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[Input] Correct Button layout for some games #454

Closed Immersion95 closed 4 years ago

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

As of today, only Neo-Geo games have the possibility to use the "Modern" layout, would it be possible to enable it for all of the 4-buttons games ?

There also could be some exceptions for :

jojo jojoba

These 2 could use the PSX/DC layout.

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

Well, i'll be honest, i use modern and don't want any of the changes you are suggesting, and while modern obeyed a certain logic for revised gameplay in ongoing fighting games franchise, i can't see that logic applying for jojo/jojoba (the only reason for different mapping on those systems is because of their controller's physical layout) or any other 4-buttons game.

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

Well, i'll be honest, i use modern and don't want any of the changes you are suggesting, and while modern obeyed a certain logic for revised gameplay in ongoing fighting games franchise, i can't see that logic applying for jojo/jojoba (the only reason for different mapping on those systems is because of their controller's physical layout) or any other 4-buttons game.

I was suggesting that JoJo games would use the PSX layout instead of the clockwise ABCD layout.

Also the option is there for NeoGeo games, it would be great to add it for all the 4 buttons games.

I do think that people tend to use the modern layout more (KOF PSX/DC) with pads.

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

Could you develop on the jojo/jojoba issue on gamepad ? I don't see the problem, what's the mapping on DC/PSX for those games ?

For the other ones, that's a definitive no, i don't see how a 4-button game like ddsom would benefit from it, it would only serve at bothering people who are used to the current layout with modern.

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

I could also make a list of 4 button games where it would be useful (like Power Instinct, SVG, etc...), would you accept it for those games :) ?

Regarding JoJo, here is more information

Hftf_pad With A being 1, B being 2, C being 3 and S being 4

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

Done for jojo/jojoba, i was thinking the current default layout was following the arcade, but it turns out it was already wrong. For any other game, i'll consider it if you make a valid statement, like the game actually having such layout on a modern platform.

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot !

Let me do the homework for the other games, I'll try to trace all of them.

There are also 6 button layout games which are wrong by the way :

They should have the same Street Fighter mapping.

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

Those 2 games didn't have the Weak/Medium/Strong Punch/Kick button labels, which is why they weren't recognized for the sf2 layout, thanks for letting me know, it should be ok now.

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

Thanks :), I also updated the title.

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

So regarding my investigation :

1. Power Instinct games should follow this layout :

------3 1----------4 ------2

Why ?

2. Spectral vs Generation (svg) should have this layout :

------2 1----------3 ------4

Why ? SVG was only ported to the PS2/PSP. It uses this layout.

3. Rabbit (rabbit) should follow this layout :

------2 1----------4 ------3

Why ? Rabbit was only ported to the Saturn. It uses this layout.

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

Done =>

powerins & co => arcade actually uses the same layout than snes/md svg => arcade uses a straight line of 4 buttons, so its layout doesn't really matter with retropad, let's use the one from from psp/ps2 rabbit => i couldn't find anything about this one's arcade layout, so let's go with the one from saturn

Those 3 changes were applied to both classic and modern

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

For Rabbit, i didn't find anything. I had to try the game directly.

Merci beaucoup :) (je crois que tu parles aussi français ?)

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

De rien

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

I also wanted to know if it would be possible to add games that don't have ports but would benefit greatly from this layout :

------2 1----------4 ------3

Why ? It's a straight line of 4 buttons - LP, HP, LK, HK

avengrgs bloodwar daraku drgnmst shogwarr tkdensho

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

I'll be back home monday and i'll take a look

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

The change is done (actually i found evidence that the first 3 games are played with punches on top in arcade cabinets), however with the buildbots currently dead you'll have to wait except if you build the core yourself.

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

It works, thanks a lot !

I also wanted to modify the modern layout for some Neo-Geo games (Samurai Spirits, etc...), do you know if it would be accepted ?

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

do you know if it would be accepted ?

as i said i'll consider anything as long as you make a valid statement, it'll be a hard one though

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

1. These NeoGeo games follow this pattern : A-B-C-D = LP-MP-LK-MK

doubledr --->Wrong, this uses [A] Light Attack [B] Medium Attack [C] Hard Attack [D] Extra Attack kabukikl karnovr ninjamas samsho samsho2 wakuwak7 whp

This layout suits those games well :

------2 1----------4 ------3

2. Those NeoGeo games follow this pattern : A-B-C-D = LP-MP-HP-K

samsho3 samsho4

Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi & Samurai Spirits 2019 which have the same button configuration use this layout which is the best to my knowledge :

------2 1----------3 ------4

3. Galaxy Fight follows this pattern : A-B-C-D = Light-Medium-High-Taunt

The PSX version of this game uses this layout :

------4 1----------3 ------2

I do think though that this following layout is better and is more "universal" across games (JoJo, SVG, Samurai Spirits) :

------2 1----------3 ------4

4. Those NeoGeo games follow this pattern : A-B-C-D = LP-MP-K-Special

samsho5 samsh5sp

Samurai Spirits 5 on the PS2/XBOX uses this layout :

------2 1----------4 ------3

5. Those NeoGeo games follow this pattern : A-B-C-D = LP-MP-K-Repel

lastblad lastbld2

Now those 2 games have button layouts all over the place on the different ports :


------4 3----------2 ------1

LB2 DC :

------4 2----------3 ------1

LB2 PS2 :

------3 1----------4 ------2

I do think that neither are great and that it should be like this :

------2 1----------4 ------3

Please note that A=1, B=2, etc...

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

tbh i don't think i'll do most of this, and will just restrict the "modern" layout to kof games instead of all fighting games,the reasons :

I might consider adding a real normalized modern layout for all samshos though, with samsho 2019 as model

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago
  • doubledr's

I don't think that there are errors apart from doubledr though but I would gladly be corrected as I also need those information :)

Regarding the layouts that I proposed, I disagree with you about these :

For Last Blade games, there is not a definite answer so it's better to leave it like this. Double Dragon on PSX use the NeoGeo CD PAD layout so it can also remain as it is.

There also can be a statement regarding the NeoGeo mini which use a "Modern" Layout for all of its games :

------3 1----------4 ------2

I still think that "Modern" should match the new direction that SNK chose for the NeoGeo mini pad for all the games and that "Modern" shouldn't be an hybrid configuration (I know that you already refused :p)

I just wanted to add that I'm not correcting the layouts for myself as I already know how to do it and did it. I just wanted to make the experience easy enough for people (like my nieces & borther) that won't go through all of these configuration and make it as friendly as possible :)

I think that I will try to check the layouts for the ports of the other games (like Double Dragon, Karnov's Revenge, etc...) if you are still interested in this issue.

Thanks a lot for your help and the time you take @barbudreadmon !

barbudreadmon commented 4 years ago

I still think that "Modern" should match the new direction that SNK chose for the NeoGeo mini pad for all the games and that "Modern" shouldn't be an hybrid configuration (I know that you already refused :p)

Actually, i don't remember it was ever mentioned that neogeo mini pad and arcade stick pro were using that layout, i just learned about this (it seems i missed that part the first time i read your post) and it's a very sound argument, change is done, now modern affects all neogeo games.

Immersion95 commented 4 years ago

It's solved then :)