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The SDL3 Examples Megathread #10350

Open icculus opened 2 months ago

icculus commented 2 months ago

The Idea

I've just added an "examples" directory to SDL3.

Things in here are intended to be official example code that we endorse.

As an added bonus, things in here automatically go to the web on each commit! Like this:

...shows up here automatically, as a runnable web app, with the syntax-highlighted (and wiki-linked!) source code below it:

Read the docs here:

There is a lot to be done, so I'll be updating this checklist, but the short of it is currently:

Examples wishlist:








Message box:







OpenGL and Vulkan:



Help wanted

If people have ideas for specific examples, big or small, please add a comment. General feedback is welcome, too.


icculus commented 2 months ago

I'm currently working on plugging this into CMake, so people can optionally build these like they do the tests. They are intended to work on anything SDL builds for, not just the web.

Semphriss commented 2 months ago



icculus commented 2 months ago

We are wired into CMake and CI. Apologies to @madebr who is probably cringing at what I've done.

icculus commented 2 months ago


Save us, @Semphriss! We definitely need the specific pages (like this one to not look like crud, but also literally anything would look nicer in the parent directories.

I can automate the generation of whatever page, I just need something that looks good to generate. :)

icculus commented 2 months ago

(What prompted this was but I'm not trying to exactly duplicate that.)

flibitijibibo commented 2 months ago

Our examples for the GPU API:

icculus commented 2 months ago

We'll definitely pull those in with GPU work.

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

@icculus I'm working on it, where would be the best place for me to ask questions and show my progress?

icculus commented 2 months ago

Right here is perfect!

Semphriss commented 2 months ago


Some ideas I've had while working on the design:

I'm not exactly sure what level of fancy is suitable for SDL, so I'm making a few different templates and I'll ask for feedback when ready so we can discuss the good and bad in each version.

icculus commented 2 months ago

So I hid the console because it's ugly by default and it was just sort of wedged in there, but it would be useful to have it, so we can have text dynamically show up while examples are running. If you can make it not suck, we can definitely turn it back on.

slouken commented 2 months ago

So I hid the console because it's ugly by default and it was just sort of wedged in there, but it would be useful to have it, so we can have text dynamically show up while examples are running. If you can make it not suck, we can definitely turn it back on.

That would be nice also so we can switch back to SDL_Log() for errors instead of popping a messagebox.

Would it be possible to have something auto-show if there's log output, but hidden otherwise?

icculus commented 2 months ago

Would it be possible to have something auto-show if there's log output, but hidden otherwise?

Yes, there's a Javascript function that gets called when there's console output, which we provide in our template.html; we can easily have it display only when there's output, but we still need the console to not suck first. :)

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

Here's an example of what I did with the console for SuperTux:

I'd like to post screenshots to avoid the humongous download of the game, but my browser stubbornly refuses to load the game. If anybody can grab screenshots/a video of the console and could post it here, it would be appreciated.

It appears not to be working, nevermind.

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

I've made three templates to see which direction I should take next. Since I wasn't testing with an actual SDL example program, I made the canvas light blue. In all three versions, the canvas can be made to fill the size it can occupy (half the screen in the first template and the whole screen in the latter two).

A basic grid-cut interface (I can rearrange the grid as preferred, for example if the code needs more space and the canvas less): Screencast from 2024-07-23 05:07:31 PM.webm

A more dynamic drawer-based template, probably best suited for interactive examples: Screencast from 2024-07-23 05:07:45 PM.webm

A different drawer-based version; the code takes the place of the console, and the console is removed: Screencast from 2024-07-23 05:08:06 PM.webm

Which ideas in there are good and which ones are bad? I'll make further templates based on feedback.

slouken commented 2 months ago

I think it's good to see the console output. Maybe a combination, where the code and console are tabs in the bottom area?

smcv commented 2 months ago

I'm currently working on plugging this into CMake, so people can optionally build these like they do the tests

Would it be OK for the build system to grow an option similar to SDL_INSTALL_TESTS to install the examples and their required resource files - perhaps into ${libexecdir}/installed-tests/SDL3 alongside the automated and manual tests, or into ${libexecdir}/SDL3-examples or something - so that distro packagers can easily use them as a smoke-test to confirm that an updated SDL still basically works?

I think it would be wrong to install the examples into the ${bindir} on Unixish systems, because they aren't namespaced (they have names like audio-load-wav rather than sdl3-example-audio-load-wav) and some of them want to load resource files from the directory containing the executable; but somewhere below ${libexecdir} seems appropriate.

