librasteve / raku-Dan

Top level raku Data ANalysis Module
Artistic License 2.0
7 stars 2 forks source link

Todos & Backlog #2

Open librasteve opened 2 years ago

librasteve commented 2 years ago

34 v2 Backlog 35 (much of this is test / synopsis examples / new mezzanine methods) 36 - Set style ops 37 -- expose series eg. df.A, etc 38 -- see notes 39 - Combine 40 -- .splice ok 41 - Apply? 42 -- .map ok 43 - Duplicate labels? 44 -- don't support, need to detect and error 45 - Index alignment? 46 -- just an outer concat with fillna 47 - String ops? 48 -- .map ok (regex example) 49 - Merge & Join? 50 -- .concat ok 51 - Column sort 52 -- splice ok 53 - Exceptions 54 - Stats 55 - Histogramming 56 - SQL style ops 57 -- Group by 58 - Reshaping (stacking) 59 - Pivot tables 60 - Time Series 61 - Categoricals (Enums) 62 - Plotting

Triage Pandas Operations for other Base candidates df2.A
df2.clone - DONE

librasteve commented 2 years ago

also - decide "immutability" strategy - viz. Math::Matrix

librasteve commented 2 years ago

also - decide custom dyadic operator strategy <[+-*/]>

librasteve commented 2 years ago


librasteve commented 2 years ago
