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Bounty to add dynarec core for Wii U port of either Beetle PSX or PCSX-R emulator [$470] #4852

Open roflcopter777 opened 7 years ago

roflcopter777 commented 7 years ago

Just to reemphasize the bounty goal for this project:

Update 4-25-18: Title of thread bounty has been changed to reflect that it should be PCSX-R or any PSX core that has a dynarec core.

The ultimate goal, is once more, full speed dynarec on the Wii U of any PSX core that RetroArch currently uses, this can eventually lead the way to future cores in being ported, That's all this is aiming for.

Update: Spoke with developer of WiiSX-R, a PCSX port on the Wii, Mystro256 who stated the Dynarec is publicly available on GitHub, and since Wii and Wii U both use PPC, I figure I'd link both on here:

PPC source Main WiiSX-R GitHub

Disclaimer: The end goal is getting as much support as possible, the higher the donations the better, to support those who write the PPC dynarec. Thank you for your understanding.

It's well-established that the Wii U is more powerful than what the Virtual Console has shown, notably with NERD (Nintendo European Research and Development)'s efforts in their Nintendo DS emulation. There is untapped potential in the Wii U hardware and showing it is more than capable in running respective emulators for Nintendo 64 and Playstation (Mupen64 and PCSX-R). With that said, I wish to open this as a bounty to rally the support of those interested and wanted to throw my own hat into the ring, and I know of some other people who would be interested in contributing to see the Wii U to its full emulation potential.

The end goal is to unlock the power of the Wii U, but also adding support for a plethora of cores that have not been possible.

The end goal to any developer who is assigned to this task:

--- There is a **[$120 open bounty](** on this issue. Add to the bounty at [Bountysource](
Ploggy commented 6 years ago

@roflcopter777 The way its set now should appease everyone no? And to grease the wheels I just donated $10 :)

roflcopter777 commented 6 years ago

It should, at least I hope, and thank you

Ploggy commented 6 years ago


ashquarky commented 6 years ago

You guys, waking me up to so many emails! :grin:

As Shadow pointed out, I did say something before about keeping this as Beetle. That was more about trying to point out the fact that the vast majority of donors donated towards something marked as Beetle, and weren't present in that conversation - call it playing devil's advocate or whatever. Personally, I don't really mind which emulator we end up using - it's all about being playable. Good on you guys for opening that up.

There is a PCSX port to libretro already (see libretro/pcsx1-libretro) but even on x86 I couldn't get it to work. There are "dynarecs" for x86, x86_64 and ppc in there, though I looked into that back when the bounty started and found that the code had been extensively modified to use the "new_dynarec" which is ostensibly ARM only. At the time I thought it would be too complex to move it back to the old dynarecs, though obviously if other devs are willing to take that on (or extend new_dynarec) they absolutely can. There's also pcsx_rearmed which is similar, except it only has new_dynarec (and presumably a bunch of ARM-specific optimisations under the hood). I do want to point out, however, that we've done a lot of work with Beetle (even if it's not obvious) and that if simias' work on x86 goes well I do intend to give PowerPC on Beetle a go (his code is SO COOL!) even if this bounty has been claimed or whatever. That's my take on the situation, and honestly I don't think you guys give us enough credit - stuff is happening! It is admittedly a time-consuming thing, so if @aliaspider wants to jump in and get PSX to the masses through pcsx that's totally cool.

Ploggy commented 6 years ago

Don't know if it will help but this is the source to the PCSXR 360 Emulator.. With working PPC Dynarec :)

roflcopter777 commented 6 years ago

@QuarkTheAwesome The bounty hasn't been claimed by anyone at the time of writing. I'm just awaiting a glimmer of hope, something to keep this bounty alive, as well as the interest.

iOS4all commented 6 years ago

I hope we can get dynarec works on Nintendo Switch as well. Anyway can we mak a bounty for Nintendo Switch?

roflcopter777 commented 6 years ago

@iOS4all If you really want to sigh

Ploggy commented 6 years ago

@ios4all we don't need a bounty for Switch, Retroarch already has a working Arm Dynarec?

roflcopter777 commented 6 years ago

This thread is focused for Wii U, not Switch.