(In the .deb packaging I'll probably include them in libsdl3-tests rather than introducing a separate package for examples, because every time we add a new .deb we have to go through a time-consuming review process. The sample programs in SDL_image and SDL_mixer are already packaged similarly to this.)

flibitijibibo commented 2 months ago

Planning on moving the SDL_GPU examples to the new folder soon - we do have one small issue, which is that we depend on stb_image to load HDR images for our tonemapping examples. Adding HDR support to SDL_image would just cause a circular dependency, so are there any preferences on how this is addressed?

We also use SDL_gpu_spirvcross.h at the moment but we could change that to be more like testgpu eventually.

slouken commented 2 months ago

Planning on moving the SDL_GPU examples to the new folder soon - we do have one small issue, which is that we depend on stb_image to load HDR images for our tonemapping examples. Adding HDR support to SDL_image would just cause a circular dependency, so are there any preferences on how this is addressed?

SDL_image already has HDR support for loading AVIF files, and can be extended to other formats if needed. Does that help?

flibitijibibo commented 2 months ago

It does a little bit; how do we address the build order though? It would have to be SDL -> Image -> Examples, which could be an issue for CI in particular.

slouken commented 2 months ago

Yeah, we probably don't want circular dependencies for anything in the main SDL build. There's an SDL test program that has an optional dependency on SDL_ttf, but can be built (or skipped) if that's not available. If you are already using stb_image.h, that seems fine to include in the examples in the SDL repo.

icculus commented 2 months ago

Would it be OK for the build system to grow an option similar to SDL_INSTALL_TESTS to install the examples and their required resource files

Would this be useful? Like a package maintainer gets a bug report and says "okay, can you run $X/audio-simple-playback and see if it makes any sound at all?" If so, sure, why not? But if not, I'd think it would just be junk taking up space, honestly.

(But also, yes, "sdl3-" file prefix or not, let's definitely not ever install these into a bindir that's in the $PATH!)

icculus commented 2 months ago

I think it's good to see the console output. Maybe a combination, where the code and console are tabs in the bottom area?

I think the third example looked best, if there is a nice way for the console and source to share that space.

Also, I was surprised to learn SDL_Log doesn't write to the Emscripten console (just the JavaScript console you can get at with F12). Stdout goes to the Emscripten console, SDL_Log should probably write to that in addition to the JavaScript console.

madebr commented 2 months ago

Would this be useful? Like a package maintainer gets a bug report and says "okay, can you run $X/audio-simple-playback and see if it makes any sound at all?" If so, sure, why not? But if not, I'd think it would just be junk taking up space, honestly.

Additionally, we can install the example source code to e.g. /usr/share/doc/SDL3/examples I'm not sure people will find it.

smcv commented 2 months ago

Would this be useful? Like a package maintainer gets a bug report and says "okay, can you run $X/audio-simple-playback and see if it makes any sound at all?" If so, sure, why not? But if not, I'd think it would just be junk taking up space, honestly.

I'd only consider enabling installation of the examples (or the tests!) in distributions like Debian that normally split a source package (like SDL) into several installable binary packages (shared library, -dev, -doc, -tests, ...), in which case they don't take up any space on end user systems unless the user explicitly does an apt install libsdl3-tests or equivalent.

In distributions like Arch and Gentoo that usually don't split a source package like that, I wouldn't want to enable installation of examples or tests, because in those distributions they would be junk taking up space on end-user systems.

I'm less thinking about using the examples for diagnosis on end-user systems, and more thinking about using them as a smoke-test for the maintainer and contributors (for example porters on non-x86 architectures wanting to know whether SDL is successfully runnable on their architecture). With SDL 2, there are lots of games that I can use as a smoke-test ("can I still play OpenArena? if yes, ship it") but because SDL 3 doesn't have a stable API/ABI yet, I've found the manual tests to be a useful way to confirm that new snapshots are basically working as intended: for example, that they can still open an X11 or Wayland window and draw into it, they can still output sounds, they can still detect my gamepad and so on.

If the tests are intended to already cover basically all of the functionality that the examples do, then having the tests be installable is sufficient, and there's no real need for the examples to be installable as well.

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

I think it's good to see the console output. Maybe a combination, where the code and console are tabs in the bottom area?

I think the third example looked best, if there is a nice way for the console and source to share that space.

I've made another template: Screencast from 2024-07-28 04:26:15 PM.webm

I've kept the tabs separated, but I can combine them into one single tab if necessary. I can also rearrange the tabs, or make pretty much any other modification as wanted.

I can check to make sure the console output works once the template is chosen.

slouken commented 2 months ago

I like that! Can we put the source code on the left and the console on the right and make the tabs larger?

