libyal / libewf

Libewf is a library to access the Expert Witness Compression Format (EWF)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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How do I debug performance of deflate in libewf (ewfacquirestream)? #178

Open JustMyGithub opened 1 year ago

JustMyGithub commented 1 year ago

Hey there,

I just built the current version and I notice that compression speed is pretty slow with best (deflate) compression. It starts at about 10MBs and after 10GB it is at about 35-40 MBs. It does not seem to matter whether I use -j 1, -j 12 or -j 50 -- ewfacquire uses about 8-10% of 6x2 cores only. The legacy-build achieves the same performance. I do expect low performance for best compression, of course. However CPU is hardly utilized and so are source and destination drives. If the compression is parallelized (at least for the non-legacy version - why would there be a -j parameter otherwise), what is the bottleneck and can I do something about it using different configuration parameters?


joachimmetz commented 1 year ago

I'm not able to tell, too little information about your configuration, build and the test parameters. The code is considered experimental, you could use normal code profiling tools to see what is going on.

JustMyGithub commented 1 year ago

I understand that non-legacy version is experimental. I tried this version because non-legacy may not be parallelized based on my understanding of the documentation, but as outlined above the performance is about the same.

I do not have experience with code profiling for performance aspects, but I am happy to provide the information you need. I assume the most helpful information is the ./configure summary. May it be useful to use libcthreads instead of pthreads?:

`Building: libcerror support: local libcthreads support: local libcdata support: local libcdatetime support: local libclocale support: local libcnotify support: local libcsplit support: local libuna support: local libcfile support: local libcpath support: local libbfio support: local libfcache support: local libfdata support: local libfdatetime support: local libfguid support: local libfvalue support: local ADLER32 checksum support: zlib DEFLATE compression support: zlib BZIP2 compression support: bzlib libhmac support: local MD5 support: libcrypto_evp SHA1 support: libcrypto_evp SHA256 support: libcrypto_evp libcaes support: local libodraw support: local libsmdev support: local libsmraw support: local GUID/UUID support: check FUSE support: no

Features: Multi-threading support: pthread Wide character type support: no Write support: yes ewftools are build as static executables: no Python (pyewf) support: no Verbose output: no Debug output: no `

joachimmetz commented 1 year ago

I tried this version because non-legacy may not be parallelized based on my understanding of the documentation, but as outlined above the performance is about the same.

This should not be the case, but you might be hitting a yet unimplemented use case. Can you describe step by step:

  1. how you build the code, including attaching config.log
  2. what commands you ran, and the start of their output
  3. other details that might be relevant.

May it be useful to use libcthreads instead of pthreads?:

Libcthreads is a cross-platform wrapper around different thread implementations it uses the pthread (without s) implementation under the hood on some configurations.

JustMyGithub commented 1 year ago

legacy_config.log non-legacy_config.log

  1. In cygwin following so basically:
  2. pbzip2.exe -d --stdout /cygdrive/d/testimage.bz2 | ~/libewf-legacy-main/ewftools/ewfacquirestream -c deflate:best -S 25G -l /cygdrive/k/libewf-legacy.log -d sha256 -t /cygdrive/k/image-legacy

(pbzip2 is not the bottleneck. If I use compression fast for example, the throughput is much higher; for non-legacy i used the same parameters but added -j for testing as written in previous post.; d and k are different drives and hardly utilized, so not the bottleneck either.)

ewfacquirestream 20140815

Using the following acquiry parameters:
Image path and filename:                /cygdrive/k/image-legacy.E01
Case number:                            case_number
Description:                            description
Evidence number:                        evidence_number
Examiner name:                          examiner_name
Notes:                                  notes
Media type:                             fixed disk
Is physical:                            yes
EWF file format:                        EnCase 6 (.E01)
Compression method:                     deflate
Compression level:                      best
Acquiry start offset:                   0
Number of bytes to acquire:             0 (until end of input)
Evidence segment file size:             25 GiB (26843545600 bytes)
Bytes per sector:                       512
Block size:                             64 sectors
Error granularity:                      64 sectors
Retries on read error:                  2
Zero sectors on read error:             no

Acquiry started at: Jan 11, 2023 10:47:33
This could take a while.

Status: acquired 74 MiB (78610432 bytes)
        in 4 second(s) with 18 MiB/s (19652608 bytes/second).

Status: acquired 104 MiB (109379584 bytes)
        in 8 second(s) with 13 MiB/s (13672448 bytes/second).

Status: acquired 134 MiB (140738560 bytes)
        in 12 second(s) with 11 MiB/s (11728213 bytes/second).
Status: acquired 483 GiB (519397568992 bytes)
        in 3 hour(s), 33 minute(s) and 10 second(s) with 38 MiB/s (40613857 bytes/second).


joachimmetz commented 1 year ago

20140815 is the legacy version, was more interested in the output of the experimental version. I'll see if I can reproduce this scenario when time permits

JustMyGithub commented 1 year ago

That is correct. As described above, it does not really make a difference in the output and speed (besides the version number) and I did not want to SPAM. Reproducing it however, I did find out that -j 50 defaults to -j 4 -- I did not notice that before. More than 32 jobs default to 4, so the effective maximum I tried was -12. (Wouldn't it be useful to default to max instead of default if the given parameter is > max?)

In the current test, I observed that legacy has 8-10% CPU util. and non-legacy seems to have slightly more (11-13%)

Here is the start of output for -j 32 with non-legacy

ewfacquirestream 20230101

Using the following acquiry parameters:
Image path and filename:                /cygdrive/k/image.E01
Case number:                            case_number
Description:                            description
Evidence number:                        evidence_number
Examiner name:                          examiner_name
Notes:                                  notes
Media type:                             fixed disk
Is physical:                            yes
EWF file format:                        EnCase 6 (.E01)
Compression method:                     deflate
Compression level:                      best
Acquiry start offset:                   0
Number of bytes to acquire:             0 (until end of input)
Evidence segment file size:             25 GiB (26843545600 bytes)
Bytes per sector:                       512
Block size:                             64 sectors
Error granularity:                      64 sectors
Retries on read error:                  2
Zero sectors on read error:             no

Acquiry started at: Jan 13, 2023 07:45:40
This could take a while.

Status: acquired 70 MiB (74022912 bytes)
        in 4 second(s) with 17 MiB/s (18505728 bytes/second)

Status: acquired 95 MiB (100499456 bytes)
        in 8 second(s) with 11 MiB/s (12562432 bytes/second)

Status: acquired 123 MiB (129859584 bytes)
        in 12 second(s) with 10 MiB/s (10821632 bytes/second)
Status: acquired 12 GiB (13176012800 bytes)
        in 6 minute(s) and 16 second(s) with 33 MiB/s (35042587 bytes/second)