libretro / RetroArch

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[Netplay] Dealing with core backwards incompatibility #14149

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago



  1. Core can break backwards compatibility within days apart, without version increments.
  2. Refusal of core developers to endorse a stable repository for cores (outright threatening to cease support).

I've been unable to netplay fbneo for the past few days because the hosts are running RetroArch 1.10.3 stable but fbneo versions prior to the one that breaks backwards compatibility (nightly). These players are randoms that I just find in the public lobby, simply telling them to update the core isn't possible.

RetroArch netplay's has multiple advantages over other rollback-based services, with its main strength being its support for more than 2 players. However, with cores not guaranteeing compatibility within the same version (same version number, not same commit), RetroArch's netplay for those cores is not reliable at all.

Expected behavior

Cores should remain backwards compatible for some time, if the version isn't incremented.

Actual behavior

We only have unstable cores in the core downloader/updater, therefore, backwards compatibility is compromised on cores that get worked frequently.

Side notes

I've been working on networks since the early 2000s, and I've never worked on a project where network enabled components were distributed to the general public straight from unstable. We often had alpha and/or betas (closed and open) before we would push that update to stable and thus, to the general population. Problems (as shown here) and security leaks are two things you can expect to encounter if you don't follow with these.

@LibretroAdmin You argued a lot with me about keeping netplay backwards compatible, even when hacks were necessary to do so. But this is effectively pointless if cores can and will break it on a whim. I've been working tirelessly to improve netplay, but I'll stop if this issue is not addressed. Solutions include the already mentioned stable repository for cores, or a tag in the info files that allow me to display a very visible notification that the core is not reliable for netplay and should always be updated before hosting/joining (this will be a huge problem for platforms which can't update cores from the unstable repository).

It's also really important for netplay users to express their thoughts on this as it affects them all. RetroArch's netplay seems to always be treated as a second-class citizen and this needs to stop, or deprecate it and recommend other services.

ghost commented 2 years ago

@Chaos81 You've a whole community that netplay solely on RetroArch. You may want to express your opinion here.

MistyDreams commented 2 years ago

Well I would suggest a new fork for netplay that the version number can be bumped. Seems the dev of this core has very little interest in the projects netplays compatibility for the userbase and that is fine,

The project as a whole needs to address this with a new unbiased fork that bumps up stable when needed if a compromise can not be met in situations like this. Either that or remove the cores netplay compatible status as it no longer fits this description for the project needs as a whole. I wouldnt throw all your improvements away for one core. Let the maintainer of this core make the choice and dont stress yourself. Someone else will no doubt make a netplay fork if the original maintainer has no interest.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Well I would suggest a new fork for netplay that the version number can be bumped. Seems the dev of this core has very little interest in the projects netplays compatibility for the userbase and that is fine,

The project as a whole needs to address this with a new unbiased fork that bumps up stable when needed if a compromise can not be met in situations like this. Either that or remove the cores netplay compatible status as it no longer fits this description for the project needs as a whole. I wouldnt throw all your improvements away for one core. Let the maintainer of this core make the choice and dont stress yourself. Someone else will no doubt make a netplay fork if the original maintainer has no interest.

It's not just one core; the way it's now, any core can break netplay backwards compatibility without any warning. It just happened to be fbneo at this time.

As for the fork, afaik, he doesn't want that either.

ghost commented 2 years ago

I wouldnt throw all your improvements away for one core. Let the maintainer of this core make the choice and dont stress yourself.

Addressing this before it leads to drama.

The reason I would stop (more like go into another hiatus) is because I can't keep netplay on a working state like this. Any improvements will be shadowed by netplay simply not working and if you think logically, this is a waste of a developer's time.

MistyDreams commented 2 years ago

It's not just one core; the way it's now, any core can break netplay backwards compatibility without any warning. It just happened to be fbneo at this time.

As for the fork, afaik, he doesn't want that either.

