libretro / bsnes2014

Libretro fork of bsnes. As close to upstream as possible.
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 17 forks source link

Does not compile with clang and Xcode 6.0.1 #1

Open crazyquark opened 9 years ago

crazyquark commented 9 years ago


I get this compilation error using Xcode 6.0.1 toolchain: clang++ -o out/bsnes_libretro_ios.dylib -dynamiclib obj/libco.o obj/processor-arm.o obj/processor-gsu.o obj/processor-hg51b.o obj/processor-lr35902.o obj/processor-r65816.o obj/processor-spc700.o obj/processor-upd96050.o obj/sfc-interface.o obj/sfc-system.o obj/sfc-controller.o obj/sfc-cartridge.o obj/sfc-cheat.o obj/sfc-memory.o obj/sfc-cpu.o obj/sfc-smp.o obj/sfc-dsp.o obj/sfc-ppu.o obj/sfc-satellaviewbase.o obj/sfc-icd2.o obj/sfc-bsx.o obj/sfc-nss.o obj/sfc-event.o obj/sfc-sa1.o obj/sfc-superfx.o obj/sfc-armdsp.o obj/sfc-hitachidsp.o obj/sfc-necdsp.o obj/sfc-epsonrtc.o obj/sfc-sharprtc.o obj/sfc-spc7110.o obj/sfc-sdd1.o obj/sfc-obc1.o obj/sfc-hsu1.o obj/sfc-msu1.o obj/sfc-satellaviewcart.o obj/sfc-sufamiturbo.o obj/gb-interface.o obj/gb-system.o obj/gb-scheduler.o obj/gb-memory.o obj/gb-cartridge.o obj/gb-cpu.o obj/gb-ppu.o obj/gb-apu.o obj/gb-cheat.o obj/gb-video.o obj/libretro.o -isysroot /Applications/ -arch armv7 ld: illegal text-relocation to '_posix_memalign' in /Applications/ from '_co_create' in obj/libco.o for architecture armv7 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make: *\ [build] Error 1 Failed to build bsnes performance core

inactive123 commented 9 years ago

We will need to fix libco so that its compatible with iOS 8 SDK.