libretro / retroarch-joypad-autoconfig

RetroArch joypad autoconfig files
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Dual Sense PS5 controller issue on Nvidia Shield Pro #841

Open RudyBzhBzh opened 2 years ago

RudyBzhBzh commented 2 years ago


Following the issue/PR Issue #817 , the associations are not correct for me.

Here is what I have with my two Dual Sense 5 connected (wireless or wired) to an Nvidia Shield Pro :

input_player1_b_btn = "96"
input_player1_y_btn = "99"
input_player1_select_btn = "4"
input_player1_start_btn = "108"
input_player1_a_btn = "97"
input_player1_x_btn = "100"
input_player1_l_btn = "102"
input_player1_r_btn = "103"
input_player1_l2_btn = "104"
input_player1_r2_btn = "105"
input_player1_l3_btn = "106"
input_player1_r3_btn = "107"

Other values are correct for me (I'm just not sure for "PS Button", because, for me, it quits retroarch so I can't get it's value)

If I manually set the above values in retroarch.cfg for player1 and player2 :

BUT I can't use the 2nd remote in retroarch menu because "A button" is to validate and "B button" is like not affected.

Strangely, the native Shield Pro remote (not the controller) seems to be misaffected also : the "back button" is to validate (like "B button") and the "Select button" is to go back (like "A button"), whereas it should be inverted to be more « natural ». Edit : just discovered the PR 839 trying to solve this specific point… but seems not as simple…

I'm really lost about this... any idea of what it could be ? Ask me for more informations if needed.

Thanks a lot.

Saberwolf64 commented 2 years ago

like i said before please post in english go to your settings menu


click drivers


this tell RA what drivers it needs to use for the operating system but just for speed fallow the fallowing pics

image image

just verify what drivers are being used have you updated everythihng you could on the nvidia shield if you have not updated or pulled the configs from the website your contollers wont work go to online updater and update controller profiles should get you the latest auto configs

if they dont work make to change where you save your config and put it in a User accesable space so you can make changes to config. image

RudyBzhBzh commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that was the pictures I gave (but in French). Here they are in English : image image As I told, I have no other choice than « Android ».

I changed the joypad_autoconfig_dir to put it where I can see and manage it on my Shield. The folder was empty at the first launch of RA (normal).
I made an « Update Controller Profiles », all profil files were imported in this folder, like « Dual Sense 5.cfg » (I guess I have to go in « Android » directory, cause it’s the driver in use).

I went to my « Port 1 control » to make a « Save Controller Profile » (with the buttons correctly affected for me). The file is correctly saved and here is it’s content : image

Next, I modified it to add an personnal display name « DualSense 5 PERSO ». But at RA startup, when I click on my controller, it shows « Dual Sense 5 » detected and not the PERSO one. So my settings are not loaded (probably the reason why I can’t set port 1 controller to default and have plug & play working…)

I could also probably modify « Dual Sense 5.cfg » or delete it to have the PERSO one loaded, but the next time I update controller profiles or for other users not aware of this issue, it will probably not work.

I can see that you are using « xinput » driver and not « Android » driver… could/should it be different « dual sense 5.cfg » files by driver ? (Or am I the only one with this issue !?)


bokkoman commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. In the default menu it works. When i switch to xmb, i cant with with the controller at all. Did all the online updating.