Scanning NES, FDS, 7800, and Lynx in particular comes with some headaches due to the necessity of headers on those systems. Current no-intro dats contain headerless checksums with the expectation that a header skipper will be used. Given the fairly limited count of systems and unlikelihood of the issue arising on others, could header skippers be supported, and preferably just be included and auto-triggered on specific extensions?
Scanning NES, FDS, 7800, and Lynx in particular comes with some headaches due to the necessity of headers on those systems. Current no-intro dats contain headerless checksums with the expectation that a header skipper will be used. Given the fairly limited count of systems and unlikelihood of the issue arising on others, could header skippers be supported, and preferably just be included and auto-triggered on specific extensions?
NES header skipper example, as provided by no-intro
In the case of clrmamepro, header skippers are also used to swap endianness, but I'm not sure that part is of interest for retroarch.