Im pretty sure other cores would be willing to compromise. You are right though this wont work with some kind of versioning infrastructure. I seen this as an issue on the other thready of badly compromising backwards compatibility. I think youve have tried all your avenues in dealing with this core dev might be better talking to the libretro team rather than core dev for a big picture solution.

Regarding his views on a fork its open source/source available whats best for the project will happen regardless I would imagine. The people at the top can make a policy on the future of netplay. If this keeps up people will just use things like fightcade that do make netplay a reality.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Regarding his views on a fork its open source/source available whats best for the project will happen regardless I would imagine. The people at the top can make a policy on the future of netplay. If this keeps up people will just use things like fightcade that do make netplay a reality.

Wouldn't be any different from a stable repository for cores. They would simply stop supporting libretro aswell as the possibility of bad relations between libretro and another emulator team, which I don't want. Obviously a solution for this needs to be found because active netplay development can't continue like this.

MistyDreams commented 2 years ago

The reason I would stop (more like go into another hiatus) is because I can't keep netplay on a working state like this. Any improvements will be shadowed by netplay simply not working and if you think logically, this is a waste of a developer's time.

I can completely understand your frustration. The simple solution you suggested is workable stable releases for netplay and nightly dont work on netplay. This will stabilise netplay for the userbase as a whole. I think you both have different goals and only one wants to compromise. I sure the other dev will see the big picture he probably feels its something he wanted but didnt think the side effects to user base as whole and feels he opinions are not validated. When its really a big picture thing. Asking devs to bump the version monthly or so is not a big ask.

MistyDreams commented 2 years ago

Wouldn't be any different from a stable repository for cores. They would simply stop supporting libretro aswell as the possibility of bad relations between libretro and another emulator team, which I don't want. Obviously a solution for this needs to be found because active netplay development can't continue like this.

Well this is true incompatible cores with no versioning just wont work. If devs cant update something as simple as a version on changes that effect netplay it might be worth removing these cores from netplay capable status and just keep the ones that make netplay a priority work in the lobbys. That way at least is doesn't give the impression of netplay is broken and devs can do what they please with the core as far as supporting netplay goes.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Some platforms don't really have the luxury of doing that. For arcade, it's either fbneo or fbalpha, if we remove the netplay compatibility status from fbneo, the only option for arcade is fbalpha, which is severely outdated.

Tagging cores as not netplay reliable but not outright locking them out of netplay is better than simply removing those cores from netplay, although as said before, platforms which can't use the core downloader/updater will be in trouble, just as it's right now.

MistyDreams commented 2 years ago

The biggest problem I see with any other solution than a stable version to work from is people will have problems. Example if you use commit hashes you cant join servers with different hashes. If the person hosting an older hash than you how do you get that version.

Without a baseline to work from it just wont work long term and users will get the impression its broke like they do now. Since we cant get a baseline with this core per say the version rarely changes its not a great candidate for netplay support. A certain critera should be set if you want to support net play claims. I cant see netplay going forward without some intervention on implementation conditions to support it.

I also dont think this is something you can fix it has to be a platform/team choice its not fair for this to fall on your lap with every dev.

This issue goes beyond netplay though seems savestates for this core will be unstable for users. Unless it checks the size and deletes any incompatible ones to stop any issues occurring.

ghost commented 2 years ago

I also dont think this is something you can fix it has to be a platform/team choice its not fair for this to fall on your lap with every dev.

Aye, which is why I've created this issue as I can't solve it myself. It falls on either libretro's infrastructure (core downloader/updater) or the cores themselves, both of which I've no saying in the matter.

MistyDreams commented 2 years ago

Well hopefully something fruitful comes of this in the long run. Either way you will have your answer in time . I think for this core in question and the devs feelings on the matter it has no future with netplay in a workable way for the user base. Hopefully other core maintainers see things differently and the platform can let people get a better better experience from netplay.

barbudreadmon commented 2 years ago

I already explained it all in the other issue :

outright threatening to cease support

As a matter of fact, we can't provide support if a broken version of our emulator is frozen in time on libretro's side. This is the direct consequence of the policy change you are requesting. Hanging around libretro github/reddit/discord/forum just to tell users "thanks for the report, this is a bug on our side, we will fix it asap but you won't be able to download the fixed core anytime soon without first messing around with your retroarch.cfg file" just doesn't feel right to me.

