libretiny-eu / libretiny

PlatformIO development platform for IoT modules
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Feature Request : Bluetooth Proxy Support on BK7231x #162

Open rishabmehta7 opened 10 months ago

rishabmehta7 commented 10 months ago

As Beken chips have bluetooth like ESP32, Having a BT Proxy would be amazing

jeison-souza commented 7 months ago

This will help a lot, since tons of modules are using these chips right now !

erapade commented 6 months ago

Yes this would be amazing. For me it would mean that every lightbulb could be a potential Bluetooth proxy for less than $/€ 4.

Anyone that knows if implementation is ongoing and how far away this is?

rishabmehta7 commented 6 months ago

@kuba2k2 Any idea if anyone is working on this?

kuba2k2 commented 6 months ago

Yes, nobody is working on this.

rishabmehta7 commented 6 months ago

Yes, nobody is working on this.

I have no idea what to do (I am ready to learn) else I can help in anyway I can.

TuanAIoT commented 4 months ago

Is there a way to get the bluetooth library file and compile it? 6

Yes, nobody is working on this.

tiimsvk commented 1 week ago

no news in this thread? Today I flashed one of these modules and to my surprise I found out that it also contains bluetooth

erapade commented 1 week ago

Did you managed to install a BT proxy as well. If so, I will most probably pee in my pants :-)

rishabmehta7 commented 1 week ago

Did you managed to install a BT proxy as well. If so, I will most probably pee I'm my pants :-)

Nope. LibreTiny may not be a great platform. Bugs don't get addressed, no features get worked on. If OpenBeken finds a way to implement BTProxy. I am moving to that.

kuba2k2 commented 1 week ago

See my reply in

erapade commented 1 week ago

See my reply in

Does it mean that the code needs to be refactored before it's worth to add enough features to support BT proxy.

As you probably have understood, what we are aiming for is to turn every light bulb into a BT proxy

agittins commented 1 week ago

LibreTiny may not be a great platform. Bugs don't get addressed, no features get worked on. If OpenBeken finds a way to implement BTProxy. I am moving to that.

This is a pretty disrespectful attitude to spout in comments. Libretiny is not some corporate product that took your money and failed to deliver - it's a free and open source project that is run mostly by a single dev, and frankly it is amazing that such a thing exists!

I understand your frustration with the pace of change, but complaining about it like it's a failing is seriously uncool. It's not a failing, it's just the reality of the situation at hand. I was (and remain) super excited to discover an esphome-based implementation for beken chips, and I had spent some time in the openbeken side of things - I am so glad that Libretiny exists and has achieved as much as it has, and especially that it's easily incorporated into the standard esphome setup (for one thing, I don't have to have multiple places to store my iot codebases, awesome!).

Frankly, it's possible that the beken chips will never be able to do bluetooth proxy - the device might not have the grunt and memory to manage it (proxy is much more demanding than just sending broadcasts or supporting a single connection). I'd love to see bt proxy support happen (I have a vested interest, my Bermuda project) but the reality is it might not even be possible, so it's a significant investment for someone to dive into this to spend the time to possibly just confirm it can't be done - it's deeply unreasonable to criticise anyone for not choosing to take that gamble with their time.

People like kuba2k2 who put in serious work and offer it up to all of us for free deserve to be treated with respect, if you don't like their work pass on by, if you think it could be better, consider sponsoring them or someone else to help out, but eroding a dev's passion for something you directly benefit from by complaining about how much of their life they are donating to you is not helpful, and I'd encourage anyone to think compassionately about how they can best engage with the open source community in ways that benefit everyone and acknowledges contributions, rather than putting them down.

rishabmehta7 commented 1 week ago

LibreTiny may not be a great platform. Bugs don't get addressed, no features get worked on. If OpenBeken finds a way to implement BTProxy. I am moving to that.

This is a pretty disrespectful attitude to spout in comments. Libretiny is not some corporate product that took your money and failed to deliver - it's a free and open source project that is run mostly by a single dev, and frankly it is amazing that such a thing exists!

