libretro / fceu-next

Port of FCEUmm / FCEUX to Libretro.
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"Allow more than 8 sprites per scanline" core option. #23

Open vaguerant opened 10 years ago

vaguerant commented 10 years ago

Nestopia has a similar core option in RetroArch, but while mainline FCEUmm/FCEUX also have this feature, it's not exposed by RetroArch as a core option. The minor flickering in most games isn't bothersome in general, but the occasional game with poor design can come through looking atrocious, with flickering all over the place. Since the feature is already in mainline (Config > Video...), hopefully it's not hugely difficult to implement in RA.

EDIT: While we're on the subject of core options, another potentially useful addition would be the RGB palette used by Nestopia and Nintendulator.

   { "rgb", "Nestopia RGB palette",
       { 0x6D6D6D, 0x002492, 0x0000DB, 0x6D49DB,
           0x92006D, 0xB6006D, 0xB62400, 0x924900,
           0x6D4900, 0x244900, 0x006D24, 0x009200,
           0x004949, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
           0xB6B6B6, 0x006DDB, 0x0049FF, 0x9200FF,
           0xB600FF, 0xFF0092, 0xFF0000, 0xDB6D00,
           0x926D00, 0x249200, 0x009200, 0x00B66D,
           0x009292, 0x242424, 0x000000, 0x000000,
           0xFFFFFF, 0x6DB6FF, 0x9292FF, 0xDB6DFF,
           0xFF00FF, 0xFF6DFF, 0xFF9200, 0xFFB600,
           0xDBDB00, 0x6DDB00, 0x00FF00, 0x49FFDB,
           0x00FFFF, 0x494949, 0x000000, 0x000000,
           0xFFFFFF, 0xB6DBFF, 0xDBB6FF, 0xFFB6FF,
           0xFF92FF, 0xFFB6B6, 0xFFDB92, 0xFFFF49,
           0xFFFF6D, 0xB6FF49, 0x92FF6D, 0x49FFDB,
           0x92DBFF, 0x929292, 0x000000, 0x000000 }

This palette is used in the PlayChoice-10, several VS. games, and even more niche devices like the Famicom Titler. Some users like it as an "official" palette from Nintendo, although it doesn't truly have a strong resemblance the composite output of a NES. Still, it's the closest to RGB the NES ever got. This palette is slightly modified to add some additional greys compared to the PC-10, to bring it back in line with the NES and improve its compatibility with NES games.

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