:531 Setting connection_group_id to 0.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:571 Set maximum payload size to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:339 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:349 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:588 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:289 Passed attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:290 Existing attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:604 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.603 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:626 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:329 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:289 using session=00C5DC90
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:527 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1038 Starting thread for session 00C5DC90
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) INFO get_tag_data_type:640 Setting element size to 1.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:658 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1058 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_START state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:644 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:407 Setting up OMRON NJ/NX Series tag.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:417 Using default Omron byte order.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.605 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1311 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:423 Setting default Logix vtable.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:720 Starting with name index=0 and encoded name index=1.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:759 Parsed symbolic segment "AlarmList" in tag name.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:770 Starting with name index=10 and encoded name index=13.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:830 Parsed 1-byte numeric segment of value 0.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:833 Done with name index=11 and encoded name index=15.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:495 Kicking off initial read.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1334 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_open_socket:678 Using default port 44818.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1355 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.607 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00BDF660
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1404 Found numeric IP address:
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=00C5DC90, req=00BDF660
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1444 Setting up wake pipe.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2161 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2308 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.609 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.611 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1475 Socket connection attempt 0 started successfully.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.611 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1501 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.611 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.611 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:508 Using vtable 78ECDC90.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.611 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:693 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:510 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1074 Connect started, going to state SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:3969 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1086 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:4287 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1518 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4390 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1538 Socket is connected.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1598 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1092 Socket connection succeeded.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.613 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4410 Found unused ID 11
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1113 in SESSION_REGISTER state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:706 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4430 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 28
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:973 Returning mapped tag ID 11
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 65 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_create_ex:999 Tag status after creation is PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.615 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 28.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.617 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 10:30:18.619 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.619 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.619 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.621 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 4.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.621 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (28 bytes of 28).
2024-06-18 10:30:18.621 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 65 00 04 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:773 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1129 in SESSION_SEND_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2070 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2091 Flag prohibiting use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2155 Set maximum payload size guess to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2259 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 92
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 44 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 ec 4e 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 34 00 5b 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 00 00 00 00 e0 04 00 00 79 2d 3d f3 45 43 50 21
2024-06-18 10:30:18.623 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00 00 00 40 42 0f 00 cc 07 00 42 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00080 cc 07 00 42 a3 03 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 92.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2318 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2160 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1135 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1142 in SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2331 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.625 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 10:30:18.629 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.629 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.629 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.629 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 46.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.631 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (70 bytes of 70).
2024-06-18 10:30:18.631 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 2e 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 ec 4e 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.631 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.631 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 1e 00 db 00 00 00 c1 01 dd 1c
2024-06-18 10:30:18.631 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 e0 04 00 00 79 2d 3d f3 45 43 50 21 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 40 42 0f 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2393 ForwardOpen succeeded with our connection ID 4e0 and the PLC connection ID 1cdd01c1 with packet size 1996.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2398 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1161 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=1cdd01c1
2024-06-18 10:30:18.633 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 4e0 and sequence ID 1(1)
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 64
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 28 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 01 dd 1c b1 00 14 00 01 00 4c 07
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 64
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 28 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 01 dd 1c b1 00 14 00 01 00 4c 07
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 64.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.635 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.637 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.637 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.637 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 10:30:18.641 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.641 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.641 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.641 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 30.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (54 bytes of 54).
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 1e 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 e0 04 00 00 b1 00 0a 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 01 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 54 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 1e 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 e0 04 00 00 b1 00 0a 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 01 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.643 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1438 type byte = 193 (0xc1)
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1454 Type data is 2 bytes long.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1455 00000 c1 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1477 Increasing tag buffer size to 2 bytes.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 2 bytes of data
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 00BDF660.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.645 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.647 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.647 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.647 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.647 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:402 Tag creation complete with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.647 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.647 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:207 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED skipped due to duplication.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.647 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1069 tag set up elapsed time 32ms
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1075 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1607 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:235 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_STARTED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:239 Enabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:410 Tag read started with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.649 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00BDF3F8
2024-06-18 10:30:18.651 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.651 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=00C5DC90, req=00BDF3F8
2024-06-18 10:30:18.651 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.651 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.653 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(3) tag(11) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=1cdd01c1
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 4e0 and sequence ID 2(2)
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 64
2024-06-18 10:30:18.655 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 28 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 01 dd 1c b1 00 14 00 02 00 4c 07
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 64
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 28 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 01 dd 1c b1 00 14 00 02 00 4c 07
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 01 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 64.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.657 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.659 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.659 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 10:30:18.661 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.661 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 30.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (54 bytes of 54).
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 1e 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 e0 04 00 00 b1 00 0a 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 01 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.663 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 54 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 1e 00 70 01 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 e0 04 00 00 b1 00 0a 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 01 00
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 2 bytes of data
2024-06-18 10:30:18.665 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 00BDF3F8.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.667 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 10:30:18.667 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.667 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.667 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.667 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.667 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:230 Disabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.669 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.669 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.669 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:434 Tag read completed with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.671 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.671 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1724 elapsed time 18ms
2024-06-18 10:30:18.671 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_read:1737 Done
2024-06-18 10:30:18.671 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.671 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.673 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 10:30:18.673 thread(1) tag(11) WARN plc_tag_get_bit:2280 Data offset out of bounds!
MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago


For Omron, in case 2 it is not clear that we got two bytes because we asked for two elements or if we got two bytes because that is the size of the backing integer for a BOOL array (it is 16-bits in Omron PLCs). The fact that we got a single 1 in the bytes indicates to me that each byte might be representing a single bit. Or maybe the other bits are masked off?

Could this be clarified looking at a different array? For example DINT[64] or something else.


This code using Tag throes again ErrorBadParam, I used ElementSize = 2 assuming each BOOL in the array would take 2 bytes.

const int ARRAY_LENGTH = 64;
const int TIMEOUT = 1000;

var myArrayTag = new Tag()
    Name = "AlarmList",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ElementSize = 2,
    ElementCount = ARRAY_LENGTH,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT),


//Read tag value - This pulls the value from the PLC into the local Tag value
Console.WriteLine($"Starting tag read");

//Read back value from local memory
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH; i++)
    int arrayDint = myArrayTag.GetInt32(i * 4);
    Console.WriteLine($"Value[{i}]: {arrayDint}");
timyhac commented 2 weeks ago

Doing this test with a DINT array will at least help to know that the problem is localised to BOOL arrays.

The Mapper that you were using for BOOL arrays sets ElementSize to 1 (byte), and assumes ElementCount is packed into a 32 bit double word so in this case would set ElementCount to 2 - this was developed Rockwell ControlLogix PLCs (although I'm not sure how appropriate even that is that is).

I haven't been deeply reading this thread but it seems like you're moving towards using an ElementSize of 2 and ElementCount of 64 / 16 = 4 seems like a reasonably logical value to use.

As far as I understand, ElementSize is optional for Rockwell so the fact that I was setting it to 1 might be incorrect but unused - not entirely sure.

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

The request shows that we are still asking for one element.

@timyhac so the mapper itself is overriding the element size?

@MountainKing91 can you try again, but use an array size of 257 (that will map to 9 elements)? We should still see the out of bounds error, but we should see if we get more bits masked or not.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm getting a little confused here. The reason why I was trying to go with mappers is that I have other UDTs array to read/write, starting simple with bools seemed a good idea :/

Unfortunately ElementSize = 2 and ElementCount = 4 throws again ErrorBadParam.

const int ARRAY_LENGTH = 4;
const int TIMEOUT = 1000;

var myArrayTag = new Tag()
    Name = "AlarmList",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ElementSize = 2,
    ElementCount = ARRAY_LENGTH,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT),
timyhac commented 2 weeks ago

@kyle-github the .NET package offers two Tag classes:

  1. Tag which doesn't do much more than wrap the libplctag core behaviour. Using this class you need to set ElementSize and ElementCount, and any other attributes you want to configure. To access the data you need to use the getter/setter methods.

