libretro / slang-shaders

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Handheld Gameboy Border shader issue #574

Closed Elrasiel closed 2 months ago

Elrasiel commented 2 months ago

This happened to me recently on the SteamDeck after updating and resetting configurations via EmuDeck. Gameplay is way too zoomed in but it’s only with these handheld border shaders. Any other shaders that use auto-scaling like Mega Bezels display fine. most_recent (1)

nfp0 commented 2 months ago

What happens when you change the Video Scale parameter?

hizzlekizzle commented 2 months ago

Looks to me like it's getting a 4x prescale from somewhere. Maybe a video filter is enabled in an override?

Elrasiel commented 2 months ago

Looks to me like it's getting a 4x prescale from somewhere. Maybe a video filter is enabled in an override?

Thanks! The 4x prescale gave me a clue and I noticed under Video Filter it was set to Normal4x.filt Disabled it and everything went back to normal. Not sure if it’s EmuDeck that sets this by default when resetting config.

hizzlekizzle commented 2 months ago

eyyy, nice. If you're all set, I'm gonna close this one out.