libretro / fbalpha2012_neogeo

Final Burn Alpha 2012. Port of Final Burn Alpha to Libretro ( Standalone core for Neo Geo.
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Wii port - Various issues / enhancements #23

Open SieKensou opened 6 years ago

SieKensou commented 6 years ago

1) I'm testing this core in the latest RetroArch release for the Nintendo Wii. I noticed the sound is a bit low and not accurate (it doesn't sound as it sound in the original NeoGeo). I don't know how to explain it, but anyone with a real NeoGeo or maybe even just triying in other emulators will hear the difference. Are you still fixing/optimicing/accurating this kind of things in the NeoGeo emulation for this core?

2) Would be possible to add new options to the core menu? It would be great to have the possibillity to select between AES (console) or MVS (arcade) modes and between regions (Japan/Europe/USA). I know it can be done with the UniBIOS but would be great to be abble to select it in the emulator with the original BIOS too.

3) Would be possible to add game drivers to make the emulator load them? It would be much better because this emulator can work with more games and hacks but if they aren't in the list or some CRC doesn't match, it won't load... Maybe the drivers could be in a directory and that way you could add/remove/edit the drivers according to your needs and make more games load in this emulator...

4) Talking just about Wii version, shouldn't be better to have separate versions of the emulator destinated only to the Core? The memory of the Wii is very limited, so this way each version could be optimiced removing all the stuff that it's not for that core saving more memory to load the games (specially for the NeoGeo). And this way the emulator would be more friendly (the core could be integrated with the RetroArch boot.dol and showing just the neccessary options for that specific core. I think it would be much better for the Wii versions.

5) Just something about the LOAD CONTENT option... why this name and not just LOAD GAME? It is more clear for the user :P

Thanks for all, and thanks for this great emulator and the great job you are doing day by day.

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hizzlekizzle commented 6 years ago

I can answer a couple of those: 4.) That's what this one is. FBA is typically all one big bundle but we broke it down as much as possible to load the largest games we could. 5.) RetroArch has a number of cores that aren't gaming-focused, so 'content' is a catch-all that covers that non-gaming content, as well.

SieKensou commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I hope someone can say something for the other questions. As for 4.) Could the last version for Wii be compiled for those who can't compile it or don't know how to do it and have it available for download (maybe in the release list)?

And for 5.) If this is destinated only for NeoGeo games, LOAD GAME would work better. I know it's nothing important but it would be a good point.

hizzlekizzle commented 6 years ago

The latest build (from last night, it seems) is available here:

The content/game thing isn't determined by the core, it's determined by the frontend. That is, RetroArch.

SieKensou commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I downloaded it but this is the RetroArch plus all the cores.... In my point 4) I was asking for a version including the core and the RetroArch compiled as one file as I have seen for CPS1. Having the RetroArch and the core in the same file and removing the options that are not for that core would save some space (and the load core option could be removed as it should be useless). I think maybe I don't get well how this works and I'm mixing things. This github is for the core only? I'm confused since I found a standalone version of the CPS1 that was only one boot.dol file including RetroArch and the CPS1 core.

hizzlekizzle commented 6 years ago

On the console targets, RetroArch is statically linked to each individual core, and loading a different core really just jumps among those statically linked frontend+core combinations. So, if you download RetroArch with all of the cores, just delete the ones you don't want/need and you can rename the remaining one to boot.dol if you want. It will not remove the load core option (or any other options) but it will save as much space as possible.

SieKensou commented 5 years ago

Thanks for that info. I didn't knew that. I tested and works as you said. It would be great that in that cores, the LOAD CORE was removed as it useless when loading that way, or at least, not having it in first place, to let LOAD CONTENT in the first place, that is the most used. I hope someone can solve my other questions.