licel / jcardsim
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Exception when loading applet #205

Closed xhanulik closed 11 months ago

xhanulik commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm trying to use OpenFIPS201 applet with jcardsim. However, it seems that I need help to get through. I have CAP file and jcardsim.cfg, but starting the applet with command

java -noverify -cp OpenFIPS201/build/bin:jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard jcardsim.cfg

ends with exception

Exception in thread "main" javacard.framework.SystemException
    at javacard.framework.SystemException.throwIt(Unknown Source)
    at com.licel.jcardsim.base.Simulator.loadApplet(
    at com.licel.jcardsim.base.Simulator.<init>(
    at com.licel.jcardsim.base.Simulator.<init>(
    at com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard.startThread(
    at com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard.<init>(
    at com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard.main(

Do you have any idea what might be causing the problem?

makinako commented 1 year ago

Hi, as I understood the free version of jCardSim doesn't support GlobalPlatform. Since OpenFIPS201 makes use of this for SCP03 and Global CVM support, I'm not sure the cap will install as the dependent packages wouldn't be there. It's been a while since I looked so I may be wrong about this.

xhanulik commented 1 year ago

@makinako thank you. It really looks like the problem is related to GlobalPlatform. I've investigated it bit more and got some better error message from exception saying java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.licel.globalplatform.GpSimulatorRuntime.

licel commented 11 months ago

This functionality (SCP03, Global CVM) is supported in our commercial jCardSim GP product. Please use the contact form to obtain more details.

no-usernames-left commented 3 months ago

@licel Would you be willing to extend a license to the developers of OpenSC to contribute to the ecosystem? This would allow them to improve their CI.