libretro / px68k-libretro

Portable SHARP X68000 Emulator for Libretro
GNU General Public License v2.0
45 stars 41 forks source link

core updates #97

Closed negativeExponent closed 4 years ago

negativeExponent commented 4 years ago

- (readability) descriptive cpu defines so branches specific for CYCLONE CPU and C68K are easily identifiable

Darknior commented 4 years ago

WOAW i have request and dream about this option to save "disable saving disk path." !! Thanks a lot my friend :)

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

This is great, thanks!

My only gripe is that the Japanese text in the source files has become mangled @negativeExponent when editing this source I had to force file encoding to Japanese and then leave as is or convert to UTF8. Tricky with most editors but doable.

Over to you @twinaphex

negativeExponent commented 4 years ago

ok. did a force pushed and took out a PR that cause changes to file encoding. This should have now the Japanese texts back

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

Many thanks!

The removed PR was otherwise good

I will try to put together a guide of how best to edit these encoded files

negativeExponent commented 4 years ago

majority of the commonly-edited files should be translated if possible and converted to utf8. if someone would work out the menu boxes too the better

im working on moving the px68k menu options to core options aside from drives and system, and hopefully remove the need for a config file (which would mean last mounted drives wont be saved anymore, might leave that in at least.)

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

majority of the commonly-edited files should be translated if possible and converted to utf8.

Good point. I can't remember why I didn't do that, but there was a reason. No doubt I'll rediscover it - doing the editing guide now.

if someone would work out the menu boxes too the better

Do you mean translate the menu texts?

I have that in an old, unpushed fork. (I had also added persist disks as a emulator option rather than RetroArch option.)

Personally, in this instance I believe these emulator options should be moved inside of RetroArch like you have done for persist disks.

Will see what I can do regarding menus.

char twaku_str[]  = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓";
char twaku2_str[] = "┃                                                  ┃";
char twaku3_str[] = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛";

char title_str[] = " SWITCH for PX68K  Version 0.15+";

char pc98_title1_str[] = "SWITCHコマンド    Ver. ";
char pc98_title2_str[] = "──────────────── Copyright (C) hissorii 2013";
char pc98_title3_str[] = "                        (現在の設定値)";

char waku_val_str[][10] = {"KEY", "VALUE"};

char waku_str[]  = "┏━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓";
char waku2_str[] = "┃            ┃                                        ┃";
char waku3_str[] = "┗━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛";

char swaku_str[]  = "┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓";
char swaku2_str[] = "┃                                                        ┃";
char swaku3_str[] = "┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛";

char item_cap[][60] = {"System [ Reset | NMI Reset | Quit ]", "Select [ Virtual Joystick | Virtual Mouse ]", "Floppy Disk 0 [ Replace | Eject ]", "Floppy Disk 1 [ Replace | Eject ]", "Hard Disk 0 [ Replace | Eject ]", "Hard Disk 1 [ Replace | Eject ]", "Set frame skip [ Auto | Full | 1/n ]", "Set output frequency of sound (restart required)", "Adjust size of Virtual Joystick and Virtual Button", "Swap the position of the Virtual Button", "Configure Physical Controller", "Set Unthrottled Mode [ Off | On ]", "Set JoyKey [ Off | On ]", "Set Persist Disks [ Off | On ]"};

#if defined (PSP)
#define CAP_BTN_STR "[○] button"
#elif defined (ANDROID)
#define CAP_BTN_STR "[TRG1] button"
#define CAP_BTN_STR "[Return] key"

char item_cap2[][50] = {"↑↓ to select, "CAP_BTN_STR" to choose", "↑↓ to select, "CAP_BTN_STR" to choose", " to choose, "CAP_BTN_STR" to choose", " to choose, "CAP_BTN_STR" to choose", " to choose, "CAP_BTN_STR" to choose", " to choose, "CAP_BTN_STR" to choose", "↑↓ to select", "↑↓ to select", "↑↓ to select", "↑↓ to select", "↑↓ to select, then press physical controller", "↑↓ to select", "↑↓ to select", "↑↓ to select"};
gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

@negativeExponent for your reference: Working with Japanese encoded source files (macOS)

I will now prepare a PR with mass conversion of text encoding and we'll see how it looks.

gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

majority of the commonly-edited files should be translated if possible and converted to utf8.


gingerbeardman commented 4 years ago

if someone would work out the menu boxes too the better

What do you mean @negativeExponent?