libwww-perl / HTML-Parser

The HTML-Parser distribution is is a collection of modules that parse and extract information from HTML documents.
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Incorrect tokenization in HTML::Parser [ #83570] #14

Open oalders opened 4 years ago

oalders commented 4 years ago

Migrated from (status was 'open')



From on 2013-02-23 17:43:32 :

Hi Gisle,

First, thank you for all of your huge contributions to Perl over the years!

I've discovered a site ( that has HTML that HTML-Parser does not tokenize correctly.

Envs (tried on two machines, same results):

*         HTML::Parser (3.65 and 3.69)

*         Perl 5.14.2, and 5.10.1

*         'full_uname' => 'Linux 2.6.18-238.37.1.el5 #1 SMP Fri Apr 6 13:47:10 EDT 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux',

*         'os_distro' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.9 (Tikanga) Kernel \\r on an \\m<file:///\\m>',

*         'full_uname' => 'Linux idx02 #1 SMP Tue May 8 11:09:22 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux',

*         'os_distro' => 'Fedora release 15',

I'm attaching a representative page. The page came from:

The problem seems to occur around the HTML:
                                <iframe height="0" width="0" style="display:none; visibility:hidden;"

I've added some debugging to the HTML::TokeParser::get_tag sub so it looks like:
use Data::Dumper;
sub get_tag
    my $self = shift;
    my $token;
    while (1) {
    $token = $self->get_token || return undef;

        warn "Checking token: [".Dumper($token)."]";

    my $type = shift @$token;
    next unless $type eq "S" || $type eq "E";
    substr($token->[0], 0, 0) = "/" if $type eq "E";
    return $token unless @_;
    for (@_) {
        return $token if $token->[0] eq $_;

I've tried both version 3.65 and 3.69 of HTML::Parser, which both produce the same results. They produce output in the "output" attachment. You can see on like 290 of the output that it is tokenizing almost the entire page after the iframe as one big text blob.

Thanks again,


Carl Eklof
CTO @ Blosm Inc.<>
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From on 2015-01-04 01:23:37 :

I've been seeing this with some code I'm working on soon.

To summarize this very simply, it seems like HTML::TokeParser does something weird when a tag contains a self-closing slash. If the tag is written as "<hr/>" then the parser things the tag is "hr/". If it's written as "<hr />" then we end up with a "/" attribute.

From on 2015-01-04 16:00:15 :

I cloned the repo with the intention of fixing this, but when I looked through the test cases I realized that this behavior is actually tested for.

Gisle, what's up with this? It's not documented, AFAICT, and it really doesn't make much sense.

From on 2016-01-19 00:12:40 :

On Sun Jan 04 11:00:15 2015, DROLSKY wrote:
> I cloned the repo with the intention of fixing this, but when I looked
> through the test cases I realized that this behavior is actually
> tested for.
> Gisle, what's up with this? It's not documented, AFAICT, and it really
> doesn't make much sense.

Perhaps just based on my understanding of what status this had based on this
advice from the XHTML spec.

C.2. Empty Elements

Include a space before the trailing / and > of empty elements, e.g. <br />, <hr
/> and <img src="karen.jpg" alt="Karen" />. Also, use the minimized tag syntax
for empty elements, e.g. <br />, as the alternative syntax <br></br> allowed by
XML gives uncertain results in many existing user agents.

From on 2016-01-19 00:21:34 : seems clear on allowing
this, so feel free to change the tests

From on 2016-01-19 17:34:19 :

Just turning on the "empty_element_tags" option might make the parser behave
the way you expect. It might be that we should just switch the default for this