libretro / mame

MAME - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
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AppleIIGS MAME core Emulation Broken? #472

Open s-ac opened 6 months ago

s-ac commented 6 months ago

I am currently having problems getting RetroArch 1.17.0 with MAME core 0.263 (6d6d21fd) working for Apple IIGS emulation specifically. The core seems to be constantly complaining of a bad rom/disk set preventing loading of the machine. The romset has been verify as good in MAME 0.263 standalone and indeed the system and software are running without issue in MAME standalone. The problem is only being seen with the RetroArch core. I've spent over an hour so far trying to figure out what's wrong and I'm beginning to suspect the problem is with the core itself.

The last time I used the Apple IIGS emulation in MAME core was back in RetroArch 1.10.3 with MAME core 0.251 and everything was working properly then. In fact I dug out my old backup of 1.10.3 and tested it again just now and it's still working fine with the romset and software for IIGS emulation.

I should also mention that other systems are working just fine with the MAME 0.263 core. Original Apple II emulation is all working fine, for instance. This problem is with the Apple IIGS emulation.

Is this a known issues? Has there been some change in function I should be aware of that I am not accounting for? Can anyone else get Apple IIGS working in the current MAME core?

sonninnos commented 6 months ago

You might have better luck by posting the full debug log that shows all parameters the core is trying to launch with.