Closed Ninoh-FOX closed 1 month ago
"burner libretro" works. This is an issue on your side and i can't help you with it. In the first place i don't intend to provide support for devices with less than 512MB ram.
when the normal is 45-50Mb size
The "normal" is 70+
My only words of advice : don't use stuff you don't understand at random.
the commands:
make -j5 -C src/burner/libretro clean make -j5 -C src/burner/libretro generate-files make -j5 -C src/burner/libretro
only generate a lib between 40-700Kb size when the normal is 45-50Mb size
What is the problem? I use the same build makefile and now not works (arm7ve)
this is my makefile add in libretro:
else ifeq ($(platform), miyoomini) TARGET := $(TARGET_NAME) fpic := -fPIC PATH := $(PATH):/opt/miyoomini-toolchain/usr/bin CC = arm-linux-gcc CXX = arm-linux-g++ AR = arm-linux-ar SHARED := -shared -Wl,-no-undefined -Wl,--version-script=$(VERSION_SCRIPT) PLATFORM_FLAGS = -marm -mtune=cortex-a7 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard -march=armv7ve USE_EXPERIMENTAL_FLAGS = 1 HAVE_NEON = 1 USE_CYCLONE = 0 ARCH = arm ENDIANNESS_DEFINES := -DLSB_FIRST LDFLAGS += -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ CFLAGS += $(PLATFORM_FLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(PLATFORM_FLAGS)