libretro / libretro-cap32

caprice32 4.2.0 libretro
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:gun: Phaser / Gunstick emulation is not working #141

Closed DSkywalk closed 4 months ago

DSkywalk commented 4 months ago

reported @phasermaniac in #125

Hi! I can't get it to work in windows 10 and Retroarch cap32 4.5.4. Activated Lightgun in port 1 and checked gunstick/phaser and show crosshair in core options Running in Hires mode as I've read Gunstick won't work in lowres mode. Only gunstick suffers this? Tried with a retroarch clean install, Tried changing driver from rawinput to dinput, Tested gunstick and phaser games, changing the Lightgun>input core option Games start fine, but I can't get the crosshair to show and mouse left button don't do anything.

I downloaded an old cap32 core (17/03/2023) and it works for player 1, so it seems to be a problem with some update.