It's also really important for netplay users to express their thoughts on this as it affects them all.

Your proposition also affects all non-netplay users so maybe you should start caring about them.

Simply said, this "frozen core repo" solution you are proposing is causing major issues without actually guaranteeing the original problem of mismatching core versions is solved. You should find a better solution, preferably one that only affect netplay. The only one that comes to mind would be to enforce client-side to download and use some tmp core which is the exact same version as host-side, that'd require major changes in retroarch and some storage to archive cores.

barbudreadmon commented 2 years ago

As for the fork, afaik, he doesn't want that either.

I actually couldn't care less at the condition this fork doesn't become a burden for our team, meaning it must not be named in a way that would bring confusion and redirect all support to our team while it's actually not maintained by us.

Ofc, i'd need to confirm with the other members of the team if they are ok with this.

ghost commented 2 years ago

How exactly is having two different repos "affecting" other users? If you don't want to use the stable repo, use the nightly, It's literally a setting within RetroArch called "Buildbot Cores URL". But that's literally your argument for every single comment you make.

Quoting this again for emphasis:

I've been working on networks since the early 2000s, and I've never worked on a project where network enabled components were distributed to the general public straight from unstable. We often had alpha and/or betas (closed and open) before we would push that update to stable and thus, to the general population. Problems (as shown here) and security leaks are two things you can expect to encounter if you don't follow with these.

On a whim means a sudden decision, which applies to breaking savestate support for older versions without incrementing the version number.

And this passive-aggressive condescending attitude is getting old. I just saw how you treated @MistyDreams at the other issue (and this is the second time I've seen you treating him like that).

barbudreadmon commented 2 years ago

I already explained in length, in this issue and the other, why this "frozen core repo" actually doesn't really solve anything, and why incrementing version in the way you want is unrealistic and wouldn't be helpful.

If you don't want to use the stable repo, use the nightly

This "frozen core repo" (stop calling it stable, it's not) is a trick only helpful for your netplay mismatch issues, and shouldn't become the default repository for downloading cores.

And this passive-aggressive condescending attitude is getting old. I just saw how you treated @MistyDreams at the other issue (and this is the second time I've seen you treating him like that).

We have worked for years on this project, willingly improving netplay support along the line, building a user base who trusts us in improving our emulator on a daily basis. And now some people come and say "you don't care enough about netplay, everything should be centered around netplay, by default we'll freeze versions for everyone because it might serve the needs of our netplay community, and if your users aren't happy with that you can always tell them to change the default configuration". Sure, i'm totally the person in the wrong here. I'll stop there, it doesn't seem you can understand what i'm explaining.

hizzlekizzle commented 2 years ago

No need to get heated. We're all acting in good faith, and we all want everything to work as effectively and seamlessly as possible.

We already have a solution to this issue, which is: stable releases with core snapshots for those releases:

Those people for whom netplay is their top priority can use these stable snapshots, as they will never change, and they should match the stable releases for other platforms for cross-platform play.

ghost commented 2 years ago

No need to get heated. We're all acting in good faith, and we all want everything to work as effectively and seamlessly as possible.

We already have a solution to this issue, which is: stable releases with core snapshots for those releases:

Those people for whom netplay is their top priority can use these stable snapshots, as they will never change, and they should match the stable releases for other platforms for cross-platform play.

  1. That doesn't do anything for platforms with the core updater, as the core updater will always download from nightly, even from a fresh stable install.
  2. They aren't the same as the one at the time of a stable release either. Check the dates between the release post here and the timestamps at the buildbot.

And I don't mean to be rude, but if the fix was that simple, I wouldn't have opened this issue. Which is also important to note, as have already been stated in the OP, there is no decent versoning here, the commits hashes are worthless for the vast majority of users.

