libtcod / python-tcod

A high-performance Python port of libtcod. Includes the libtcodpy module for backwards compatibility with older projects.
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TypeError: '_AudioCallbackUserdata' object is not callable #128

Closed splatpope closed 1 year ago

splatpope commented 1 year ago

``I am trying to repeatedly play a very small sound sample (1/60th of a second) using tcod's module.

Since I am having trouble synchronizing the audio buffer, I decided to try the pull approach with a callback.

Here is a minimal example :

import tcod
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

device =

sample_rate = device.frequency
n_samples = device.buffer_samples
duration = n_samples // sample_rate


t = np.linspace(0, duration, n_samples, endpoint=False)
wave = signal.square(t * 2 * np.pi * 440).astype(device.format)
wave = device.convert(wave)

def pull_wave(device:, stream: np.ndarray): =

device.callback = pull_wave

And here is the error I am getting (same as with the more complicated usage inside my application) :

Exception ignored from cffi callback <function _sdl_audio_callback at 0x00000181C7418D30>:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Splatpope\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python39\site-packages\tcod\sdl\", line 486, in _sdl_audio_callback
    data: _AudioCallbackUserdata = ffi.from_handle(userdata)()
TypeError: '_AudioCallbackUserdata' object is not callable
forrtl: error (200): program aborting due to control-C event
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
libifcoremd.dll    00007FFF7C4BDF54  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
KERNELBASE.dll     00007FFFD5A929F3  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
KERNEL32.DLL       00007FFFD66E7614  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
ntdll.dll          00007FFFD81E26A1  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Platform : Windows 10 Python version : 3.9.13 tcod version from pip : 15.0.1

Notes :

HexDecimal commented 1 year ago

I've fixed the TypeError, this is my version of your example which will run on the next release of tcod:

import math
import time
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from scipy import signal  # type: ignore[import]


VOLUME = 0.04

class PullWave:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.time = 0.0

    def __call__(self, device:, stream: NDArray[Any]) -> None:
        sample_rate = device.frequency
        n_samples = device.buffer_samples
        duration = n_samples / sample_rate
        print(f"{duration=} {self.time=}")

        t = np.linspace(self.time, self.time + duration, n_samples, endpoint=False)
        self.time += duration
        wave = signal.square(t * (math.tau * 440)).astype(np.float32)
        wave *= VOLUME

        stream[:] = device.convert(wave)

with as device:

I smoothed the waveform and reduced the volume. Sorry for the lack of documentation around this, you seemed to have done pretty well in spite of that.

I'm also interested in what you were having trouble with before you switched to callbacks.

splatpope commented 1 year ago

Finally, are you meaning to say that the error is already fixed, and will not be present in the next version of tcod ? EDIT : I've looked at the current state of tcod/sdl/ and it seems to be the case

In this case, can you tell me when it will release and be available on pypi? Alternatively, how could I be able to install the current codebase ? (I suppose the easiest way would be to clone, build, install local package with pip)

HexDecimal commented 1 year ago

You're correct, you do want to be careful what you do in the audio callback. I did it this way to keep artifacts out of the waveform. Better math could be used to make a looping pattern instead.

I still need to look into push vs pull. I leaned towards push because Python doesn't like it as much when it gets called into from C, but that seems to work a little better since I starting passing exceptions to the unraisable hook. The mixer I experimented with can probably be modified to work with the pull method. Keep in mind that with either method you'll have to worry about the Python GIL and that most large Numpy operations will release the GIL for their duration. Any pure-Python implementation of audio handling is going to fall behind in performance, so try to do as much with Numpy as possible.

I already made new a release on PyPI, then I made another release with more bugfixes. If you got it from pip before, then you can upgrade your installation with: pip install -U tcod.