libretro / parallel-n64

Optimized/rewritten Nintendo 64 emulator made specifically for Libretro. Originally based on Mupen64 Plus.
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Custom resolutions #760

Open FailSafeNow opened 1 year ago

FailSafeNow commented 1 year ago

I want more options for resolution. Currently, I only get whole-number multiples of 320 by 240. But with internal 3d rendering, shouldn't we be able to make the resolution anything? Like why can't I render the game at 1024 by 768?

As it is, I can render at 960 by 720, which is smaller than I want, or at 1280 by 960, which is too big. Why isn't there an option between those that I can use? We don't really need whole-number multiples, do we? Shouldn't the program be able to scale to any resolution?

GitMoDu commented 1 year ago

Point to me a cycle-accurate emulator that allows arbirtrary resolution changes and I'll point you to a mad man. There's very good reasons all "native emulators" offers resolution bumps in integer multiples.

And what to you mean too big? Or even too small? Are you trying to fit a 240p image into a crappy LCD's resolution?

Instead of treating emulators like modern games, treat them like emulators: if you upsample 2x, you should also DOWNSAMPLE 2x, so the output image is still 240p, with super-resolution AA.

Then you add a CRT shader to properly represent the picture as it was intended/designed. Bonus points for hooking up a CRT to your PC/whatever and getting the real experience.