  2. Tag<M,T> on the other hand additionally provides a system to map the PLC data into a C# type (T) and vice-versa. This logic is handled by a Mapper class (M). When using Tag<M,T> you have a property called ArrayDimensions instead of ElementCount. It supports 1d, 2d or 3d arrays. You don't set ElementCount directly and leave it up to the Mapper to figure out what the value is. For most Mappers this is just multiplying the array dimensions, but for BOOL arrays it does the magic.

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

That's odd. You are not using the mapper at all so nothing should be changing the element count out from underneath you... Can you try that with the tag set to "AlarmList[0]" and capture the debug output?

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago


can you try again, but use an array size of 257 (that will map to 9 elements)? We should still see the out of bounds error, but we should see if we get more bits masked or not.

const int ARRAY_LENGTH = 257;
const int TIMEOUT = 1000;

var myArrayTag = new Tag() { Name = "AlarmList", Gateway = "", Path = "1,0", PlcType = PlcType.Omron, Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip, ElementSize = 2, ElementCount = ARRAY_LENGTH, Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT), };

2024-06-18 12:23:21.833 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:838 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:177 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:186 Creating library mutex. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:207 Initializing library modules. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:136 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:140 Setting up global library data. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:142 Creating tag hashtable. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:75 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:99 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:148 Creating tag hashtable mutex. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:154 Creating tag condition variable. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:160 Creating tag tickler thread. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:166 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:210 Initializing AB module. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:125 Initializing AB protocol library. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:134 Finished initializing AB protocol library. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:215 Initializing Modbus module. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(2) tag(0) INFO tag_tickler_func:513 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2469 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mb_init:2471 Setting up mutex. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.835 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2480 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:226 Done initializing library modules. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:231 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:129 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "protocol=ab_eip". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "protocol":"ab_eip". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "protocol":"ab_eip". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "gateway=". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "gateway":"". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "gateway":"". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "path=1,0". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "path":"1,0". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.837 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "path":"1,0". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "plc=omron-njnx". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "plc":"omron-njnx". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "plc":"omron-njnx". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_size=2". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_size":"2". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_size":"2". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_count=257". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_count":"257". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_count":"257". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "name=AlarmList". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "name":"AlarmList". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "name":"AlarmList". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:216 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) INFO find_tag_create_func:99 Matched protocol=ab_eip 2024-06-18 12:23:21.839 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:175 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from ab_tag_create:182 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 008F9D90 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:188 tag=008F9D90 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:467 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.841 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.843 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:498 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.843 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.843 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.843 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:254 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.843 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:278 Creating new session. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.843 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:475 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.843 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:478 Session should use connected messaging. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.843 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_unsafe:483 2024-06-18 12:23:21.845 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.845 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 008F5E48 2024-06-18 12:23:21.845 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:71 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.845 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 0 in string 1,0. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.845 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path ",0". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 1. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:85 Skipping separator character ','. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 2 in string 1,0. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path "". 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 0. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:130 PLC needs connection, adding path to the router object. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:162 IOI size before 6 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:183 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:531 Setting connection_group_id to 0. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:571 Set maximum payload size to 1996 bytes. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:339 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.847 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:349 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:588 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:289 Passed attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:290 Existing attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:604 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:626 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:329 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:289 using session=008F5E48 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:527 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.849 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1038 Starting thread for session 008F5E48 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) INFO get_tag_data_type:640 Setting element size to 2. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:658 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1058 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_START state. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:644 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:407 Setting up OMRON NJ/NX Series tag. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1311 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:417 Using default Omron byte order. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:423 Setting default Logix vtable. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:720 Starting with name index=0 and encoded name index=1. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:759 Parsed symbolic segment "AlarmList" in tag name. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:495 Kicking off initial read. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1334 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.851 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_open_socket:678 Using default port 44818. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1355 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00874030 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=008F5E48, req=00874030 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.853 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1404 Found numeric IP address: 2024-06-18 12:23:21.855 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.855 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.855 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1444 Setting up wake pipe. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.855 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2161 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.855 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:508 Using vtable 793FDC90. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:510 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2308 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:3969 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:4287 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1475 Socket connection attempt 0 started successfully. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1501 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:693 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1074 Connect started, going to state SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4390 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1086 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT state. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1518 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.857 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4410 Found unused ID 11 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4430 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:973 Returning mapped tag ID 11 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_create_ex:999 Tag status after creation is PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.859 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1538 Socket is connected. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1598 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1092 Socket connection succeeded. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1113 in SESSION_REGISTER state. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:706 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 28 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 65 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.861 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.863 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.863 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 28. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.863 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.863 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.863 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.863 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select(). 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 4. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (28 bytes of 28). 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 65 00 04 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.867 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:773 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1129 in SESSION_SEND_FORWARD_OPEN state. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2070 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2091 Flag prohibiting use of extended ForwardOpen is 0. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2155 Set maximum payload size guess to 1996 bytes. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2259 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 92 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 44 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 58 61 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 34 00 5b 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 00 00 00 00 18 05 00 00 56 5b 3d f3 45 43 50 21 2024-06-18 12:23:21.869 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00 00 00 40 42 0f 00 cc 07 00 42 40 42 0f 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00080 cc 07 00 42 a3 03 01 00 20 02 24 01 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 92. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2318 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2160 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1135 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1142 in SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2331 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.871 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select(). 2024-06-18 12:23:21.877 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.877 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.877 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.877 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 46. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.877 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (70 bytes of 70). 2024-06-18 12:23:21.877 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 2e 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 58 61 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.877 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.877 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 1e 00 db 00 00 00 c1 06 d3 5d 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 18 05 00 00 56 5b 3d f3 45 43 50 21 40 42 0f 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 40 42 0f 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2393 ForwardOpen succeeded with our connection ID 518 and the PLC connection ID 5dd306c1 with packet size 1996. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2398 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1161 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_IDLE state. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.879 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=5dd306c1 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 518 and sequence ID 1(1) 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 62 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 06 d3 5d b1 00 12 00 01 00 4c 06 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 01 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 62 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 06 d3 5d b1 00 12 00 01 00 4c 06 2024-06-18 12:23:21.881 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 01 01 2024-06-18 12:23:21.883 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.883 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 62. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.883 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.883 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.883 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.883 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select(). 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 28. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (52 bytes of 52). 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 1c 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 18 05 00 00 b1 00 08 00 01 00 cc 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.887 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 20 01 17 80 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet. Copying 52 bytes unchanged. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet: 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 1c 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 18 05 00 00 b1 00 08 00 01 00 cc 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 20 01 17 80 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.889 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) WARN check_read_status_connected:1416 CIP read failed with status: 0x20 Invalid parameter. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1417 A parameter associated with the request was invalid. This code is used when a parameter does meet the requirements defined in an Application Object specification. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 00874030. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) WARN check_read_status_connected:1547 Error received! 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:727 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:736 Called without a request in flight. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:743 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_ERR_BAD_PARAM. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.891 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_ERR_BAD_PARAM. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(1) tag(11) WARN plc_tag_create_ex:1047 Error PLCTAG_ERR_BAD_PARAM while trying to create tag! 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:402 Tag creation complete with status PLCTAG_ERR_BAD_PARAM. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:727 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:736 Called without a request in flight. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:743 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL hashtable_remove:232 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.893 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL hashtable_remove:250 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.895 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at tag_tickler_func:619 for 008F9D90. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.895 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.895 thread(2) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_destroy:795 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.895 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:727 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.895 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:736 Called without a request in flight. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.895 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:743 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.895 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_destroy:810 Getting ready to release tag session 008F5E48 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_destroy:812 Removing tag from session. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at ab_tag_destroy:813 for 008F5E48. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_destroy:815 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL remove_session:400 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL remove_session_unsafe:376 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL remove_session_unsafe:391 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL remove_session:408 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_destroy:826 Session sent 3 packets. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL session_destroy:837 Destroying session thread. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1325 Critical block. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) INFO perform_forward_close:2043 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_forward_close_req:2410 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.897 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_close_req:2422 Forward Close connection path: 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_close_req:2423 00000 01 00 20 02 24 01 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 64 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 28 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 59 61 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 18 00 4e 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 56 5b 3d f3 45 43 50 21 03 00 01 00 20 02 24 01 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 64. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_forward_close_req:2462 Done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_forward_close_resp:2473 Starting 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.899 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.901 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select(). 2024-06-18 12:23:21.903 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.903 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.903 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.903 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 30. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.903 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (54 bytes of 54). 2024-06-18 12:23:21.903 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 1e 00 70 01 0d 00 00 00 00 00 59 61 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.903 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.903 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 0e 00 ce 00 00 00 56 5b 3d f3 2024-06-18 12:23:21.905 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 45 43 50 21 00 00 2024-06-18 12:23:21.905 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.905 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_forward_close_resp:2502 Connection close succeeded. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.905 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_forward_close_resp:2507 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.905 thread(2) tag(0) INFO perform_forward_close:2059 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_unregister:783 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_unregister:787 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_close_socket:796 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_close:2083 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_close:2119 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_destroy:2128 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_close:2083 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_close:2119 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_destroy:2145 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_close_socket:804 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL session_destroy:885 Destroying session condition variable. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL cond_destroy:1242 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.907 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL cond_destroy:1253 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL session_destroy:892 Destroying session mutex. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:841 destroying mutex 008F6EA0 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:854 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL session_destroy:898 Cleaning up allocated memory for paths and host name. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_destroy:914 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:841 destroying mutex 008F9DBC 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:854 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:841 destroying mutex 008F9DC0 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:854 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL cond_destroy:1242 Starting. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL cond_destroy:1253 Done. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_destroy:844 Finished releasing all tag resources. 2024-06-18 12:23:21.909 thread(2) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_destroy:846 done 2024-06-18 12:23:21.911 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 D