TL;DR: netplay with currently wip cores is not reliable at all and this isn't a problem that can be fixed through code. Forcing core downloads won't work for platforms which don't allow it, like Steam.

Guaranteening that cores on the same stable version be compatible on multiple devices, should be standard imo, but some people don't seem to understand the need for standardization and the consequences for lacking it.

ghost commented 2 years ago

It's also ironic that I got a lot of shit from some contributors for wanting to break backwards compatibility between 1.9.X and 1.10.X to avoid shitty hacks and some inherently problems with supporting old broken code; but apparently, this (which can break backwards compatibility every few days) gets a pass... infuriating.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

Let's please find a way to compromise here so that neither side here gets alienated and neither side leaves development. We cannot afford any developers to leave over this. We have to find a compromise if only for the sake of the community and the users. Let's please find common ground here.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

@Cthulhu-throwaway We cannot force a particular way of doing things suddenly on the FB Neo team. We have to find a compromise.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

I'll repeat again - throwing down ultimatums that one leaves development over a design decision is not productive on either side, and it is unfair and impossible for any of us to start showing favoritism to either side. If something is really that disruptive, the idea should be dropped, because coding decisions in no way can result in crucial developers having to leave or butt heads. We have to compromise then to let peace prevail. There is no point in chasing perfection if it's going to kill off a good amount of contributors in our current ecosystem. This is a team-based effort and decisions have to be made that the majority can agree on and can work with. Alienating people is not the solution.

For what it's worth, I don't really like the idea of some 'netplay core repository' or whatever is being suggested here. I'd suggest we stay with what we currently have and we don't try to overegg the pudding here unnecessarily. It really is not that serious to warrant butting heads with one another.

you have done excellent work and nobody is denying this. Let's take a step back though and not create a huge issue here unnecessarily when there doesn't need to be. We are seriously exaggerating any actual issue here.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

We already have a solution to this issue, which is: stable releases with core snapshots for those releases:

I agree with this, this is more than enough. We really don't need to resort to some controversial solution for nightlies and then risk developers from either side getting upset over it. If it's that controversial then we should not pursue it. Furthermore, the team is already overemburdened with enough stuff to do, and having to add even more to our workload to setup new workflows is not really something that is currently in our interest. If anything, we want less technical debt.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

These players are randoms that I just find in the public lobby, simply telling them to update the core isn't possible.

Honestly a far better solution is just having something so that before a netplay session is started, if internet connectivity is available, it checks the version, and if it's out of date, it attempts to just download the newest core. It should be easy to just fire off a task for that. That is far more productive than creating some 'stable netplay core version' repository or whatever is suggested here. This is way too overcomplicated and we really cannot be asked to maintain all of that, it is yet even more laborous work and we already have way too much technical debt as is.

From what I hear, @barbudreadmon would be down for this solution and it would solve the entire impasse right now.

Let's not needlessly overcomplicate things here. The best-case solution if a version is out of date is to simply update the core, period. There is not enough manpower or labor force in this project to have to maintain lists of 'stable' versions for netplay, people are assumed to either be on stable core versions or on the latest nightly cores. Anything else is going to be a total maintenance disaster/nightmare and something that there simply is no manpower or labor power for.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

or a tag in the info files that allow me to display a very visible notification that the core is not reliable for netplay and should always be updated before hosting/joining (this will be a huge problem for platforms which can't update cores from the unstable repository).

I'd suggest instead of creating a scary warning message, have the tag in the info file, HOWEVER, instead of doing a scary warning, have it automatically update the core on the spot then for platforms where this is possible (should be possible for both statically linked and dynamically linked targets I think when online updater facilities are available). It should be as easy as triggering a HTTP download task and then extracting the core to the appropriate directory, there's already functionality for this existing. You'll have to come up with something else for Steam though which will require you to talk to @Mats since he runs the Mist integration part of the Steam version.

