libretro / libretro-system-files

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[Suggestion] Symlink the "system files downloader" and the "content downloader" system files #10

Open bslenul opened 1 year ago

bslenul commented 1 year ago

A while ago jdgleaver added the "Core System Files Downloader" option to the online downloader of RetroArch, these system files are packaged automatically and up-to-date. On the other hand the system files from the "Content Downloader" are packaged manually and super outdated.

This brings me to my suggestion: on the buildbot, would it be possible to create symlinks in the "Content Downloader" folder (outdated files) that point to the "Core System Files Downloader" files (up-to-date)?

Example with the Dolphin assets: the files from the "Content Downloader" are 12 months old, the files from the "Core System Files Downloader" are up-to-date and "only" 6 months old. So would it be possible to replace with a symlink pointing to ?

I can see a few benefits from this:

  1. Most importantly: the user will be up-to-date no matter how they update the system files.
  2. The buildbot will only have to package a single time for both downloaders.
  3. Probably negligible but it would save some space from the buildbot.

Could be applied to PPSSPP (assets are missing from the "Content Downloader" currently but are available from the "Core System Files Downloader"), Dinothawr, NXEngine, XRick, etc.

hizzlekizzle commented 1 year ago

I think we could just nuke them from the content downloader altogether. The only issue I can think of is that the buildbot webserver can't/won't delete old/obsolete items. They just build up indefinitely. I discovered this last time I updated the dolphin and ppsspp assets :(

bslenul commented 1 year ago

I think we could just nuke them from the content downloader altogether.

I thought about that, but I wouldn't be surprised if many users are still using a pre-"Core System Files Downloader" version of RA 😓

RobLoach commented 1 year ago

Meh.... Remove them. They're old.