Some notes about some odd behavior in the toolkit window in relation to the Definition Browser.
-- Toolkit window with the Definition Browser open.
1) In some case, when selection a toolkit entry, the search field in the Definition Browser(DB) is changed.
-- _argc | argc, adds (after the default clearing of the search field) "1" to the DB search field.
-- _generate | matrix_gaussian_blur, adds "2" to DB search field.
-- _convert | to_list, adds "x" to DB search field.
2) In some other cases, on selecting a DB list entry, a additional jump seem to be made to a other Toolbar entry.
-- Colour | cast_float, jumps to Colour | Colour_similar_item.
-- _convert | to_list, same. (apparently a additional linefeed is send after the initial "x" to the search field.
Some notes about some odd behavior in the toolkit window in relation to the Definition Browser.
-- Toolkit window with the Definition Browser open.
1) In some case, when selection a toolkit entry, the search field in the Definition Browser(DB) is changed. examples: -- _argc | argc, adds (after the default clearing of the search field) "1" to the DB search field. -- _generate | matrix_gaussian_blur, adds "2" to DB search field. -- _convert | to_list, adds "x" to DB search field.
2) In some other cases, on selecting a DB list entry, a additional jump seem to be made to a other Toolbar entry. examples: -- Colour | cast_float, jumps to Colour | Colour_similar_item. -- _convert | to_list, same. (apparently a additional linefeed is send after the initial "x" to the search field.
(nip2-7.30.1d, Windows Xp + Vista)