Anyway, I'm afraid all of this is going to result in tons more work either way. I'd suggest we hold our horses right now, it really is not much to ask users to just make sure they are on the same core version. That should be expected and there is a handy and easy 'update all cores' button exactly for this purpose.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Dude, it's not ambition, it's literally in the first post that I can't join 1.10.3 (latest stable) rooms running fbneo because I am running a newer commit of fbneo that isn't backwards compatible with something as short as 2 months, but is the only one available through the core downloader. I know how to downgrade and NOW I know what's causing my issues joining them, but do you really expect the majority of your users to go through all of this to know they just got screwed by backwards incompatibility changes that didn't increment the version of the core and is pushed silently into the core downloader?

And it's not an ultimatum; until now I assumed those cores remained backwards compatible on the same version number, now I know better and I can't continue working on netplay until this is solved. I am finishing my work on implementing the client bans and fixing an input issue (since someone from Snes9x recently reported in to my request for information), but I'll be effectively on a hiatus until this is resolved in a satisfactory fashion, might even suggest deprecating netplay if this isn't the case because I doubt any other developer will stay long as soon as he finds out netplay gets broken every now and then because of changes outside of his reach.

Also, it's not me that needs to compromise, I can't do anything; this falls beyond the netplay code in RetroArch as stated multiple times.

Already went through the core download issues on platforms that won't allow it. So, not much else for me to say other than to read my previous comments carefully.

And again, and you know this very well, as you were one of the people giving me a lot of shit for a single break in backwards compatibility, how come this gets a pass just like that? Sure, you can't tell them what to do with their own core, but you can make better decisions than them with your infrastructure.

Finally, I am not just the current main contributor to netplay, but also an active netplayer; people will often find me joining their rooms. I know most of the pros and cons of the system by now and if I am saying I can't continue working like this, it means it's a huge issue that I can't fix on my end. You know very well how discouraged I was to continue working on netplay, as we talked about this a couple of times, and this is another thing to add to the pile of not wanting to work on netplay anymore (too much work, too many problems... TOO MUCH DRAMA).

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

And again, and you know this very well, as you were one of the people giving me a lot of shit for a single break in backwards compatibility, how come this gets a pass just like that? Sure, you can't tell them what to do with their own core, but you can make better decisions than them with your infrastructure.

Because FB Neo developers would leave over this (we were told). And conflict and drama over what? Let's just compromise. It is really not all that serious. It simply isn't possible for them to maintain that kind of compatibility over months. It is a project worked on by many people, they don't all have the same interests and only a handful of devs are involved in the libretro core side of things like barbudreadmon. The only workable approach there is just updating the core on both ends to the very latest version. That is the only workable solution for them there, and it's understandable.

Would also encourage you to please come on Discord so we can talk there. Things tend to get too heated on Github and it is really not productive to getting these impasses solved. Already suggested earlier meeting up there since there is still the relay issue. You can contact 'BoardsOfCanada' or 'hunterk' there.

There doesn't need to be all this drama over something that ultimately we can find a compromised solution for that doesn't involve having any developers leave, and we can just be on our merry way continuing development as usual. We prefer if we could resolve this on Discord in DMs. This is not the proper venue to solve this.

ghost commented 2 years ago

There is another bad decision, which is centralizing all of your communications on a platform like Discord. I am not going back there, man. The relay issue is just a matter of trying again later, nothing I can do about, and this one, well, nothing I can do about either, it's something you should handle. I don't handle your infrastructure and I don't contribute to cores, again, I can't do anything. This issue was opened in order to bring attention to this situation and that's a major roadblock for any netplay developer.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Also, I didn't complain about them having to maintain backwards compatibility, but rather their lack of version increment on such occasions and such commits getting pushed to the core downloader automatically, without an alternative that doesn't involve non-standard approachs (aka going to the buildbot url and download cores manually).

How I am supposed to keep netplay functional in an environment like this?

Chaos81 commented 2 years ago

@Chaos81 You've a whole community that netplay solely on RetroArch. You may want to express your opinion here.