I understand your frustration with the pace of change, but complaining about it like it's a failing is seriously uncool. It's not a failing, it's just the reality of the situation at hand. I was (and remain) super excited to discover an esphome-based implementation for beken chips, and I had spent some time in the openbeken side of things - I am so glad that Libretiny exists and has achieved as much as it has, and especially that it's easily incorporated into the standard esphome setup (for one thing, I don't have to have multiple places to store my iot codebases, awesome!).

Frankly, it's possible that the beken chips will never be able to do bluetooth proxy - the device might not have the grunt and memory to manage it (proxy is much more demanding than just sending broadcasts or supporting a single connection). I'd love to see bt proxy support happen (I have a vested interest, my Bermuda project) but the reality is it might not even be possible, so it's a significant investment for someone to dive into this to spend the time to possibly just confirm it can't be done - it's deeply unreasonable to criticise anyone for not choosing to take that gamble with their time.

People like kuba2k2 who put in serious work and offer it up to all of us for free deserve to be treated with respect, if you don't like their work pass on by, if you think it could be better, consider sponsoring them or someone else to help out, but eroding a dev's passion for something you directly benefit from by complaining about how much of their life they are donating to you is not helpful, and I'd encourage anyone to think compassionately about how they can best engage with the open source community in ways that benefit everyone and acknowledges contributions, rather than putting them down.

I'd agree I was maybe a tad bit over the line, but that's my passion and love for the project. I do contribute in any way I can. What I meant by bugs don't get fixed - here's an example

The frustration is not towards Kuba2k2 but more about even tho LT is added to ESPhome it's not getting the attention and love the main line gets. We did discuss a bit about it on the other bug linked above.

agittins commented 1 week ago

I agree with you that it would be nice to see a way for the esphome team to chip in here - it seems like a lot of the heavy lifting to get bk chips as a platform in esphome is done and benefits esphome already. I noticed your comment on the other bug and that you have reached out to esphome to see how they can contribute, which is awesome.

I know I came on a bit strong, in part I'm reacting to a pattern of OSS devs getting burnt-out and it's clear that you care about the project.

kuba2k2 commented 1 week ago

I'm not sure I'd say I'm burnt-out with this project. I definitely will work on LibreTiny much more in the future, just don't know when. Right now I'm working on another big project of mine, which I've had for nearly 6 years now, and which needs attention after more than a year of no maintenance whatsoever. When I finish that, I see no reason not to get back to LibreTiny (unless a different particular "commercial" project comes up, I can't tell yet).

erapade commented 1 week ago

Did you managed to install a BT proxy as well. If so, I will most probably pee in my pants :-)

So my pants will stay dry at least for some months/years... 😅

Cossid commented 1 week ago

Bluetooth at its core is apparently working in LibreTiny on Beken (at a base proof-of-concept level). The heavy lift here is in ESPHome, as the current implementation is very ESP32 dependent. ESPHome's ble_client and bluetooth_proxy would need to be rewritten into agnostic standardized contracts/headers, and then it would be easier to implement platform-specific versions of it. Prior to LibreTiny, ESP32 was the only platform which had bluetooth. Whoever takes on such a project for any new platform would need to include that refactor, unless it is addressed by ESPHome in advance. So far no one has volunteered, and there hasn't been enough user input to increase priority.

rishabmehta7 commented 1 week ago

Bluetooth at its core is apparently working in LibreTiny on Beken (at a base proof-of-concept level). The heavy lift here is in ESPHome, as the current implementation is very ESP32 dependent. ESPHome's ble_client and bluetooth_proxy would need to be rewritten into agnostic standardized contracts/headers, and then it would be easier to implement platform-specific versions of it. Prior to LibreTiny, ESP32 was the only platform which had bluetooth. Whoever takes on such a project for any new platform would need to include that refactor, unless it is addressed by ESPHome in advance. So far no one has volunteered, and there hasn't been enough user input to increase priority.

In that case if you know what has to be said and where, we can start putting pressure so things can move in the right direction...