libretro / mame2003-plus-libretro

Updated 2018 version of MAME (0.78) for libretro. with added game support plus many fixes and improvements
189 stars 109 forks source link

Issue dump #657

Closed meowthed closed 5 years ago

meowthed commented 5 years ago

All games tested on PS4 controller.

birdtry - ball, player, cloud graphics problem bigrun - priority problems, fixed in newer MAME version blueshrk - no targeting reticule boothill - no way to aim gun bowler - trackball sensitivity low, fouls everytime ball crosses dotted line champbb2 - green screen copsnrob - no way to move car cgangpzl - hangs on bootup screen crater - can only move right or left, no way of tuning tank dangerz - moving the turret up/down all the way, screen jumps up/down demoneye - wrong colors dotron - can't move target reticule exterm - high hz sound when booted up finallap - black track findout - wrong colors fourtrax - priority problems gametngk - double sprites, priority problems gstriker - priority problems gslgr94 - menu graphic issue gunbustr - can only move cursor, can't move player hardyard - retroarch crashes when in-game hitme - no card graphic huncholy - doesn't get past bootup minferno - flashing fire graphics ixion - no way to aim turret vshoot - glitchy menu, needs optimizations knckhead - glitchy controls kroozr - right stick doesn't work logger - delayed timing, jitter on player when climbing ladders looping - fluctuating frames m79amb - no targeting reticule machbrkr - glitchy controls & graphics medlanes - bg color should be black montecar - can't shift gear nebulray - bg glitch nyny - fluctuating frames otwalls - racket and player control simultaneously orbit - stuck on select game screen pignewt - stuck on glitched graphic poundfor - can't navigate menu quarterb - stuck on initial input radm - wheel too sensitive radr - stuck on networking check redalert - static noise roadriot - can't turn vehicle rrreveng - wheel too sensitive seawolf - no targeting reticule seawolf2 - no targeting reticule sharkatt - crash by the time game start shuffle - trackball sensitivity low, fouls everytime ball crosses dotted line slither - cmos invalid snakepit - whip and player control simultaneously spcenctr - hooked up the same controls as lightgun/trackball spacefev - can't get past game select spacewar - can't start game sprint4 - can't shift gear starblad - missing graphics subs - can't move player sundance - none of the controls work besides coin and start sws96 - menu graphic issue sws97 - menu graphic issue suzuka8h - road graphic issue suzuka8h2 - road graphic issue, brake lever not hooked up tailg - hooked up the same controls as lightgun/trackball term2 - no targeting reticule tetrisp - double sprites on menus thief - glitched-up walls topsecx - bottom screen cut-off trivquiz - wrong colors trivtwo - wrong colors tron - can't aim in most games turbotag - can't drive down undrfire - no targeting reticule videopin - none of the controls work besides coin and start viper - turret only goes up or down wacko - fire and move control simultaneously warrior - can't move sword aim zwackery - can't hit left or right

*Update - crossed out control issues fixed through mame tab menu

ghost commented 5 years ago

@markwkidd im expecting a lot more posts like this because users no longer have notifications.

@arnoldsecret i went to check the first one in the list and its marked as un-emulated protection

There is no way im hunting and going though all that list when mame used to tell users when they had bad drivers untill it was decided to disable on screen. I do appreciated the list but until the information is presented like it used be im not wasting my time manually looking every one up.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@arnoldsecret use legacy mode and press l3 to access the mame tab menu to see what controls are set for games. and set you controls up there if you dont like how the are. The is no way to do this in none legacy mode unless its direction button or a normal mame button.

ie zwackery dial is mapped to keys z/x just set to something.

I dont know what to tell you none native mode just confuses users its why mame has a tab menu a gui to give people information. It seems RA implemention is hiding functionally, you can get the tab menu back but there is no way to get the game information screens back that was well thought through people should be notified of broken drivers and working like they used to be. It was only changed af few days ago it is what it is though. It no good sending it to a log where users cant see it

ghost commented 5 years ago

Most of the games mentioned on that list are just inputs or analog sensitivity settings that need to be setup by the user on their end, however yes there are some which could be improved and or fixed by backporting code from newer MAME cores problem is we dont have the time to do em all :)

ghost commented 5 years ago

speaking of porting mr acrades i have another pressie for you. Im still testing this as it used in a lot of games.

I updated fm core of the ym to mame 0127 no small task doing this eithe. robocop now has its missing sounds back back ported from.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Brave man!! i always tended to steer clear of soundcores as much as possible due to the testing required afterwards, i updated the YM2151 once then spent days testing every game that used it which was no small number never again :)

So what sounds in Robocop were missing.??

ghost commented 5 years ago

the credits and the sounds when you get an item like bullets ect. Also done a full on ym271 update full chips posted that in another link for you there is a mp3 inside youll hearr teh difference right away all the fm stuff is in it now. That was easy to test only a handful of games

ghost commented 5 years ago

Nice work bigman!! i have no other projects on the go i'd use the code in currently but it'll always be here in this core should anyone want it.

ghost commented 5 years ago

undrfire - no targeting reticule

I could never get the crosshair to show when using MAME on the xbox although i've seen Underfire in later MAME vids on youtube with it, the code is unchanged in the driver so i assume you add it via another method..??

Anyway there is a fake dip linked to vidhrdw/undrfire.c which i think was supposed to hack a crosshair onto the screen in older MAME but all i get is a message on screen no crosshair so im wondering does it show in this core..........

PORT_START  /* Fake DSW */
PORT_BITX(    0x01, 0x00, IPT_DIPSWITCH_NAME | IPF_TOGGLE, "Show gun target", KEYCODE_F1, IP_JOY_NONE )
PORT_DIPSETTING(    0x01, DEF_STR( Yes ) )


ghost commented 5 years ago

@arcadez the code needs to be in the driver usually the video code for this to work. like operation thunderbolt.

here is the code it calls

ghost commented 5 years ago

newer mames seem to have port support for input tags





this is for othunder again

ghost commented 5 years ago

for slither just press player2 start button to save cmos setting it tells you this on the screen

for spacewar check the tab menu its mapped to numeric keypad buttons to start it

spcenctr - hooked up the same controls as lightgun/trackball what exactly do you mean by this this is supposed to be the way it is.

you use the analog device that is right for the controls. start afterburner youll see you can control it with the mouse.or the joystick some analog controls work better on other devices you choose which one you want to use.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@grant2258 yeah i know how the crosshairs are handled by the video code and that underfire doesn't have one setup, i just wasn't sure if there was indeed more general fake crosshair code that could be called from the src and wondered if this wasn't working correctly on the xbox core.

i guess not then :)

Certainly the code is the same for Underfire in later MAME builds so i assume by that point that you can toggle a fake gun target on or off via the MAME options which would explain why the game has em in the YT videos.

/* See if we should draw artificial gun targets */
/* (not yet implemented...) */

if (ioport("FAKE")->read() & 0x1)   /* Fake DSW */
    popmessage("Gunsights on");


ghost commented 5 years ago

term2 - no targeting reticule

Im pretty sure you have to set this up yourself, on first boot of the game there should be screen to configure the guns, or it can be done via the service mode.

ghost commented 5 years ago

hardyard is fixed now was alignment issues.

looping - fluctuating frames can you please explain this works fine here.

@markwkidd you think you can put the driver warning back when you get time its frustrating having to check the driver file each game thanks

meowthed commented 5 years ago

during looping gameplay sometimes it slows down and speeds up at various times.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I never noticed and fps drop you sure its not the effect of gravity emulated in the game or is it random ?

meowthed commented 5 years ago

looping footage

meowthed commented 5 years ago

I'll be closing this one, feel free to reference it.