ShadowOne333 commented 6 years ago

@iOS4all If I recall correctly, there is a core called PSX ReARMed.

As the name implies, that core is specific to ARM architectures, which the Switch is based on, and I think it has an ARM-specific dynarec for it, so really you don't need a dynarec for the other cores for ARM since we already have that core which could potentially run on the Switch with dynamic recompiler and at full speed.

Though I'm not sure if it has been ported already, all I know is that only Beetle PSX has been ported. Also, I think PSX Rearmed is a fork of PCSX for ARM devices, so there you as well.

But let's try to keep on topic, shall we? XD

james1222312334 commented 5 years ago

Can you release the PCSX-R Core now?

pcercuei commented 4 years ago

There is work going on to port the Lightrec dynarec to beetle-psx-libretro here: The Lightrec dynarec supports PowerPC now.

Ploggy commented 4 years ago

Iv'e been following that bounty thread and noticed that PPC was supported :P I hoped that this was going to be the possible. Thank you @pcercuei

MarceloMachadoxD commented 4 years ago


Em ter, 17 de set de 2019 12:17, Ploggy escreveu:

Iv'e been following that bounty thread and noticed that PPC was supported :P I hoped that this was going to be the possible. Thank you @pcercuei

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Dr-Power commented 3 years ago

What's the progress on this bounty as of now?

piratesephiroth commented 3 years ago

What's the progress on this bounty as of now?

I haven't heard of a working dynamic recompiler for a PowerPC version of the emulators yet, only x86 and ARM.

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

Lightrec, which is the dynarec that PCSXRearmed and BeetlePSX both uses supports PPC... I think it's just a matter of someone willing to implement it into WiiU?

ZachCook commented 3 years ago

Assuming PPC support still works in gnu-lightning (a patch from the mailing list might be needed apparently), there are two calls to mmap in that would need to be replaced/implemented, I think there is also some changes that might be needed due to not being able to use RWX permissions?

@Ploggy beetle-psx's interpreter commonly uses about 50% of cpu time from what I've seen on x86 and Arm, therefore you can only expect about a 2x speedup on average when using the dynarec, so it is likely not worth trying to get beetle-psx dynarec on WiiU, as you showed the interpreter running at 6 fps.

I think PCSXRearmed might run fast enough, it really should first be ported with the interpreter to do a similar check of possible performance, but I believe it also needs some work to add target_cycle to the lightrec path, it currently just runs one instruction block at a time with lightrec_execute_one(...) instead of lightrec_execute(... , target_cycle)

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

I know very little when it comes to the technical WiiU stuff, RWX permissions and such :P

I expected Beetle may be a bridge too far when it comes to WiiU, I hoped it would be possible but the Core seems to be pretty power hungry, compared to PCSX It's just the fact it already ran on WiiU. There is another option, Duckstation.. But that doesn't have PPC or Lightrec, but according to it's Github readme does state it can run on a CPU faster than a Potato lol

IIRC old PCSX had a PPC Dynarec but over the years got pulled out when PCSX-R and PCSXRearmed took over. I've always thought PCSXRearmed would be fast enough on WiiU. The WiiU can run vWii HB with the WiiU CPU clocks unlocked, when unlocked the WiiSX Emulator ran pretty close to fullspeed (if not fullspeed) in Interpreter mode, so a native PCSXRearmed Core with Lightrec should easily provide fullspeed Ps1 Emulation on WiiU (?I hope?)

I see you helped a lot with the Lightrec, is this something you'll want to take a look at on WiiU :) ?

