libretime / website

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Multi lingual documentation #21

Open jooola opened 2 years ago

jooola commented 2 years ago

Having a multi lingual documentation would be awesome after the documentation has been rewritten and modernized.

This has been requested by french people willing to learn how Libretime works.

We should focus the user manual, not necessarily the admin/dev/advanced guides/manual, as we expect admin that install the server to understand English.

This is a long term goal.

zklosko commented 2 years ago

That's a very important thing we need to work on. I'll pin this so it doesn't go anywhere.

zklosko commented 2 years ago

I just heard of Docusaurus, a documentation-focuses SSG that uses React as its base. It has a lot of features we're looking for: search plugin without 3rd party clouds, i18n, syntax highlighting, and easy CI/CD. If anyone's interested, I have a demo here which is somewhat completed.

paddatrapper commented 2 years ago

That 404s?

zklosko commented 2 years ago

My bad. Try again.

paddatrapper commented 2 years ago

That's pretty cool! I want to have a look at the code at some point, but the final product is nice and sleek. Having a blog section also appeals to me because it would be a nice way to highlight some use-cases, new features, etc as we develop them

jooola commented 2 years ago

Cool site, Docusaurus seem like a nice tool, I overlooked it while searching for Jekyll alternative, another candidate I had was Vuepress which isn't yet as powerful.

I never used MDX, it brings a lot of features material/mkdocs was providing, this is a good thing.

I guess this overlaps with the previous libretime/website#8 ? @zklosko Maybe you can move this discussion there ?

zklosko commented 2 years ago

Update for those just finding this: We've successfully merged in Docusaurus and we're looking for people who can write translations for the documentation.