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

That's odd. You are not using the mapper at all so nothing should be changing the element count out from underneath you... Can you try that with the tag set to "AlarmList[0]" and capture the debug output?

What size and count? I'm getting lost

timyhac commented 2 weeks ago

Starting with BOOLs seemed like a good idea.

A DINT array would be more straightforward. BOOL arrays and strings seem to have a lot more variation. Even individual BOOL values are encoded differently for different devices.

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

The error above is coming from the PLC.

Sorry, this is getting confusing. I'll try again. I thought you were still using the mapper.

tag name: AlarmList[0] <--- the array index of zero is important here element size = 1 element count = 8

This should get us all eight bytes of the BOOL array. If the PLC is using backing integers of 16 bits. If it is not, we should be able to see what it is using. Note that element size is used only as a hint to pre-size the buffer in the tag memory.

In case it is not clear, when I say "backing integers" I mean that the PLC is storing the bits of a BOOL array in some sort of integer container. Rockwell decided to use DINTs (32-bit). According to the manual, Omron uses INTs (16-bit). This is where the mapper is making an assumption that is incorrect. It is right for Rockwell, but not Omron.

When I read TestBOOLArray[0], element count = 1 on my Rockwell PLC, I get the following response:

d2 00 00 00 d3 00 02 00 00 00

d2 00 00 00 - this is the CIP command response header and says that the read completed with no errors.

d3 00 - the base type of the response is d3 which means a 32-bit bit string. This is what Rockwell uses to store BOOL arrays.

02 00 00 00 - 32 bits of data with the BOOLs packed one to each bit.

What you are seeing from your PLC is this, when we read the whole tag:

cc 00 00 00 c1 00 c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

cc 00 00 00 - cip command response

c1 00 - the data type is BIT which is only sent as at least a byte (you cannot send just one bit).

c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 8 bytes of data, probably stored as 16-bit bit strings

The experiment here is to try to use an array index. That seems to force the PLC into addressing based on individual bits, unlike Rockwell.

A. we get c5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 again so we get the whole array.

B. we get c5 00 - we get the first 16-bit word, with the only the first 8 bits reported.

C. we get c5. I don't know what that means other than confusion.

D. we get 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 01 - we get one byte per bit of the array.

E. The PLC sends us an error.

F. ???

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

In case it is not clear, when I say "backing integers" I mean that the PLC is storing the bits of a BOOL array in some sort of integer container. Rockwell decided to use DINTs (32-bit). According to the manual, Omron uses INTs (16-bit). This is where the mapper is making an assumption that is incorrect. It is right for Rockwell, but not Omron.

Ok, so for Omron:

is that right @kyle-github? That would make sense when you say that reading my BOOL[64] AlarmList tag we expect 8 bytes of data and we should set ElementCount to 8. I am not sure about ElementSize though.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Here is a test with an array of DINT, again ErrorBadParam image

ElementSize = 4 <--- each element is a DINT so 4 bytes ElementCount = 16 <--- there are 16 DINT values in my array

const int ARRAY_LENGTH = 16;
const int TIMEOUT = 1000;

var myArrayTag = new Tag()
    Name = "DintArray",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ElementSize = 2,
    ElementCount = ARRAY_LENGTH,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT),

    for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH; i++)
        int arrayDint = myArrayTag.GetInt32(i * 4);
        Console.WriteLine($"Value[{i}]: {arrayDint}");
catch (Exception ex)
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:838 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:177 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:186 Creating library mutex.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:207 Initializing library modules.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:136 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:140 Setting up global library data.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:142 Creating tag hashtable.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:75 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:99 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:148 Creating tag hashtable mutex.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:154 Creating tag condition variable.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:160 Creating tag tickler thread.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:166 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:210 Initializing AB module.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:125 Initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(2) tag(0) INFO tag_tickler_func:513 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:134 Finished initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:215 Initializing Modbus module.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2469 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mb_init:2471 Setting up mutex.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.100 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2480 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:226 Done initializing library modules.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:231 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:129 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "protocol=ab_eip".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.102 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "gateway=".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "path=1,0".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "plc=omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_size=4".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_size":"4".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_size":"4".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_count=16".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_count":"16".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.104 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_count":"16".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "name=DintArray".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "name":"DintArray".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "name":"DintArray".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:216 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) INFO find_tag_create_func:99 Matched protocol=ab_eip
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:175 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from ab_tag_create:182
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00864D60
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:188 tag=00864D60
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:467 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.106 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:498 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:254 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:278 Creating new session.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:475 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:478 Session should use connected messaging.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_unsafe:483
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 0085EE00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:71 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 0 in string 1,0.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.108 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path ",0".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.110 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 1.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.110 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.110 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:85 Skipping separator character ','.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.110 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 2 in string 1,0.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.110 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path "".
2024-06-18 14:18:01.110 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 0.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:130 PLC needs connection, adding path to the router object.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:162 IOI size before 6
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:183 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:531 Setting connection_group_id to 0.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:571 Set maximum payload size to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:339 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:349 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.112 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:588 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:289 Passed attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:290 Existing attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:604 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:626 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:329 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:289 using session=0085EE00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1038 Starting thread for session 0085EE00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:527 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1058 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_START state.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.114 thread(1) tag(0) INFO get_tag_data_type:640 Setting element size to 4.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:658 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:644 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:407 Setting up OMRON NJ/NX Series tag.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:417 Using default Omron byte order.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:423 Setting default Logix vtable.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1311 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:720 Starting with name index=0 and encoded name index=1.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:759 Parsed symbolic segment "DintArray" in tag name.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:495 Kicking off initial read.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1334 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-18 14:18:01.116 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_open_socket:678 Using default port 44818.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 007E0328
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1355 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=0085EE00, req=007E0328
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:508 Using vtable 7918DC90.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1404 Found numeric IP address:
2024-06-18 14:18:01.118 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:510 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.120 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1444 Setting up wake pipe.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.120 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:3969 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.120 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2161 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:4287 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4390 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4410 Found unused ID 11
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4430 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:973 Returning mapped tag ID 11
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2308 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_create_ex:999 Tag status after creation is PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1475 Socket connection attempt 0 started successfully.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1501 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.122 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:693 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.124 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.124 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1074 Connect started, going to state SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.124 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.125 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1086 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT state.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.125 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1518 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1538 Socket is connected.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1598 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1092 Socket connection succeeded.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1113 in SESSION_REGISTER state.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:706 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 28
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 65 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.128 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.129 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.129 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 28.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.129 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.129 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.130 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.130 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 4.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (28 bytes of 28).
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 65 00 04 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:773 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1129 in SESSION_SEND_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2070 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2091 Flag prohibiting use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2155 Set maximum payload size guess to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2259 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 92
2024-06-18 14:18:01.134 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 44 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 b3 1f 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 34 00 5b 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 00 00 00 00 29 4e 00 00 50 0d 3d f3 45 43 50 21
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00 00 00 40 42 0f 00 cc 07 00 42 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00080 cc 07 00 42 a3 03 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 92.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2318 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.136 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2160 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.138 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1135 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.138 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1142 in SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.138 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2331 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.138 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.138 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.138 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 14:18:01.142 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.142 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.142 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.142 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 46.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (70 bytes of 70).
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 2e 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 b3 1f 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 1e 00 db 00 00 00 c1 08 d3 5d
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 29 4e 00 00 50 0d 3d f3 45 43 50 21 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 40 42 0f 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2393 ForwardOpen succeeded with our connection ID 4e29 and the PLC connection ID 5dd308c1 with packet size 1996.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2398 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1161 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.144 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=5dd308c1
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 4e29 and sequence ID 1(1)
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 62
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 08 d3 5d b1 00 12 00 01 00 4c 06
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 44 69 6e 74 41 72 72 61 79 00 10 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.146 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 62
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 26 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 08 d3 5d b1 00 12 00 01 00 4c 06
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 44 69 6e 74 41 72 72 61 79 00 10 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 62.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.148 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 14:18:01.150 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.150 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.150 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.150 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 28.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.152 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (52 bytes of 52).
2024-06-18 14:18:01.152 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 1c 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 29 4e 00 00 b1 00 08 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 20 01 17 80
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 52 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 1c 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 29 4e 00 00 b1 00 08 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.154 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 20 01 17 80
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(0) WARN check_read_status_connected:1416 CIP read failed with status: 0x20 Invalid parameter.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1417 A parameter associated with the request was invalid. This code is used when a parameter does meet the requirements defined in an Application Object specification.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 007E0328.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.156 thread(2) tag(0) WARN check_read_status_connected:1547 Error received!
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:727 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:736 Called without a request in flight.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:743 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_ERR_BAD_PARAM.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_ERR_BAD_PARAM.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:402 Tag creation complete with status PLCTAG_ERR_BAD_PARAM.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(1) tag(11) WARN plc_tag_create_ex:1047 Error PLCTAG_ERR_BAD_PARAM while trying to create tag!
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:727 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:736 Called without a request in flight.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:743 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL hashtable_remove:232 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.158 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL hashtable_remove:250 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at tag_tickler_func:619 for 00864D60.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_destroy:795 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:727 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:736 Called without a request in flight.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_abort:743 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_destroy:810 Getting ready to release tag session 0085EE00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_destroy:812 Removing tag from session.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at ab_tag_destroy:813 for 0085EE00.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.160 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_destroy:815 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL remove_session:400 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL remove_session_unsafe:376 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL remove_session_unsafe:391 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.162 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL remove_session:408 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_destroy:826 Session sent 3 packets.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL session_destroy:837 Destroying session thread.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1325 Critical block.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) INFO perform_forward_close:2043 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_forward_close_req:2410 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_close_req:2422 Forward Close connection path:
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_close_req:2423 00000 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 64
2024-06-18 14:18:01.164 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 28 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 b4 1f 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 18 00 4e 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 50 0d 3d f3 45 43 50 21 03 00 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 64.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) INFO send_forward_close_req:2462 Done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_forward_close_resp:2473 Starting
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.166 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 14:18:01.168 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.168 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 30.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (54 bytes of 54).
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 1e 00 70 01 11 00 00 00 00 00 b4 1f 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 0e 00 ce 00 00 00 50 0d 3d f3
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 45 43 50 21 00 00
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_forward_close_resp:2502 Connection close succeeded.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO recv_forward_close_resp:2507 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.170 thread(2) tag(0) INFO perform_forward_close:2059 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.172 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_unregister:783 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.172 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_unregister:787 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.174 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_close_socket:796 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.174 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_close:2083 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_close:2119 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_destroy:2128 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_close:2083 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_close:2119 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) INFO socket_destroy:2145 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_close_socket:804 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL session_destroy:885 Destroying session condition variable.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL cond_destroy:1242 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL cond_destroy:1253 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL session_destroy:892 Destroying session mutex.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:841 destroying mutex 0085FE58
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:854 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL session_destroy:898 Cleaning up allocated memory for paths and host name.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.176 thread(2) tag(0) INFO session_destroy:914 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:841 destroying mutex 00864D8C
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:854 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:841 destroying mutex 00864D90
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_destroy:854 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL cond_destroy:1242 Starting.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL cond_destroy:1253 Done.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_destroy:844 Finished releasing all tag resources.
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_destroy:846 done
2024-06-18 14:18:01.178 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Remember that Omron will hand back the entire array if you do not have an index part on it. So "DintArray" is going to pull back the entire array. So when you try to read 16 elements there is an error because the entire array is not part of another array.

Omron differentiates between the entire object and elements within the object. But if you do not have an index part, then it defaults to reading the entire object.

Try "DintArray[0]" or set element count to 1.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Got it now, I missed the part about the index.

This works and it returns the correct values [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]

const int ARRAY_LENGTH = 16;
const int TIMEOUT = 1000;

var myArrayTag = new Tag()
    Name = "DintArray[0]",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ElementSize = 4,
    ElementCount = ARRAY_LENGTH,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT),

This works too, I can't get the values "directly" but I can print the buffer below, which is what I expected

const int ARRAY_LENGTH = 1;
const int TIMEOUT = 1000;

var myArrayTag = new Tag()
    Name = "DintArray",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ElementSize = 4,
    ElementCount = ARRAY_LENGTH,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT),
01 00 00 00 
02 00 00 00 
03 00 00 00 
04 00 00 00 
05 00 00 00 
06 00 00 00 
07 00 00 00 
08 00 00 00 
09 00 00 00 
0A 00 00 00 
0B 00 00 00 
0C 00 00 00 
0D 00 00 00 
0E 00 00 00 
0F 00 00 00 
10 00 00 00

So, with DINT values everything is fine. Is this of any help to debug what is going on for bool arrays?