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

After looking into RWX Permissions.. JIT? WiiU can use JIT.. look at Aliaspider's PPSSPP WiiU port.

ashquarky commented 3 years ago

The Wii U's a touch awkward to JIT on since not only does it enforce W^X (any mappings you have need to toggle between "can write" and "can execute"), it also will only allow executable code at all in a special memory area - so you can't mprotect random pages like you can on Linux - and that area has to be enabled in the first place in the app.xml. As far as I know it isn't enabled through a traditional browser exploit/CBHC into Mii Maker and HBL v1.x setup like most people have, though I'm pretty sure it is enabled for the HBL channel (v2.x). Haven't checked the Aroma beta but I would be very surprised if it didn't just grant all permissions. ppsspp gets around this somewhat awkwardly by writing code into where HBL ELFs are usually kept, which I guess works but very much isn't ideal, probably breaks RA's already shaky argc/argv handling, can only work for people running the rpx builds, and definitely won't work under Aroma (tbf I'm pretty sure RA doesn't work under aroma anyway). There isn't a super easy answer tbh. Can either implement something a bit hacky and will break soonish, or update the whole RA toolchain (or port it to wut) to get things working under Aroma and work from there. Modifying gnu-lightning doesn't seem too bad, though I'm having trouble understanding some bits (what's the intent of line 2050-2079?). It at least looks like it can be coaxed into working on a W^X setup, and from there it's just toggling between r-x and rw- where needed. Wonder if some of this code would be better placed into the libretro API or libretro-common, dealing with JIT'd code across platforms seems like a good place to stick some abstractions in place of the #ifdefs everyone seems to use now...

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

@ZachCook abit late with this but the game in the vid I made was actually running closer to 25-30fps, I said 6fps as a low estimation guess since the fps counter doesn't display on that old build of Retroarch on WiiU. I've since been able to run the PS4 Retroarch version of Beetle PSX, which with certain options enabled runs at the same speed as the WiiU version.. luckily the PS4 version does display the fps :) Still not perfect but much better than 6fps :P

ZachCook commented 3 years ago

@Ploggy I did a quick estimate by manually timing bios and comparing to your video, it does seem to be running at least somewhere in the 20-25 fps range, so it might get 40-50 fps in beetle with dynarec, but I'm guessing pcsx_rearmed might be easier to get full speed if the Wii U can take advantage of rearmed's threaded spu+gpu support too.

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

Yes I think WiiU should be more than capable of running pcsx rearmed. I'm not sure about the threaded spu+gpu support, but hopefully someone would implement that too. :)

ShadowOne333 commented 3 years ago

Excuse me for the instrusion. Wanted to chime in.

From what I recall all the way back since the creation of this bounty, I remember that a bit of confusion came fort when claiming specifically which core or emulator would be ported with dynarec.

By the time this was created, there was only one core that had dynarec, and so that core name was used for the bounty's goal.

However, it has since been clarified that this confusion was a product of the time, and now that almost each core has a base dynarec working, the ending goal of the bounty is to get any kind os PSX emulator to work on PPC/WiiU with dynarec at playable speeds.

This means that it doesn't matter which emulator gets chosen for the port to WiiU, as long as it plays good. So all in all, going over PCSX Rearmed over Beetle PSX should have no impact on the ending goal of this bounty.

embercold commented 3 years ago

So, no updates yet? Let me ask a question then: are there any cores doing dynamic recompilation on the WiiU already? If there's a convincing proof of concept, I'll even try this. Otherwise, well, you'll have to settle on WiiSX in Wii emulation mode or something?

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

IIRC PPSSPP WiU by Aliaspider uses Jit :)

embercold commented 3 years ago

IIRC PPSSPP WiU by Aliaspider uses Jit :)

It's not a libretro core, though, so figuring out how it is set up will be a hell of a lot more complicated than I hoped. Still, I'll look into it, thanks.

embercold commented 3 years ago

Okay, I've settled on the pcsx_rearmed core for the task, as the standalone PCSX fork, WiiSX, is proven to run full speed on the WiiU. Of the alternatives, Mednafen is too slow, and Duckstation has neither a PPC recompiler, nor a build script for Nintendo platforms.

So far, I've figured out that the expected pcsxr mmap() problem is a non-issue: the relevant calls can be replaced with malloc()/free(), and it'll run just fine using the interpreter. There may be some lingering big-endian issues, and some misc system calls not implemented on the WiiU, but nothing insurmountable. So the plan is to make it build and crawl some games, then plunder WiiSX for spare parts to make the games actually playable.

I'll do a follow up once I have anything worthwhile to show.

