libwww-perl / WWW-Mechanize

Handy web browsing in a Perl object
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Click Button is not working using WWW::Mechanize Module #274

Closed CS00460960 closed 4 years ago

CS00460960 commented 5 years ago

Please Check the full code i have attached.. Every variable is defined Mech Click issue.txt

Originally posted by @CS00460960 in

oalders commented 5 years ago

Could you do a few things?

Keep in mind that you can create a minimum amount of HTML in a text file and WWW::Mechanize can get the local file. This would allow us to reproduce the issue without needing to connect to a third party service.

Simple example:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Path::Tiny qw( path );
use WWW::Mechanize ();
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;

$mech->get('file://' . path('form.html')->absolute);
print $mech->content;
CS00460960 commented 5 years ago

Please check file I have uploaded -- WWW-Mechanize/Mech Click

oalders commented 5 years ago

I did check the file. Please see the instructions I posted above. I'm asking for the minimum amount of code to identify the problem, with accompanying static HTML. Probably this is a question better asked at