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Can you try a similar test with the BOOL array again, but not using the mapper, just Tag?

start with index 0 in the array as with the above test.

elem size = 2 elem count = 4

Print out the bytes we get. I really do not know what we will see if we can get it to work. Hopefully there will be enough information to help Tim and others work on the .Net wrapper to make it work on Omron too.

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

This is making me wonder if I shouldn't weak how Omron is handled so that if there isn't an index given, I put [0] in.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, here it is (also before it was tag and not mapper)

var myArrayTag = new Tag()
    Name = "AlarmList[0]",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ElementSize = 2,
    ElementCount = 4,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000),

Does this work? I see I get a 4 bytes buffer, which seems ok for BOOL[64]

2024-06-18 16:28:39.002 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:838 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:177 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:186 Creating library mutex.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:207 Initializing library modules.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:136 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:140 Setting up global library data.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:142 Creating tag hashtable.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:75 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:99 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:148 Creating tag hashtable mutex.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:154 Creating tag condition variable.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:160 Creating tag tickler thread.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:166 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:210 Initializing AB module.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:125 Initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(2) tag(0) INFO tag_tickler_func:513 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:134 Finished initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:215 Initializing Modbus module.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2469 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mb_init:2471 Setting up mutex.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2480 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:226 Done initializing library modules.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.004 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:231 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.006 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:129 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.006 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "protocol=ab_eip".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.006 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.006 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "gateway=".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "path=1,0".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "plc=omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_size=2".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_size":"2".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_size":"2".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.008 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "elem_count=4".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "elem_count":"4".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "elem_count":"4".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "name=AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "name":"AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "name":"AlarmList[0]".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:216 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) INFO find_tag_create_func:99 Matched protocol=ab_eip
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:175 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from ab_tag_create:182
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 0116D4E8
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:188 tag=0116D4E8
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:467 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.010 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:498 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:254 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:278 Creating new session.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:475 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:478 Session should use connected messaging.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_unsafe:483
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.012 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 0116D708
2024-06-18 16:28:39.014 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:71 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.014 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 0 in string 1,0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.014 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path ",0".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.014 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 1.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.014 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:85 Skipping separator character ','.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 2 in string 1,0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path "".
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:130 PLC needs connection, adding path to the router object.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:162 IOI size before 6
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:183 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:531 Setting connection_group_id to 0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:571 Set maximum payload size to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:339 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:349 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:588 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:289 Passed attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.016 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:290 Existing attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:604 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:626 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:329 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:289 using session=0116D708
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1038 Starting thread for session 0116D708
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:527 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1058 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_START state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:644 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.018 thread(1) tag(0) INFO get_tag_data_type:640 Setting element size to 2.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:658 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1311 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:407 Setting up OMRON NJ/NX Series tag.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:417 Using default Omron byte order.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:423 Setting default Logix vtable.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:720 Starting with name index=0 and encoded name index=1.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:759 Parsed symbolic segment "AlarmList" in tag name.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1334 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:770 Starting with name index=10 and encoded name index=13.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:830 Parsed 1-byte numeric segment of value 0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_open_socket:678 Using default port 44818.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1355 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_numeric_segment:833 Done with name index=11 and encoded name index=15.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.020 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:495 Kicking off initial read.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1404 Found numeric IP address:
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 010E2AE0
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1444 Setting up wake pipe.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2161 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=0116D708, req=010E2AE0
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2308 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.022 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.024 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1475 Socket connection attempt 0 started successfully.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.024 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1501 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.024 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.024 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.024 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:693 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1074 Connect started, going to state SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.024 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:508 Using vtable 7A86DC90.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1086 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1518 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:510 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:3969 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:4287 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4390 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4410 Found unused ID 11
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1538 Socket is connected.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1598 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4430 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1092 Socket connection succeeded.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:973 Returning mapped tag ID 11
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1113 in SESSION_REGISTER state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:706 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.026 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_create_ex:999 Tag status after creation is PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 28
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 65 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 28.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.030 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.028 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.030 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.030 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.030 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.030 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 16:28:39.032 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.032 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.032 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.032 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 4.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.032 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (28 bytes of 28).
2024-06-18 16:28:39.032 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 65 00 04 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.034 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.034 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.034 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:773 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.034 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1129 in SESSION_SEND_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.034 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2070 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2091 Flag prohibiting use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2155 Set maximum payload size guess to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2259 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 92
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 44 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 da 13 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 34 00 5b 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 00 00 00 00 ca 5b 00 00 59 64 3d f3 45 43 50 21
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00 00 00 40 42 0f 00 cc 07 00 42 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00080 cc 07 00 42 a3 03 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 92.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.036 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2318 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.038 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2160 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.038 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1135 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.038 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1142 in SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.038 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2331 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.038 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.038 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.038 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 16:28:39.042 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.042 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.042 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.042 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 46.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.042 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (70 bytes of 70).
2024-06-18 16:28:39.042 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 2e 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 da 13 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.044 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.044 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 1e 00 db 00 00 00 c1 0e d3 5d
2024-06-18 16:28:39.044 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 ca 5b 00 00 59 64 3d f3 45 43 50 21 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.044 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 40 42 0f 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.044 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.044 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2393 ForwardOpen succeeded with our connection ID 5bca and the PLC connection ID 5dd30ec1 with packet size 1996.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.044 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2398 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1161 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=5dd30ec1
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 5bca and sequence ID 1(1)
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 64
2024-06-18 16:28:39.046 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 28 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 0e d3 5d b1 00 14 00 01 00 4c 07
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 04 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 64
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 28 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 0e d3 5d b1 00 14 00 01 00 4c 07
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 04 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 64.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.048 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.050 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 16:28:39.052 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.052 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.052 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.052 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 32.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.052 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (56 bytes of 56).
2024-06-18 16:28:39.052 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 20 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.054 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.054 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 ca 5b 00 00 b1 00 0c 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.054 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.054 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.054 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.054 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 56 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.054 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 20 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 ca 5b 00 00 b1 00 0c 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1438 type byte = 193 (0xc1)
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1454 Type data is 2 bytes long.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1455 00000 c1 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.056 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1477 Increasing tag buffer size to 4 bytes.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 4 bytes of data
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 010E2AE0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:402 Tag creation complete with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:207 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED skipped due to duplication.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.058 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1069 tag set up elapsed time 30ms
2024-06-18 16:28:39.060 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1075 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.060 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.060 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.060 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.060 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1607 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.060 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:235 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_STARTED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.060 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:239 Enabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.060 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:410 Tag read started with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 010E2AE0
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=0116D708, req=010E2AE0
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.062 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.064 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.064 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.064 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(11) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=5dd30ec1
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 5bca and sequence ID 2(2)
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 64
2024-06-18 16:28:39.064 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.064 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 28 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.066 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 0e d3 5d b1 00 14 00 02 00 4c 07
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 04 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 64
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 28 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 0e d3 5d b1 00 14 00 02 00 4c 07
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 09 41 6c 61 72 6d 4c 69 73 74 00 28 00 04 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 64.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.068 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 16:28:39.072 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.072 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.072 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.072 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 32.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.072 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (56 bytes of 56).
2024-06-18 16:28:39.074 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 20 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.074 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.074 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 ca 5b 00 00 b1 00 0c 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.074 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 c1 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.074 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.074 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 56 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 20 00 70 01 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 ca 5b 00 00 b1 00 0c 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 c1 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 4 bytes of data
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 010E2AE0.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.076 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:230 Disabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:434 Tag read completed with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1724 elapsed time 14ms
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_read:1737 Done
2024-06-18 16:28:39.078 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 16:28:39.080 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
00 00 00 00
MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Nope, I would expect 8 bytes, not 4 =/

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Well that's not what I expected. Even if that is one byte per bit, there are none that are set to 1. It looks like Omron is exposing only type C1 instead of whatever it uses internally to back the BOOL array.

