The slideshow module is specified by a link with a numbered image, such as http://localhost/Photo_10.png.In this example, the slideshow includes 10 images: ➡ Photo_1.png ➡ Photo_2.png ➡ Photo_3.png ➡ Photo_4.png ➡ Photo_5.png ➡ Photo_6.png ➡ Photo_7.png ➡ Photo_8.png ➡ Photo_9.png ➡ Photo_10.png.
If the link contains warect=full (or example http://localhost/photo_5.png?warect=full), then the slideshow should be launched in full screen. If not, the slideshow should be launched only inside the region defined by the link in the pdf file.
If the link contains waplay=auto (for example http://localhost/photo_5.png?waplay=auto), then the slideshow should be launched automatically. If not, the slideshow should be monitored by the user swiping.
If the link contains watransition=none, there should be no transition between photos. Otherwise, there should be a transition from left to right or right to left.
If the link contains wadelay=xxx, there should be an xxx ms delay between photos
if the link contains wabgcolor=white, the slideshow should be displayed on a white background (otherwise, it should be black by default).
The way this has been implemented so far is fine for the time being, but the various options for slide show should appear only if the link is with a .png or .jpg file
The slideshow module is specified by a link with a numbered image, such as http://localhost/Photo_10.png.In this example, the slideshow includes 10 images: ➡ Photo_1.png ➡ Photo_2.png ➡ Photo_3.png ➡ Photo_4.png ➡ Photo_5.png ➡ Photo_6.png ➡ Photo_7.png ➡ Photo_8.png ➡ Photo_9.png ➡ Photo_10.png.
If the link contains warect=full (or example http://localhost/photo_5.png?warect=full), then the slideshow should be launched in full screen. If not, the slideshow should be launched only inside the region defined by the link in the pdf file.
If the link contains waplay=auto (for example http://localhost/photo_5.png?waplay=auto), then the slideshow should be launched automatically. If not, the slideshow should be monitored by the user swiping.
If the link contains watransition=none, there should be no transition between photos. Otherwise, there should be a transition from left to right or right to left.
If the link contains wadelay=xxx, there should be an xxx ms delay between photos
if the link contains wabgcolor=white, the slideshow should be displayed on a white background (otherwise, it should be black by default).