licheedev / Android-SerialPort-Tool

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How to set multiple device path #14

Open ped2019-dev opened 4 years ago

ped2019-dev commented 4 years ago


I have some question about set multiple device path. i saw the dropdownlist device path on UI but it select only one device path. So if I adjust your code (don't you dropdownlist selection) below

use both two device path name same time mDevice.setPath("/dev/ttySC0"); // fix device path name in code , don't use dropdownlist selection mDevice.setPath("/dev/ttySC1");

How can I set multiple device path ? (I have two devices run on same time)

Thank you very much for your kindness

licheedev commented 4 years ago

Just create multi SerialPort instances, and make sure each SerialPort reads data on a separate thread. Encapsulate your SerialPort creatation、reading and writing code into a Worker class like this:

Some refactor with Android-SerialPort-Tool

ped2019-dev commented 4 years ago

I have cloned this project ( but error S__11370732

Do you have any suggestion?

licheedev commented 4 years ago

@ped2019-dev Sorry, I forgot to modify this copy demo. New code separates setDevie() and openSerial().

    public SerialPort open(String devicePath, String baudrateString) {

        mSerialWorker.setDevice(devicePath, Integer.parseInt(baudrateString));

        try {
            return mSerialWorker.openSerial();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
ped2019-dev commented 4 years ago

ok , it runs without error but how to use multiple device path name

I tried to use this code same time below

mOpened_machine1 ="/dev/ttySC0","9600") !=null mOpened_machine2 ="/dev/ttySC1","9600") != null

but it can get data from machine1 but cannot get data from machine2.

How to run both device path name in same time ( I used Serial Worker project that have multiple thread )

licheedev commented 4 years ago

@ped2019-dev You should change your mind and write your own code.

Create multi SerialWorker instances at the same time.

Open these SerialWorkers later.

ped2019-dev commented 4 years ago

ok, I have tried the SerialWorker Project (Door,Card) , it ok for multiple devices ("/dev/ttySC01","/dev/ttySC02") but how to get command and send command in the in this project , I am trying to use the eventbus but not success


licheedev commented 4 years ago

@ped2019-dev DoorSerialWorker and CardSerialWorker are just demo codes, they are not for common usage. Imitate and impletement your own SerialWorkers、SandDatas and RecvDatas.

ped2019-dev commented 4 years ago

ok, I tried to implement SerialWorker on (for sending&receiving Command) but not success . for the Android SerialPort Tool master
I can use this command SerialPortManager.instance().sendCommand("02"); to send data

and use

@subscribe public void OnDataReceived(RecvMessage event){ Log.i("get cmd",event.getCommand()); }

for receiving data.

in this project I don't know how to implement SerialWorker in main activity? Do you have any suggestion?

Thank you