Is the array all zeros in the PLC? All BOOLs are false?

I think there are two options to what the PLC is doing.

A. the PLC is giving us single bytes at a time packed with bits. In this case, we got the first four bytes of the array (which is 8 bytes long). In this case, the element count is counting single bytes.

B. the PLC is returning a single byte per BOOL we asked for. Here we got four bytes that represent the first four bits of the array. In this case the element count is counting single bits.

What would help us tell the difference?

If using an element count greater than 8 and less than or equal to 64 works, then it is case B. Also, if you can make sure that some of the BOOLs are set in the array, that would help. Then we can see some non-zero data.

Can you try this again (sorry!) with an element count of 10? If we are counting bytes as elements, then this should fail. If we are counting bits as elements, then this should succeed.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Is the array all zeros in the PLC? All BOOLs are false?


Here is the buffer when all even elements are set to TRUE, the others are set to FALSE, ElementCount is 4 01 00 01 00

Here is the buffer when all even elements are set to TRUE, the others are set to FALSE, ElementCount is 10 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Ah, it looks like it is case B.

Here's what I found in the Omron manual!


So when we request part of an array of BOOL, we get single bytes back. One for each bit. The values will be 0x01 for true an 0x00 for false.

So, your tests above agree with the manual (that is not always the case with these things).

There are two interesting things here.

  1. The format of BOOL arrays is completely different from Rockwell. Not even slightly similar.
  2. When going to write, it looks like we are missing a length field after the data type. That field is not there with Rockwell. Another protocol difference. Strangely this seems to mean that when writing the element count is in the request twice.
kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Oh, and the fun part: When you read the BOOL array as a full object (no index segment after the name) then you get all the bits packed into bytes. The format is different when you have an index.

Strings do something similar IIRC.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

All right, asking for ElementCount = 64 gives the correct result, one byte for each bit like you said 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00

I get this for ElementsSize = 1 or 2, does it matter?

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

To clear things up

AlarmList is BOOL[64], all even elements are set to TRUE, the others are set to FALSE

Without index in the tag name

var myArrayTag = new Tag()
    Name = "AlarmList",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ElementSize = 1,
    ElementCount = 1,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000),

byte[] buffer = myArrayTag.GetBuffer();

string hexString = BitConverter.ToString(buffer);
Console.WriteLine(hexString.Replace('-', ' '));

bool[] rc = new bool[64];
BitArray bitArray = new BitArray(buffer);

for (int i = 0; i < rc.Length; i++)
    rc[i] = bitArray.Get(i);
    Console.WriteLine($"Value[{i}]: {rc[i]}");

Buffer: 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 The array elements are packed into bytes.

With index in the tag name

var myArrayTag = new Tag()
    Name = "AlarmList[0]",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    ElementSize = 1,
    ElementCount = 64,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000),

byte[] buffer = myArrayTag.GetBuffer();

string hexString = BitConverter.ToString(buffer);
Console.WriteLine(hexString.Replace('-', ' '));

bool[] rc = new bool[64];

for (int i = 0; i < rc.Length; i++)
    rc[i] = buffer[i] == 0x1 ? true : false;
    Console.WriteLine($"Value[{i}]: {rc[i]}");

Buffer: 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 Each byte represents a bit element of the array, 0x1 means TRUE, 0x0 means FALSE.

Both ways works.

Now, what about the mapper? ^^

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

It is certainly less data when all the bits are packed into the bytes. But the fact that you get two different formats is really painful.

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

Hmm, I wonder what you get when the BOOL array is part of a UDT?

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

Let's see;

image image

var myTag = new Tag()
    Name = "BoolArrayInUdt",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000),

Buffer: 55 55 00 00 E8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

It seems the 16 bits are packed in the first 2 bytes of the buffer, what about the following two bytes before FF?