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

I wasn't sure if larger tabs implied larger fonts, so I did that as well. It's easy to undo if the font size was already correct.


icculus commented 2 months ago

I love this.

icculus commented 2 months ago

Anyhow, point me towards the html/css/js when you're ready and I'll integrate it, and we can work out of revision control after that.

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

Anyhow, point me towards the html/css/js when you're ready and I'll integrate it, and we can work out of revision control after that.

Is it fine if I open a PR?

I can also just drop the file here, it's not very big.

icculus commented 2 months ago

Either is fine; this is examples/template.html in the source code if you want to do a PR.

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

@icculus I've opened #10424 with the template :slightly_smiling_face:

icculus commented 2 months ago

Merged! Now the examples look like this:

Looks good!

slouken commented 2 months ago

Just a little feedback:

slouken commented 2 months ago

Also, @icculus, do we want some kind of intro or description or something for each example?

icculus commented 2 months ago

We could just have the build script put the first comment in the source code at the top of the page...

icculus commented 2 months ago

I added a thing to show a description in 6a25e94472291e77d3b00d32899f21fdd1f1c9d7. Not sure if I like it, but it works:

slouken commented 2 months ago

I added a thing to show a description in 6a25e94. Not sure if I like it, but it works:

I'm not sure I like it either. I was thinking maybe a simple title, centered or in the upper left?

icculus commented 2 months ago

I moved it up there in 69a2d7960cef29d1cda4283c9744c6d349e5e0b3, but currently the canvas is covering it. I'll let someone else fix the CSS on this one.

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

@icculus I opened #10429 with the fixes :)

icculus commented 2 months ago

I've updated the original comment with wishlists of examples worth building. Some are super vague and not all of them are necessarily worth doing. There are still gaps (in some cases because they aren't web-friendly, but that shouldn't stop us from writing them). Please bring in ideas for little examples that I've missed!

I'm probably not writing all of these examples myself, if others want to jump in, and I have an SDL3 work backlog, so I can't really get focused on this right away in any case.

Semphriss commented 2 months ago

Would it be relevant to have some "Default SDL template with example of all standard functions" kind of example? I'm thinking of features like SDL_SetAppMetadata that would be useful to know and (possibly?) to be used more in apps, but that I didn't know about because I just never thought of looking for that and I didn't see it anywhere in other apps.

Just the most basic introduction to the different available features would be enough, so that people know what SDL provides that may be relevant for them but that isn't easy to discover by randomly browsing the documentation.

slouken commented 2 months ago

Do we want to reach out to 8Observer8 and include any of his examples?

icculus commented 2 months ago

I'm not aware of 8Observer8's examples, is there a link I can look at?

icculus commented 2 months ago

Would it be relevant to have some "Default SDL template with example of all standard functions" kind of example?

I think so. I've been avoiding putting this in to keep the code as small as possible, but we should definitely do an example that does app metadata.

slouken commented 2 months ago

I'm not aware of 8Observer8's examples, is there a link I can look at?

There are a bunch of SDL3 web demos here:

smcv commented 2 months ago

Would it be relevant to have some "Default SDL template with example of all standard functions" kind of example? I'm thinking of features like SDL_SetAppMetadata that would be useful to know and (possibly?) to be used more in apps, but that I didn't know about because I just never thought of looking for that and I didn't see it anywhere in other apps.

If we expect game developers to be adding this sort of thing when they port to SDL3, then I think an example that does it would be good. It might also be good to have a "New features that every game should consider using" section in README.migration.

Perhaps the recently-added Snake game could be a good place to put this sort of thing, as the only one (so far) that is a complete playable game that is integrated with all the subsystems that make sense for it, rather than just an example of a single feature?

In particular, increasingly many features on Linux (or more specifically the X11, Wayland, D-Bus, ecosystem) want every app to have a unique reversed-domain-name app ID and will not work otherwise - so I think that should be a recommendation when porting games that can run on Linux to SDL3. In example code, I think it should be more like com.example.Snake rather than org.libsdl.Snake, to avoid game developers mistakenly getting the idea that they ought to be calling their game something like org.libsdl.Doom (we saw this in the early history of D-Bus, where most of the early APIs were part of, so some app developers got the idea that they should be claiming pieces of's namespace for themselves, instead of correctly using their own domain names).

DarkKapla commented 1 month ago

I think it should be more like com.example.Snake rather than org.libsdl.Snake, to avoid game developers mistakenly getting the idea that they ought to be calling their game something like org.libsdl.Doom

maybe com.libsdl-example.Snake? ;D

Also, I've just play that snake game and I thought the food cells were too dark blue. I suggest brightening the color up so to better see the cells on the black background.

smcv commented 1 month ago

maybe com.libsdl-example.Snake?

Not unless you happen to own, which you don't (at least according to whois).