Luckily for me, I make the community download a specific RA package with certain features disabled, like the core updater/downloader. This way I know everyone is on the same core version. And I don't usually update the RA version unless there are some netplay or other improvements that benefit us, as it's a pain to get everyone to update.

Unfortunately, you can't do something like that with something so open to everyone. So you are going to run into these issues. The warning messages that pop up about core version mismatch are usually ignored. What about forcing a download of the matching core on connect? For those systems that can't download a core on connect, maybe adding a way to search the lobby for games with matching cores (or compatible core versions, which would require a list of versions compatible and might be too much work for developers)?

Also, like to note Cthulhu has done an amazing job on netplay. It's been working better than ever.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

The issue here is more like - the FB Neo devs are a very diverse group of people, only a handful of them work on the libretro core, and any change that gets made will affect savestates and the various systems that this multi system emulator emulates. The only workable solution for them there in terms of netplay compatibility is just both sides agreeing to be on the latest version. If we force some regime on them that they need to 'snapshot' versions or whatever, that is simply not going to work and not going to be received well by their team. It ultimately is little to ask of both users to just make sure they are on the same core. There could be a warning message or a note somewhere telling the user this or whatever if you think it could help.

There is another bad decision, which is centralizing all of your communications on a platform like Discord. I am not going back there, man.

Send e-mails to then. But centralizing communication is done for a very specific reason, we cannot be expected to be on dozens of other communication channels. Nevertheless, we make the time to read stuff on here and also respond to emails.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

What about forcing a download of the matching core on connect? For those systems that can't download a core on connect, maybe adding a way to search the lobby for games with matching cores (or compatible core versions, which would require a list of versions compatible and might be too much work for developers)?

Something like that was exactly my suggestion as well.

I would also like to second that Cthulhu has done great and excellent work on netplay, and I again emphasize to all stakeholders here - we need to work together here and find common solutions, and yes, that involves common compromises too. EVERYONE WILL LOSE if developers on either side leave over this, so let's not have it come to that. At no point in time can something like this be so serious that we threaten to stop all future development because there is a slight impasse. In the end, whatever we disagree on here cannot be that serious that all future development gets halted over it. That is simply not reasonable, and all it does is end up hurting RetroArch and all downstreams with it, and the community as well. Let us simply find a solution that works 'well enough' instead of one that is 'perfect' and go about our way.

In a big project like this, it's important to keep all stakeholders happy and meet somewhere down the middle.

hizzlekizzle commented 2 years ago

Also, like to note Cthulhu has done an amazing job on netplay. It's been working better than ever.

Yeah, definitely. Tons of great improvements since he took it under his wing. Having someone who actually uses a feature at the helm is vital for this sort of thing. Dog-fooding and all that.

Back to the issue at hand, having a community build with the online updater disabled and a curated batch of cores is actually a pretty good way to handle it, IMO, and is really not so different from Fightcade in that case. I think Steam is less of an issue, since they have their own laggy netplay that's already integrated with their ecosystem, so I suspect most of them will just use that (dunno if it's worth disabling the built-in netplay for Steam to avoid conflicts in that case).

ghost commented 2 years ago

Little to ask, but see my example:

These players are randoms that I just find in the public lobby, simply telling them to update the core isn't possible.

There is no way for me to ask them and as far as they are concerned they are running the latest RetroArch stable and the latest reported core number. I downgrade the core myself to join them; but what if I was not that savvy to figure the issue was a core compatibility issue or where to find the correct core for this room?

We've a warning for mismatched versions but I've made it optional because it's mostly pointless. They don't change version numbers and the only thing that changes is the commit hash, which is almost never useful.

I would also like to state that the conversation here was fine, but once someone starts treating those he disagrees with like shit, things go downhill fast.

As for updating the core on when starting netplay:

TL;DR: netplay with currently wip cores is not reliable at all and this isn't a problem that can be fixed through code. Forcing core downloads won't work for platforms which don't allow it, like Steam.