2024-06-18 19:01:40.745 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:838 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.746 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:177 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:186 Creating library mutex.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:207 Initializing library modules.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:136 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:140 Setting up global library data.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:142 Creating tag hashtable.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:75 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO hashtable_create:99 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:148 Creating tag hashtable mutex.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:154 Creating tag condition variable.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:160 Creating tag tickler thread.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO lib_init:166 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:210 Initializing AB module.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:125 Initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(2) tag(0) INFO tag_tickler_func:513 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_init:134 Finished initializing AB protocol library.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:215 Initializing Modbus module.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2469 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mb_init:2471 Setting up mutex.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO mb_init:2480 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.748 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:226 Done initializing library modules.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.749 thread(1) tag(0) INFO initialize_modules:231 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.749 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:129 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.749 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "protocol=ab_eip".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.749 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.749 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "protocol":"ab_eip".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.749 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "gateway=".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.749 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.750 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "gateway":"".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.750 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "path=1,0".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.750 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.750 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "path":"1,0".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.750 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "plc=omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.750 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.750 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "plc":"omron-njnx".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.751 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:158 Key-value pair "name=BoolArrayInUdt".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.751 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:173 Key-value pair before trimming "name":"BoolArrayInUdt".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.751 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:185 Key-value pair after trimming "name":"BoolArrayInUdt".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.751 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL attr_create_from_str:216 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.751 thread(1) tag(0) INFO find_tag_create_func:99 Matched protocol=ab_eip
2024-06-18 19:01:40.751 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:175 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.751 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from ab_tag_create:182
2024-06-18 19:01:40.752 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.752 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00EFB818
2024-06-18 19:01:40.752 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:188 tag=00EFB818
2024-06-18 19:01:40.752 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:467 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.753 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.753 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.753 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.753 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.753 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.753 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.753 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_generic_init_tag:498 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.753 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.754 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_plc_type:985 Found OMRON NJ/NX Series PLC.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.754 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:254 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.754 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:278 Creating new session.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.754 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:475 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.754 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:478 Session should use connected messaging.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.755 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_unsafe:483
2024-06-18 19:01:40.755 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.755 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00EFBA38
2024-06-18 19:01:40.756 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:71 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.757 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 0 in string 1,0.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.757 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path ",0".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.757 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 1.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.758 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.758 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:85 Skipping separator character ','.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.758 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:195 Starting at position 2 in string 1,0.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.758 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:224 Remaining path "".
2024-06-18 19:01:40.758 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL match_numeric_segment:229 Done. Found numeric segment 0.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.758 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:89 Found numeric segment.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.758 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:130 PLC needs connection, adding path to the router object.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:162 IOI size before 6
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cip_encode_path:183 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:531 Setting connection_group_id to 0.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_unsafe:571 Set maximum payload size to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:339 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_session_unsafe:349 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_create_unsafe:588 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:289 Passed attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.759 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:290 Existing attribute to prohibit use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.760 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:604 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.760 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:726 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.760 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL mutex_create:753 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.760 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1087 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.760 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL cond_create:1114 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.760 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:884 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.760 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL thread_create:917 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_init:626 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_find_or_create:329 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1038 Starting thread for session 00EFBA38
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:289 using session=00EFBA38
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:527 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1058 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_START state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:644 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL get_tag_data_type:658 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.761 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1311 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.762 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:407 Setting up OMRON NJ/NX Series tag.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.762 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:417 Using default Omron byte order.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.762 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:423 Setting default Logix vtable.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.762 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:720 Starting with name index=0 and encoded name index=1.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.762 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL parse_symbolic_segment:759 Parsed symbolic segment "BoolArrayInUdt" in tag name.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.762 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:495 Kicking off initial read.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.763 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.763 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.762 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_create:1334 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.763 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.763 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-18 19:01:40.763 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.763 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_open_socket:678 Using default port 44818.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.763 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00E81138
2024-06-18 19:01:40.764 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1355 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.764 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.764 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=00EFBA38, req=00E81138
2024-06-18 19:01:40.764 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.764 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-18 19:01:40.765 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.765 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1404 Found numeric IP address:
2024-06-18 19:01:40.765 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.765 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.765 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1444 Setting up wake pipe.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.765 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2161 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.765 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.766 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL ab_tag_create:508 Using vtable 7A3EDC90.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.766 thread(3) tag(0) INFO sock_create_event_wakeup_channel:2308 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.767 thread(1) tag(0) INFO ab_tag_create:510 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.767 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1475 Socket connection attempt 0 started successfully.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.768 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_start:1501 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.768 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:3969 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.769 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_open_socket:693 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.769 thread(1) tag(0) INFO set_tag_byte_order:4287 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.769 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1074 Connect started, going to state SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.769 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4390 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.769 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1086 in SESSION_OPEN_SOCKET_WAIT state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.769 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1518 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.769 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4410 Found unused ID 11
2024-06-18 19:01:40.770 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL add_tag_lookup:4430 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.770 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:973 Returning mapped tag ID 11
2024-06-18 19:01:40.770 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_create_ex:999 Tag status after creation is PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.770 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.770 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_create_ex:1010.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.770 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.771 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.771 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.771 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.771 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.772 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1538 Socket is connected.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.772 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_connect_tcp_check:1598 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.772 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_handler:1092 Socket connection succeeded.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.772 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1113 in SESSION_REGISTER state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.772 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:706 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.772 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.772 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 28
2024-06-18 19:01:40.773 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 65 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.773 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.773 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.774 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 28.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.774 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.774 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.774 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.774 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 19:01:40.778 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.778 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.778 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.778 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 4.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.778 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (28 bytes of 28).
2024-06-18 19:01:40.779 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 65 00 04 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.779 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.779 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.779 thread(3) tag(0) INFO session_register:773 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.779 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1129 in SESSION_SEND_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.779 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2070 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.779 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2091 Flag prohibiting use of extended ForwardOpen is 0.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.780 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL send_forward_open_request:2155 Set maximum payload size guess to 1996 bytes.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.780 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2259 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.780 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.780 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 92
2024-06-18 19:01:40.780 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 6f 00 44 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 13 7f 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.780 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.780 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 34 00 5b 02 20 06 24 01 0a 05
2024-06-18 19:01:40.780 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 00 00 00 00 aa 5f 00 00 29 4b 3d f3 45 43 50 21
2024-06-18 19:01:40.781 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00 00 00 40 42 0f 00 cc 07 00 42 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.781 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00080 cc 07 00 42 a3 03 01 00 20 02 24 01
2024-06-18 19:01:40.781 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.781 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 92.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.781 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.781 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_extended_forward_open_request:2318 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.781 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_forward_open_request:2160 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.782 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1135 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.782 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1142 in SESSION_RECEIVE_FORWARD_OPEN state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.782 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2331 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.782 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.782 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.782 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 19:01:40.786 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.786 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.786 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.786 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 46.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.786 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (70 bytes of 70).
2024-06-18 19:01:40.786 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 6f 00 2e 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 13 7f 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.786 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.787 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 00 00 00 00 b2 00 1e 00 db 00 00 00 c1 1d 6c 5a
2024-06-18 19:01:40.788 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 aa 5f 00 00 29 4b 3d f3 45 43 50 21 40 42 0f 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.788 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 40 42 0f 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.788 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.788 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2393 ForwardOpen succeeded with our connection ID 5faa and the PLC connection ID 5a6c1dc1 with packet size 1996.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.789 thread(3) tag(0) INFO receive_forward_open_response:2398 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.789 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1161 Send Forward Open succeeded, going to SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.789 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.789 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.790 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.790 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.790 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.790 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.790 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.790 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.790 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=5a6c1dc1
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 5faa and sequence ID 1(1)
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 66
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 2a 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 1d 6c 5a b1 00 16 00 01 00 4c 08
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 0e 42 6f 6f 6c 41 72 72 61 79 49 6e 55 64 74
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00064 01 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.791 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 66
2024-06-18 19:01:40.792 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 2a 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.792 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.792 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 1d 6c 5a b1 00 16 00 01 00 4c 08
2024-06-18 19:01:40.792 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 0e 42 6f 6f 6c 41 72 72 61 79 49 6e 55 64 74
2024-06-18 19:01:40.792 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.792 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.792 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 66.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.793 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.793 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.793 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.793 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 19:01:40.796 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.796 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.796 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.796 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 98.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.796 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (122 bytes of 122).
2024-06-18 19:01:40.796 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 62 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.797 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.797 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 aa 5f 00 00 b1 00 4e 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.797 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 a0 02 1b 2c 55 55 00 00 e8 03 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.797 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.797 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.797 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.797 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00112 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.797 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.798 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.799 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 122 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.799 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-18 19:01:40.799 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 62 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.799 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.800 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 aa 5f 00 00 b1 00 4e 00 01 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.800 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 a0 02 1b 2c 55 55 00 00 e8 03 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.800 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00064 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.800 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.800 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.800 thread(3) tag(0) INFO unpack_response:1657 00112 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.800 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.800 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.801 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.801 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.801 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.801 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.801 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1438 type byte = 160 (0xa0)
2024-06-18 19:01:40.801 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1454 Type data is 4 bytes long.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.801 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1455 00000 a0 02 1b 2c
2024-06-18 19:01:40.802 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1477 Increasing tag buffer size to 68 bytes.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.802 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 68 bytes of data
2024-06-18 19:01:40.802 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 00E81138.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.802 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.802 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.803 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.803 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.803 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.803 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.803 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.803 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.804 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:402 Tag creation complete with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.804 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:201 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.804 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:207 PLCTAG_EVENT_CREATED skipped due to duplication.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.804 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1069 tag set up elapsed time 34ms
2024-06-18 19:01:40.805 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_create_ex:1075 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.805 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.806 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.806 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.806 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1607 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.806 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:235 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_STARTED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.806 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:239 Enabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.806 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:410 Tag read started with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.806 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:312 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.807 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:423 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.807 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2525 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.807 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:111 Starting, called from session_create_request:2534
2024-06-18 19:01:40.807 thread(1) tag(0) INFO rc_alloc_impl:130 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.807 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL rc_alloc_impl:135 Returning memory pointer 00E81138
2024-06-18 19:01:40.807 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_create_request:2548 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.807 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:966 Starting. sess=00EFBA38, req=00E81138
2024-06-18 19:01:40.807 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:931 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.808 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:950 Total requests in the queue: 1
2024-06-18 19:01:40.809 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL session_add_request_unsafe:952 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.809 thread(1) tag(0) INFO session_add_request:974 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.809 thread(1) tag(0) INFO build_read_request_connected:508 Done
2024-06-18 19:01:40.809 thread(1) tag(0) INFO tag_read_start:341 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.809 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1168 in SESSION_IDLE state.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.809 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.810 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL session_handler:1174 There are 1 requests pending before cleanup and sending.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.810 thread(1) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from plc_tag_read:1682.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.810 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.810 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.810 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.810 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1679 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.810 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL get_payload_size:1693 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.810 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_request_status:1154 Read not ready with status PLCTAG_STATUS_PENDING.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.811 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL check_read_status_connected:1369 Read request status is not OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.811 thread(3) tag(0) INFO process_requests:1450 1 requests to process.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.811 thread(3) tag(0) INFO pack_requests:1714 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.811 thread(3) tag(11) INFO pack_requests:1724 Only one request, so done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.811 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1816 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.811 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL prepare_request:1845 cpf_targ_conn_id=5a6c1dc1
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1853 Preparing connected packet with connection ID 5faa and sequence ID 2(2)
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1860 Prepared packet of size 66
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00000 70 00 2a 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 1d 6c 5a b1 00 16 00 02 00 4c 08
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00048 91 0e 42 6f 6f 6c 41 72 72 61 79 49 6e 55 64 74
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1861 00064 01 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO prepare_request:1863 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.812 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1876 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.813 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1889 Sending packet of size 66
2024-06-18 19:01:40.813 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00000 70 00 2a 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.813 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.813 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00032 a1 00 04 00 c1 1d 6c 5a b1 00 16 00 02 00 4c 08
2024-06-18 19:01:40.813 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00048 91 0e 42 6f 6f 6c 41 72 72 61 79 49 6e 55 64 74
2024-06-18 19:01:40.813 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1890 00064 01 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.813 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:1945 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.814 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_write:2072 Done: result = 66.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.814 thread(3) tag(0) INFO send_eip_request:1932 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.814 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:1952 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.814 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.814 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1836 Immediate read attempt did not succeed, now wait for select().
2024-06-18 19:01:40.819 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1864 Socket can read data.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.819 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 24.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.819 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1807 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.819 thread(3) tag(0) DETAIL socket_read:1934 Done: result = 98.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.819 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2023 request received all needed data (122 bytes of 122).
2024-06-18 19:01:40.820 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00000 70 00 62 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.820 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.820 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00032 a1 00 04 00 aa 5f 00 00 b1 00 4e 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.820 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00048 00 00 a0 02 1b 2c 55 55 00 00 e8 03 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.820 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00064 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.820 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.820 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.820 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2025 00112 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.821 thread(3) tag(0) INFO recv_eip_response:2032 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.821 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1558 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.821 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1567 Got single response packet.  Copying 122 bytes unchanged.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.821 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1656 Unpacked packet:
2024-06-18 19:01:40.821 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00000 70 00 62 00 70 01 3b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.822 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.822 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00032 a1 00 04 00 aa 5f 00 00 b1 00 4e 00 02 00 cc 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.822 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00048 00 00 a0 02 1b 2c 55 55 00 00 e8 03 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.822 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00064 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.822 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.822 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.822 thread(3) tag(11) INFO unpack_response:1657 00112 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
2024-06-18 19:01:40.823 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL unpack_response:1666 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.823 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.823 thread(3) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from process_requests:1538.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.823 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.824 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.824 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.825 thread(2) tag(0) INFO check_read_status_connected:1487 Got 68 bytes of data
2024-06-18 19:01:40.825 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL rc_dec_impl:242 Calling cleanup functions due to call at check_read_status_connected:1520 for 00E81138.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.826 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:256 Starting
2024-06-18 19:01:40.828 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2567 Starting.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.829 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL request_destroy:2576 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.829 thread(2) tag(0) INFO refcount_cleanup:268 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.829 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.829 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL tag_raise_event:230 Disabled PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETE.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.830 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:220 Starting. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.830 thread(2) tag(0) DETAIL plc_tag_tickler_wake_impl:233 Done. Called from tag_tickler_func:569.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.830 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_handle_event_callbacks:434 Tag read completed with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.831 thread(1) tag(11) DETAIL tag_raise_event:218 PLCTAG_EVENT_READ_COMPLETED raised with status PLCTAG_STATUS_OK.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.831 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL tag_tickler_func:550 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.831 thread(1) tag(11) INFO plc_tag_read:1724 elapsed time 22ms
2024-06-18 19:01:40.831 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:281 Tickling tag 11.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.832 thread(2) tag(11) DETAIL plc_tag_generic_tickler:386 Done.
2024-06-18 19:01:40.832 thread(1) tag(0) INFO plc_tag_read:1737 Done
55 55 00 00 E8 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
timyhac commented 2 weeks ago

