libretro / retroarch-assets

Assets needed for RetroArch - e.g. menu drivers, etc. Also contains the official branding.
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Added and updated Ozone/Monochrome icons #432

Open Jaffacakelover opened 2 years ago

Jaffacakelover commented 2 years ago

All my pending icons for Retroarch's Ozone and Monochrome themes.

New icons for cores:

Updated icons for cores:

New icons for GUI:


baxysquare commented 2 years ago

I really like the quality and consistency in the icons of the designs. @Jaffacakelover has done some excellent work as usual.

My primary concern would be use of some logos in the designs. I worry that someday, Big Game companies might deliver a cease and desist for trademark infringement. There are lots of projects in the scene that are much more egregious, but Libretro might make for a higher profile target. That's probably a larger decision for the Libretro project leadership to weigh in on. Historically, @kivutar leaned toward leaving logos off of Monochrome icons unless it was absolutely necessary. I've always tried to follow that lead.

I'm also not sure if all these icons should be contributed to Monochrome. This also has me questioning my recent contributions as well. Since Monochrome is the primary foundational set, the icons that are there are because they're listed in the Libretro database, they are a part of the No-Intro Dat-O-Matic or they provide some sort of functionality to the UI/UX. This set should focus on providing the project with all the necessary icons needed for current full functionality, along with icons for cores and functions that may be added in the immediate future. Nothing more and nothing less.

Because it is the baseline set, I've always felt like any subsequent contributed theme should have 1-to-1 parity in order to properly qualify as a full set. That way, if an end user changes from Monochrome, it doesn't leave them with an ugly missing icon. It also means we should be careful to add only what is necessary for functionality.

For the last little while, I've been trying for a while to bring Monochrome up to relative parity with FlatUX in anticipation that cores might be added in the future. But reviewing this PR helps me realize that objective is flawed and I have "taken my eye off the ball" of that core focus. In response to that self-criticism, I just opened Issue #433. That way, contributors to this repository as well as developers from the full team can weigh in and let us know what needs to be added and perhaps, what needs to be removed or left out of Monochrome.

Jaffacakelover commented 2 years ago

I've removed "unnecessary" icons from this pr (see image, updated). ('Atari - Falcon' and 'Apple - Macintosh II' could still get cut). I can look at #433 and list "unnecessary" Monochrome/Ozone icons in the current repo.

I've also marked on the image which icons in this pr contain company logos. There are many icons in the repo's themes that use logos already. Official console logos are also used on the Download page of the Retroarch website! As you say, a discussion for higher-ups. I can look at #433 and list Monochrome/Ozone icons that use logos in the current repo.

I set out updating icons over all themes at once (for parity) but hit a snag in the previous commits over the handling of NeoActive / RetroActive / RetroSystem themes (which were set to be merged into FlatUX). Is this now resolved? How do you think's best to proceed with these updates? Is it better to:

  1. Update baseline themes only (first)? (Ozone, Monochrome)
  2. Update all themes at once?
  3. Update all themes except FlatUX at once?
baxysquare commented 2 years ago

I'd say option 1, with a few twists.

Updating Monochrome is the A-1 priority for contributors. Since it's the primary baseline, it needs to be a complete set upon every release. Icons for UX functionality and soon-to-be-added cores take precedence. From there, work from the #433 to-do list based on the Libretro database, and the No-Intro Dat-O-Matic to help forge ahead.

The next priority would be to work toward merging Monochrome and Ozone into what should become a #341 universal theme as well as the de-facto baseline theme. Perhaps we should call it "Monozone" when all is said and done. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Last but not least, the community needs to decide if FlatUX is a "baseline theme" worthy of fulfilling the intended goal of #17 blazed by @gouchi and @kivutar. FlatUX could really use someone to take the lead by refining and blending the existing work, if you feel so inclined. We're ready to "pass the baton."

Up to this point, Monochrome and FlatUI have been the themes where the community contributes. To my knowledge, all the other themes have been end-to-end creations by a single author. There haven't been any outside contributors, so you're blazing new trails by attempting to contribute to them all. Hopefully that helps to explain one of the reasons I've encouraged you to create your own theme.

fpscan commented 2 years ago

Hi @baxysquare

So is it ready to be merged?


Any comment on @baxysquare concerns in the above comments

My primary concern would be use of some logos in the designs. I worry that someday, Big Game companies might deliver a cease and desist for trademark infringement.

LibretroAdmin commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

Does this PR become obsolete by this one, or does this one still serve a purpose?

Just asking.

Jaffacakelover commented 1 year ago

Yes, this commit has different files to #435, so adding both would be desired.

RobLoach commented 12 months ago

I'm really liking these! :fire:

baxysquare commented 10 months ago

It appears the branch for this PR has conflicts that need to be resolved.

Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 8 46 26 AM

Jaffacakelover commented 10 months ago

The two Apple files aren't in my fork? Are they conflicting with another pull request?

baxysquare commented 10 months ago

That is incredibly weird. The issue with the Philips CDi has been resolved but the Macintosh files still won't resolve with this pull or with #456, at least on my end. I've tried opening in GitHub Desktop and it will let me preview and create another pull request that says it's able to merge, but I'm guessing that will cause more problems, rather than solve them.

@fpscan or @LibretroAdmin is this something you could help us with? Thanks for your patience as I'm clearly not a "GitHub master."

WizzardSK commented 6 months ago

Can we merge this? Btw, I suggest to rename Arduboy to "Arduboy Inc - Arduboy" according to database.

baxysquare commented 6 months ago

On my end, it appears the branch for this PR still has conflicts that need to be resolved. I've tried doing so in the Desktop app without success, and I have limited command line access.

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 8 51 43 AM