libreliodev / photoshop

Photoshop Scripts For The Librelio Publishing Suite
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Include covers in InDesign exports #3

Open libreliodev opened 9 years ago

libreliodev commented 9 years ago

When exporting the InDesign file, we want to generate 2 versions of the cover in png format:

[FolderName] should be replaced by the name of the folder chosen by the user for the export

libreliodev commented 9 years ago


this will require using PhotoShop, since InDesign cannot directly (at least as far as I know) control the dimensions but only the resolution; so, after the script exports the PNG files, another photoshop script will trigger which will resize those files at the required maximum dimensions.

Thank you for your comment. If it's possible to control the resolution in InDesign, then we should be able to control the pixel size.

signilance commented 9 years ago

I understand that adding these three features (hyperlinks preserved, png versions for cover, video overlay bug solved) is all you need. Is this the case?

If so, let's get to the first two of them (until we see the example for the "video" problem): 1) Regarding the pdf export preset, I need the name of it. The script will check if the computer that runs it has that profile. If not, that profile can be build up on the fly by the script. But in this case I need the file itself (*.joboptions) so I can pass all its characteristic to the code. 2) The script will output two different png files, named as specified above. If you prefer to resize them manually ... very well. If not, I can lay down a separate script for Photoshop that will rescale them to the max. dimensions based on the height/width ratio.