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PS2 on iOS causes glitches #16399

Open Iamthebestintheworld222 opened 2 months ago

Iamthebestintheworld222 commented 2 months ago

When I played a ps2 game on my iPhone 14 Pro Max, I'm using capcom fighting evolution as an example, the font and control pad started to glitch out. And eventually, everything went black imageimageimage

warmenhoven commented 2 months ago

Yeah the play! core is still "experimental" and has a lot of rendering problems on iOS in particular that it doesn't have on other platforms. I have the beginnings of a fix but want to understand a bit more about what's causing the poor interaction.

whaleboss commented 2 months ago

Yeah the play! core is still "experimental" and has a lot of rendering problems on iOS in particular that it doesn't have on other platforms. I have the beginnings of a fix but want to understand a bit more about what's causing the poor interaction.

What is the current status?

warmenhoven commented 2 months ago

No one has worked on this since the governing body declared a land rush.

Iamthebestintheworld222 commented 3 weeks ago

It's not for that, I'm using AltStore for jit enabling with ios17-jit-win

warmenhoven commented 3 weeks ago

I understand, just that this hasn't been the priority since App Store availability became a possibility.

I'd recommend you side load the standalone play! app on iOS so you get a baseline for what the experience on your phone will likely be.

I'm not planning on coming back to this until I've worked through most of the issues that are on my todo list under the category "App Store Fallout".

Iamthebestintheworld222 commented 3 weeks ago

I would do that, but it would take up another app ID, and the standalone play emulator doesn't have a speed up feature like retroarch.

Iamthebestintheworld222 commented 3 weeks ago

A bit of an update, glitched out text is still shown, OpenGL and vulkan do different things, and metal does the same as OpenGL. I'm also doing a challenge for parappa 2 since I played the game for many years on the ps4/ps5.