libreobjet /

:package: As a group of industrial and graphic designers, hackers and artists, gathered together under the name Libre Objet, we all share a common question about open source industrial design, processes and products resulting from our work, with the aim of providing tools for accessing a free philosophy applied to the manufacture of objects.
31 stars 4 forks source link

Drop Stacey #21

Closed raphaelbastide closed 8 years ago

raphaelbastide commented 10 years ago

Stacey sounds inactive. Let’s try to find another CMS.

To try:


xuv commented 10 years ago

At first glance, I'm surprised how spress is shaped like jekyll. Where are the differences? Have a look at for example. This Jekyll implementation has "tags" and basic search on titles.

raphaelbastide commented 10 years ago

Spress is in PHP and does not need to be compiled. It is easyer to install for noobs. Plus PHP allows to implement the “Folder to zip” script we use. Then the search you use with Jekyll is user-side only. A real server-side search tools is better imo. Eventually, I tryed Jekyll for Libre Objet in a first version and I was unable to use it for our purposes.

Jekyll est un CMS de blog et manque cruellement de répertoire-projet, ou dans notre cas, un répertoire qui rassemble un fichier texte et les medias qui l’accompagnent. Tout les médias (images, PDF etc.) sont rassemblés en bordel dans le même répertoire avec Jekyll et c’est assez ennuyeux pour ne pas je choisir.

Extract from a mail sent by me on 10/14/13

xuv commented 10 years ago

Yep. :) Merci du rappel :)

xuv commented 10 years ago

After reading the extended list, I reviewed PHP based generators with a lot of stars and found



raphaelbastide commented 9 years ago

Jekyll has now a concept of “collection”. Maybe it can solve our separate folder issue.

raphaelbastide commented 8 years ago

New LO website version in progress using Mainly because of #10 and the lack of Stacey support

xuv commented 8 years ago

I'm just realizing that Grav is not a static website generator. I've always preferred static websites for LO as it does not allow a webserver to "read" the doc. I somehow envision LO website as something you can drop on a USB key and just browse through. Something to have in the back of your pocket. I though Grav produced this. But it's not the case. I've been using Jekyll for a while now. Will see if I can use that instead. There will be trade offs. Some functions might not be available. But will see.

xuv commented 8 years ago

Moved to Jekyll.

raphaelbastide commented 8 years ago

Not sure Jekyll lets you have images within folders, outside of the assets directory, but

  1. Maybe it has changed
  2. Maybe a patch / plugin can solve that
xuv commented 8 years ago
  1. It has changed. ;)
xuv commented 8 years ago

If you want to check the temporary version:

raphaelbastide commented 8 years ago

Wow that looks much simpler and robust! What’s the plan for the interface design?

xuv commented 8 years ago

Yes. The interface. So far, I'm keeping the design you did. I like it. Although I want to improve the first page (add more info, maybe a mention of the license plus other things). But I'm a bit stuck with the object detail page. Don't know what to do with all these images. :)

xuv commented 7 years ago

I know this issue is closed, but I wanted to add those static site generators: