libretro / melonDS

DS emulator, sorta
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Debug builds fail on Windows/MinGW #186

Open JesseTG opened 1 year ago

JesseTG commented 1 year ago

When building this repo on Windows using the provided Makefile, it fails with a series of errors that look like the following:

C:/tools/msys64/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/12.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: ./src/teakra/src/processor.o:processor.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTIN14MatcherCreatorIN6Teakra11InterpreterELt40960EJ2AtI11EnumOperandI5AlmOpJLS4_0ELS4_1ELS4_2ELS4_3ELS4_4ELS4_5ELS4_6ELS4_7ELS4_8ELS4_9ELS4_10ELS4_11ELS4_12ELS4_13ELS4_14ELS4_15EEELj9EES2_I7MemImm8Lj0EES2_I2AxLj8EEEE5ProxyI11OperandListIJS6_S8_SA_EEEE+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo name for MatcherCreator<Teakra::Interpreter, (unsigned short)40960, At<EnumOperand<AlmOp, (AlmOp)0, (AlmOp)1, (AlmOp)2, (AlmOp)3, (AlmOp)4, (AlmOp)5, (AlmOp)6, (AlmOp)7, (AlmOp)8, (AlmOp)9, (AlmOp)10, (AlmOp)11, (AlmOp)12, (AlmOp)13, (AlmOp)14, (AlmOp)15>, 9u>, At<MemImm8, 0u>, At<Ax, 8u> >::Proxy<OperandList<At<EnumOperand<AlmOp, (AlmOp)0, (AlmOp)1, (AlmOp)2, (AlmOp)3, (AlmOp)4, (AlmOp)5, (AlmOp)6, (AlmOp)7, (AlmOp)8, (AlmOp)9, (AlmOp)10, (AlmOp)11, (AlmOp)12, (AlmOp)13, (AlmOp)14, (AlmOp)15>, 9u>, At<MemImm8, 0u>, At<Ax, 8u> > >'
C:/tools/msys64/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/12.2.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: ./src/teakra/src/processor.o:processor.cpp:(.rdata$_ZTIN14MatcherCreatorIN6Teakra11InterpreterELt32EJEE5ProxyI11OperandListIJEEEE+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo name for MatcherCreator<Teakra::Interpreter, (unsigned short)32>::Proxy<OperandList<> >'

(There are a lot of templates here.)

The full error log is available here.

This occurred on Windows 10, with MinGW. The build command is make DEBUG=1 -j. Linux builds (with or without debug symbols) work fine, as do non-debugging builds on Windows.

JesseTG commented 1 year ago

Ah! It seems that replacing this use of -O0 with -Og solves the problem.