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

That's great news, really, thankyou for looking at this :)

As much as I'd love to see Duckstation on the WiiU I admit it's probably better for it to be PCSXRearmed. It would be interesting to see how well PCSXRearmed performs in Interpreter mode on WiiU, I bet its close. If you need anyone to test anything related to this just @ me :) I'm never too far away :P

embercold commented 3 years ago

@Ploggy Okay, I've kinda sorta fixed the gc/wii/wiiu build system, and made some feature switches to make the core compile (mmap and multithreading were disabled, regretfully, cdda (CD audio) went kaput with the latter). Here's the relevant branch. Then I linked these cores to RA using something something Griffin build. I haven't the foggiest idea about Nintendo homebrew, so I don't yet know how to test the results. I reckon that they won't work, because we can't have nice things, can we? If you have some spare time, here's the dropbox folder for you to tinker with. Those will likely require the file pilfered from the desktop RA and properly renamed and placed?

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

Ok wow you work fast :) No probs at all I'll be able to test out the Wii/Wiiu stuff for you. IIRC if you haven't got a Wii/U its possible run HB on Cemu. I quickly tested the PCSX Rearmed RPX, good news is it doesn't just crash outright :) but so far I haven't got a game to boot.. It attempts to boot but then says failed to load content. I've tried both Cue/Bin and Chd files and Bios paths are set correctly I grabbed a logfile but the info it provided was.. well..

retroarch.log The PCSX Core is automatically setting the glui even though I had the UI set to Ozone :P not really an issue as such but thought I'd mention it ;) I'll keep messing with it and try the elf version and see if it'll boot a game and I'll try the Wii Version and see if that boot a game correctly also :)

EDIT:: Better Logfile (didn't have "debug" enabled) ;)


embercold commented 3 years ago

Yes, it seems that unlike desktop builds it requires some external metadata (.info files?), a specific external launcher, or maybe a completely different build mode altogether. At this time RA doesn't recognize the core's supported file formats, that's why it fails to load anything. That it didn't crash on wiiu is promising - it means that I can continue debugging it using a wii build on dolphin and defer any wiiu specific problems until after I get the recompiler working. For now I'll be reading RA's build scripts to figure this out. Thanks for testing this for me! Hopefully next time I'll contact you I'll have a working interpreter build.

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

I have all the core .info in the info folder so I don't it would be that. I have tried to load the .elf version of pcsx_rearmed WiiU but it says not enough memory when I try to load it in the Homebrew Launcher :P although I think the elf format for WiiU isn't really used much in newer HB these days so it would maybe be best to just concentrate on the RPX format instead when it comes to WiiU?

I've tried the Wii Dol but that also didn't load any game tried.. I think it maybe broken too since after the initial core boot every attempt to boot the core after it just reboots back to the Wii homebrew channel... unless I delete the retroarch-salamander.cfg, then it'll boot once then repeat.

Your welcome :) I'm happy to help. I'm glad someone's looking into this after all this time.

embercold commented 3 years ago

I've figured out the .info files - the entire set of them is already included with the RA distro, at least for Wii it is, so it's the core that needs to have proper name. For this core, the .info is "", so the core file name must be "pcsx_rearmed_libretro_wii.dol", or similar. I'll have the next testing batch use proper file names.

In this exact case, though, the core still won't work. It seems that there are endianness issues - the CheckCdrom() function rejects perfectly valid images, and the code does look like there will be a lot of them. It's good, actually - now that the tinkering is done with, I can finally enjoy some soul-withering hard work.

Ploggy commented 3 years ago

Same for WiiU too ;) I had already renamed the Cores to their needed names when I initially tested them :) although there are a few pcsx_rearmed .info files variations to choose from (, and but I guessed it wouldn't be the neon version) and wasn't sure which one was needed, so I ended up trying them all lol (of course no change) :P I'm glad you seem to have figured out what the issue was though, soul withering work? lol sounds about right.. welcome to the WiiU. haha

Good luck mate. :)

EDIT: I dont know if its just me but I cant get the PC version of pcsx_rearmed core to load a game either? I'm sure it worked a few weeks ago?