In terms of developing a Mapper for this unfortunately the Mapper does't know the tag name, so you will need to have a different mapper for each format - or just choose one and use that.

If using the one byte per bool format

If using the packed format

Studying the existing Mappers should give you an idea of how this works:

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

I think i will need to implement another attribute on a tag. Something like "tag_type_guess". The internals of the core DLL know the tag name and I can capture the last segment type of it when setting up the tag. Once we have the data type (C1) comming in from the PLC, I should be able to guess fairly well. It might take some tweaking.

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

@timyhac i'll look at the mappers and see where I can get too. I understand that at this point it's worth testing each and every non trivial variable with a Tag and after that eventually define a custom mapper.

@kyle-github I noticed something else, probably worth to be pointed out, looking into a UDT with a BOOL value and a STRING[256]. The entire udt takes 400 bytes. image image

With Tag I can explore the buffer

var myTag = new Tag()
    Name = "SelectedStepCfg",
    Gateway = "",
    Path = "1,0",
    PlcType = PlcType.Omron,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000),
01 01 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 C4 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

byte 0 --> 01 --> Included = TRUE byte 1 to 259 --> 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 00 00 00 .. --> Description = abcdefg byte 260 to 263 --> 04 00 00 00 --> enum Mode = 4, it's four bytes because it is really a DINT byte 264 to 271 --> C4 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 --> Wait = 2500, a LINT byte 272 to 279 --> 88 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 --> Timeout = 5000, a LINT etc.. image

It looks like in this situation the BOOL variable takes 1 byte, the actual value of the STRING[256] is offset by 1 byte, which I imagine contains the string length, 256; here I would have expected 2 bytes and not 1...

Does this make sense?

timyhac commented 2 weeks ago

Another example that could be useful is here:

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

@timyhac yes, I have written my mappers looking exactly at that, it was very useful

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

I found that apparently BOOLs take two bytes when they are single BOOLs.


See Variable C in the picture. There is an entirely empty byte there. That begs the question. What is going on with the first two bytes in the UDT? They are both 01. The second one doesn't have anything to do with the string, I think.

According to the alignment rules, those LINTs should be aligned on 8 byte boundaries but the Mode DINT is right up against Wait. Maybe the string ended up having some padding at the end?

Here are the alignment rules:


I think that there is padding between the string and the Mode. The string is 256 bytes, possibly 257 depending on how you read the string part of the alignment rules. There were two bytes for the first BOOL. So that's 258 or 259. That's going to align the Mode at a four byte boundary and the next one is at byte 260. So there is at least one padding byte. The LINTs have to be aligned at 8-byte boundaries, and the byte after the Mode is byte 264 which is divisible by 8, so it is already aligned.

Bytes 0..1 - BOOL 2-257? 258? String 257/258..259 Padding 260-263 - Mode DINT 264-271 - Wait LINT 272-279 - Timeout LINT ...

MountainKing91 commented 2 weeks ago

@kyle-github This is the buffer with everything 0 or empty 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 image

This is way I was saying

It looks like in this situation the BOOL variable takes 1 byte, the actual value of the STRING[256] is offset by 1 byte, which I imagine contains the string length, 256; here I would have expected 2 bytes and not 1...

kyle-github commented 2 weeks ago

So the rules for BOOLs (hey that rhymes) are:

  1. If the BOOL is a singleton, it takes up 2 bytes. It will be aligned to 2 bytes.
  2. if the BOOL is a subset of a BOOL array in a read response, each bit will take up one byte but the total array size is a multiple of 2 bytes.
  3. If the entire array is read or a UDT containing a BOOL array is read, the BOOL is packed as for an array and still aligned at 2 bytes.
  4. UDTs are aligned to the alignment of the member with the largest alignment.