Right now, if I download RetroArch on Steam, install the fbneo DLC, I won't be able to join rooms with people running the core from the core downloader/updater.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

Right now, if I download RetroArch on Steam, install the fbneo DLC, I won't be able to join rooms with people running the core from the core downloader/updater.

It is unreasonable for us to guarantee backwards/cross compatibility between Steam DLC cores AND nightly versions on the Core Downloader. For one, the Core Downloader is not exposed on Steam, because Valve does not want us to. Everything has to come from their CDN. So we are describing a usecase here that should not be an issue as far as I am aware of.

Cores for RetroArch Steam HAVE to be downloaded as DLC from Steam. Only if you switch RetroArch Steam to 'nightly' by manually transferring files over (again unsupported) should you have any incompatibilities. Otherwise, things should be fine. The moment you start mixing and matching cores from the Core Updater with Steam core DLCs then essentially you land in 'unsupported' territory and all reasonable expectations to cross platform netplay stop there.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

I struggle to understand the issue with Steam. Steam cores come as downloadable DLCs and the version should be the same. Only if you switch the branch to 'nightly' should you get nightly cores, otherwise the version should be the same.

The 'Mist' layer works differently from the regular Core Downloader service, cores are fetched from Steam's CDN.

ghost commented 2 years ago

A repository that is not updated after a stable release fixes this issue. It will at least guarantee compatibility on the latest stable version, regardless of platform or device. And as mentioned early, this whole process not only is automatic, but you can switch to nightly on the setting Network -> Updater.

And I don't think you understood the problem I've described. A user running RetroArch standalone will very likely download his core from the downloader, while the steam one will have as the DLC, without the ability to force a core update, therefore, steam clients won't be able to join standalone clients, if they've used the core downloader in the past 2 months.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

And I don't think you understood the problem I've described. A user running RetroArch standalone will very likely download his core from the downloader, while the steam one will have as the DLC, without the ability to force a core update, therefore, steam clients won't be able to join standalone clients, if they've used the core downloader in the past 2 months.

That's simply not a reasonable expectation then for a core like this, and at no point in time do we make any guarantee this is going to work. RetroArch Steam users have to play with other RetroArch Steam users. Perhaps there could be a 'flag' that for certain cores we cannot guarantee a stable ABI or whatever so that things like this could be 'hidden', I dunno. All I know is that alienating FB Neo devs by enforcing some unpopular decision on them here and getting them to outright leave the entire Libretro project would achieve nothing productive, and endusers and the project itself would suffer.

FB Neo developers explained to us that what was suggested to them would be a huge maintenance/workload undertaking for them, it would make some developers who don't contribute to the libretro core side of things hate the libretro core becaus it enforces additional restrictions on them, and it simply would not work out and cause resentment. We have to work with what we have provided here.

A repository that is not updated after a stable release fixes this issue. It will at least guarantee compatibility on the latest stable version, regardless of platform or device.

I don't know exactly what is being suggested here, but what I do know is that we simply lack the manpower/workforce to take on even more technical debt at this point. We are already at the breaking point. Anything more that is being asked of us, and my response to it would be - give me the additional workforce to do it then, I don't have them here. Any suggestions like this are not really in spirit with us wanting to drastically reduce technical debt.

I'm afraid to say we need to go for more low hanging fruit here. The solutions presented here are, for lack of a better term, too ambitious, without taking in account the realities of the project's current workforce and size.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Well, I can't work with netplay breaking like this. And you are comparing their abstract complaints vs a very real issue that can be experienced by anyone using the core downloader on fbneo right now and trying to join a room running a pre-savestate change commit.

And to add: I am pretty much hating RetroArch's netplay right now...

MistyDreams commented 2 years ago

I think your guys are missing the point and over complicating this. The issue is nightly appear as the same version as the stable to a user. Effectively you have no versioning apart from a commit hashes for netplay.

If i was looking for a specific version of retroarch you guys version it I would know how to get it.