EDIT2: disregard the above edit, has nothing to do with the current WiiU issue

embercold commented 2 years ago

A status update. For now I've got the recompiler running, and it works just fine according to traces. The problem is, pcsxr gpu plugins are busted so the graphics is badly mangled. Fixing this mess will take some time, but I expect to finish it this Sunday.

On a brighter note, the kind folks at /r/EmuDev discord pointed me to a hack that allows doing recompilation on the Wii U: basically, its GPU can be manipulated into doing writes to any memory location without restrictions. I'll continue working under the assumption that recompilation is indeed possible.

Ploggy commented 2 years ago

That's brilliant! the compilers running :) I would say it looks like the hard parts over but it sounds like the gpu is going to be a pain too :P even so your flying through this lol The fact your getting garbled graphics suggests you got the game not booting issue fixed too?

Things are getting exciting now :) Remember, if there's anything you need tested :) I'm here. Thank You.

embercold commented 2 years ago

Another update. This one's a bit of a disappointment, I'm afraid - I've tried to fix the gpu plugins, any of them, and failed. No cake for me. Still, I'm far from giving up. If I can't fix someone else's code, what's stopping me from rolling my own? Since the last three days I've actually made good progress: support for big endian platforms is now more robust, the ppc_dynarec integration is now stable, and I've actually started writing a gpu plugin of my own. The latter cost me 12h of non-stop coding today, and I think I'm close to a breakthrough.

@Ploggy I'd appreciate it if you check if the updated Wii and WiiU cores work at all. They aren't usable - their graphics is disabled and all they output is a pixelated grid (courtesy of my in-progress gpu plugin) and a framecounter. Still, they produce sound and you may have some idea of their performance depending on how bad it is. Note that the WiiU still doesn't have the recompiler enabled - I'm mainly debugging the core using Wii so I haven't had the time - and that the cores require a scph55xx series bios in the system folder to work.

Ploggy commented 2 years ago

Your making your own GPU plugin? lol is it WiiU specific as in using GX2? or something that'll work for both Wii/WiiU? I maybe jumping the gun here but would your plugin allow for higher resolution rendering? if so.. wow :)

(All bios present and correct) :) The provided Wii Core doesn't want to boot any game, when I try it boots back to the Homebrew Channel Menu, but then if I try to boot Retroarch again it boots straight back to he Homebrew Channel, the only way I can boot Retroarch again is if I delete the retroarch-salamander.cfg.

I have better luck with the provided WiiU Core. :) The Core boots fine and I can get games to boot to your groovy graphics pattern :P I don't hear any sound though? Vid of the Core in action ;)

embercold commented 2 years ago

So, the WiiU build is still working? That's very comforting. The 30fps framerate on an interpreter doesn't seem realistic to me, though :) Idk what's with the Wii build - it works on an emulator (tm), and I mostly use it for Dolphin's debugger anyway - that one's a lifesaver for crash debugging. My original plan for the new gpu plugin was to learn how one works so that I could figure out what's wrong with the others, but yes, once the mandatory software renderer is done, it's entirely possible I'll do a native resolution, antialiased hw renderer. But there's still much work to be done till then. Now, I need a good night's sleep, so I'll catch you later. Thank you for your time!

upd: Ah, yes, before I forgot - the code is on my github, I'm not hoarding it or anything. Cheers!

Ploggy commented 2 years ago

It seems to be yes :) I agree the framerate doesn't seem correct, it runs in the high 50's for a few seconds then gets locked to 29 for some reason? The Wii Cores's acting the same as the last build you uploaded a few days ago, weird that it runs on dolphin. I'll keep messing with it just I case I'm doing something silly my end. That's great about the GPU plugin but there's no rush for advance features like that, its great that it even possible :P Yes mate, get some rest and thank you for YOUR time :D

hizzlekizzle commented 2 years ago

wow, really great progress, @embercold :eyes:

jrb00 commented 2 years ago

I'm always lurking on gbatemp and now here too.. Thank you for doing all of this. I have no idea how any of this works, but staying at anything for 12hrs straight is no joke. Keep up the great work but don't burn yourself out. We'll be here patiently waiting.

Ploggy commented 2 years ago

Good news! @embercold the Pcsx_Rearmed_Wii.dol you provided DOES indeed work on both vWii and Wii :) I can't get around the Retroarch_Salamander.cfg issue though (the file still needs to be deleted before I can launch Retroarch Wii again) :P

A Vid of it in action :)

embercold commented 2 years ago

Hey, all! Thanks for your kind words. Here's a bit of good news for you: today, I've managed to fix most of the issues preventing the peops/dfxvideo gpu plugin from working. I've actually been struggling with it for a week now, then I slept on it and got most of it done in a hour or so.

Just for fun, I've uploaded an incomplete, amusingly trippy version that is my first success to my dropbox. Here, have a screenshot of a cute little dragon frolicking on a green plain.

Jokes aside, the effort is close to completion. There may yet be unpleasant surprises along the way, but still. I still need to complete the gpu work (with the recent work by Wintermute and co I hope to even be able to offload graphics rendering to the unused wiiu cores), fix some ppc_dynarec integration bugs (the damn thing's acting up again!), get the lightning dynarec working, and finally, enable the dynarec on the wiiu to make the emulator run at full speed.

@Ploggy It's good to hear from you, as always. I hope that, once the bugs are ironed out, I can count on your support in figuring out how to enable the dynarec on the WiiU. Thanks!

MarceloMachadoxD commented 2 years ago

Great LSD Spyro version hehehe forgot that joke

I'm following this topic for a long time wating great news like that appear, how can i add more money to that bounty?

Em qua, 28 de jul de 2021 16:46, embercold @.***> escreveu:

Hey, all! Thanks for your kind words. Here's a bit of good news for you: today, I've managed to fix most of the issues preventing the peops/dfxvideo gpu plugin from working. I've actually been struggling with it for a week now, then I slept on it and got most of it done in a hour or so.

Just for fun, I've uploaded an incomplete, amusingly trippy version that is my first success to my dropbox Here, have a screenshot of a cute little dragon frolicking on a green plain .

Jokes aside, the effort is close to completion. There may yet be unpleasant surprises along the way, but still. I still need to complete the gpu work (with the recent work by Wintermute and co I hope to even be able to offload graphics rendering to the unused wiiu cores), fix some ppc_dynarec integration bugs (the damn thing's acting up again!), get the lightning dynarec working, and finally, enable the dynarec on the wiiu to make the emulator run at full speed.

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embercold commented 2 years ago


Great LSD Spyro version hehehe forgot that joke I'm following this topic for a long time wating great news like that appear, how can i add more money to that bounty?

Hey there! Thank you for your sentiment! You can add to the bounty by registering on Bountysource, then following the link on the footer of the first post. But I'd rather you don't - it's fine as it is. Maybe you should boost Retroarch instead?

Ploggy commented 2 years ago

Hey, all! Thanks for your kind words. Here's a bit of good news for you: today, I've managed to fix most of the issues preventing the peops/dfxvideo gpu plugin from working. I've actually been struggling with it for a week now, then I slept on it and got most of it done in a hour or so.

Just for fun, I've uploaded an incomplete, amusingly trippy version that is my first success to my dropbox. Here, have a screenshot of a cute little dragon frolicking on a green plain.

Jokes aside, the effort is close to completion. There may yet be unpleasant surprises along the way, but still. I still need to complete the gpu work (with the recent work by Wintermute and co I hope to even be able to offload graphics rendering to the unused wiiu cores), fix some ppc_dynarec integration bugs (the damn thing's acting up again!), get the lightning dynarec working, and finally, enable the dynarec on the wiiu to make the emulator run at full speed.

@Ploggy It's good to hear from you, as always. I hope that, once the bugs are ironed out, I can count on your support in figuring out how to enable the dynarec on the WiiU. Thanks!

Haha, Spyros never looked so good on WiiU ;) It's good to hear you've figured out the problem with the GPU. Wait, your planning on adding both the ppc dynarec and lightning dynarec? (they are different things right?) I quickly gave the new RPX a spin and I'm getting around 45fps in game :) not bad. 20210728_210434 20210728_210329

As long as you keep throwing out new test builds I'll keep testing them!