This is what netplay needs for cores with version strings ...updates appear to be the same thing but in reality are not due to the version string being the same. If you model is not version bumps and just commits for your cores netplay integration will be an issue and a put users off and people will user things like fighcade out of sheer frustration.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

The entire issue here is that you cannot force particular devs like the FB Neo core devs here to do things a particular way that is going to massively upset their workload. We have to compromise in this instance.

I dunno what you expect me to do here. In a project like this with many stakeholders, we can't always get exactly what we want, and reasonable people have to compromise on things. You cannot have a perfect design that everyone is going to agree on, this is the realities of an upstream project ran by different people. They might not see eye to eye with suggestions made by us and it is up to us to find common ground without basically taking our toys and going home.

ghost commented 2 years ago

And now that I think about it, there are other issues involved with forcing a core update, such as a locked core. This would need shitty workarounds such as saving a temp core to another location just for a netplay session.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

I think your guys are missing the point and over complicating this. The issue is nightly appear as the same version as the stable to a user. Effectively you have no versioning apart from a commit hashes for netplay.

If i was looking for a specific version of retroarch you guys version it I would know how to get it.

This is what netplay needs for cores with version strings ...updates appear to be the same thing but in reality are not due to the version string being the same. If you model is not version bumps and just commits for your cores netplay integration will be an issue and a put users off and people will user things like fighcade out of sheer frustration.

Then come up with a solution that I can present to the FB Neo devs that they won't outright hate. Because the current proposal so far was not received well by them.

It has to be practical and it had better not result in even more workload on their end.

I want realistic, manageable solutions here. And I want people to compromise on their grand ambitions and ideals if need be.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Netplay not breaking every few months is far from an unreasonable request, and I am kinda tired of hearing about "but muh users will complain about already fixed issues" while netplay is outright broken.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

Come up with a realistic, manageable solution that I can take to @barbudreadmon and that he could agree to. The previous suggestion did not go over well, so come up with a compromised version that might be better received that does not result in a lot of workload.

I don't want any more conflict, I want us to find something we can all agree on so we can move on without piling on even more additional workload and busy work.

ghost commented 2 years ago

They don't want to increment their version on possible important updates to their core and they don't want RetroArch to have a core repository linked to the stable release.

Everything else I've already discussed, and pointed the problems.

I am simply powerless here as there is nothing else I can do to keep backwards compatibility at a decent level on my end.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

I frankly don't want a 'core repository linked to stable releases' either. That is the kind of additional workload and technical debt I referred to earlier that we simply don't have the manpower, resources for, and neither do I consider it a particularly desirable thing when everyone should always just be on the latest versions anyway. 'Stable' for cores here is very much an overrated concept.

They don't want to increment their version on possible important updates to their core

Define 'possible important updates to their core' and what would constitute as such. And then I can bring it to @barbudreadmon and see what kind of additional work that would entail and whether he could agree to the additional workload demands that entails.

hizzlekizzle commented 2 years ago

I frankly don't want a 'core repository linked to stable releases' either

which we already have with those stable cores. I don't know why the date of the archive is changing, but I'm pretty sure it's a behind-the-scenes file/hosting thing rather than them being rebuilt randomly.

LibretroAdmin commented 2 years ago

Again the issue that seems to be lost on you guys is, @barbudreadmon is just one of many several developers on FBNeo. Most of these developers don't even care about the libretro core and just push global updates to FBNeo, that happen to work for both standalone and libretro. You cannot reasonably expect @barbudreadmon to be bumping up/incrementing version 4 times a day, or even once a day. This is simply an unreasonable workload demand for them and it has to be respected. A far more rational approach would be just to demand both client and host to be on the same core.

ghost commented 2 years ago

I frankly don't want a 'core repository linked to stable releases' either

which we already have with those stable cores. I don't know why the date of the archive is changing, but I'm pretty sure it's a behind-the-scenes file/hosting thing rather than them being rebuilt randomly.

It's not. I've used that stable download to downgrade and it dates to a may 1 commit.

EDIT: This one